How is balanced?

Well that doesn’t narrow it down. What exactly would you change

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Your team should have used those 2 seconds better then, also the other team should have weaknesses you can focus on with your ridiculously high dmg output and mobility and would also have a weaker tank on their end.

The thing you’re sorta overlooking is that both teams would have weaker tanks, not only needs to get nerfed to somewhere current Rein level, Wins/Zar/Sig should be getting bonked as well.

Ok so really you just want to see tank nerfs all around.

I think tank players saw this coming.

Tanks won’t work with ow1 balancing in 5v5. They’ll be too squishy and fail as their job as the only tank. We want people to want to play tank afterall. That was the major problem in ow1, no one wanted to play anything but dps. It’s why we’re 5v5 now. It’s the whole reason.

I’ll point out that rein has a better win rate than Dva according to the devs. Despite the outrage over this statement, it’s not like it isn’t true. Say what you will about winrate not mattering but it’s not like it isn’t a factor.


does Defense Matrix have 100% uptime outside of your fantasies?

In low ELO the pilot self-staggers.

??? please look at the roster

she’s vulnerable to poke, and it doesn’t matter if it’s not ‘D.Va specific’. It’s a drawback.

I’ve been watching a GM stream to get this weapon charm and have seen it plenty. One of her greatest weaknesses is that, no matter how much you want to believe, she can’t be everywhere at once.

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Honestly, DM can stay as is in my opinion. It’s just the damage and mobility on top of that. If she couldn’t assassinate someone and DM until her boosters came back, I wouldn’t have made this post.

I’m a flex player, this doesnt come from whatever “role-bias” this forums seem to like so much, imo alot of the game is plagued by power-creep and we should cut down in alot of it, forgive my shameless plug but i even made a whole patch idea with a ton of nerfs with the current meta in mind.

Yes I saw it.

Your idea of balance has tank’s overall power level decreased and that just doesn’t align with how single tank plays.

I disagree with the idea that tanks need to be weaker as a whole completely.

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Its a Tracer having worse winrate than Torb sort of problem, cuz of low skill-floor, plus the nature of Zarya being the other OP tank that soft counters her so players that refuse to switch against a Zarya feed really badly.

You saw before i plugged or…?
I think they do, mostly the OP ones though, together with Sombra and Zen discord nerfs and a ton of other dps/supp nerfs they would feel just fine and strong enough imo. can start and stop DM at will. She doesn’t have to commit to every projectile, only the ones that matter. So yes, it’s uptime can be a serious issue.

That purely a skill issue, it’s not really a significant drawback to as a hero.

I am looking. Who else is a viable beam weapon hero against dive?

Ok? Every tank has that issue?

Yes I saw it before lol. Saw it as it was posted.

I expect the devs intend tanks to be at a much higher total power level compared to ow1 due to the new format of course, I just question what tank they’re pointing to as a baseline for this. It certainly isn’t Zarya.
Dva can get a slight nerf as Zarya gets toned down but anything more is a mistake.

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??? You will get demeched if you make a mistake though… You act like dva doesn’t need to use boost to engage and can’t easily be killed before she can retreat. DM only covers one angle and can’t even block everything.

You seem to think dva can just mindlessly boost into the backline and get a 3k every time… like no. Dva is an opportunist. Not to mention that if she flies into the backline the supports can’t heal her easily and the enemy tank can turn around and kill her or kill her backline.

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Oh… i c
It should be somewhere between Rein and Queen i think, since Rein is like the extreme of team protectiion and Queen was literally designed for 5v5, they, i think just missed the mark because they sorta Forgor :skull: to nerf the power-creep first and wrongly overbuffed the tanks to account for OP stuff.

Also i believe if they dont also nerf Winston with this upcoming patch wich doesnt seem like they will, and sufficietnly nerf we will see alot of the scientist around, he should get bonked as well fo sure, then Sig.

That’s exactly what I’m concerned about. Winston becomes noticeable meta. He’s already up there for sure.

I think their wording indicates Zarya gets a proper nerf, Dva gets some cooldown change somewhere (possibly DM recharge), genji gets a passive change.

The thing about DM going from ow1 to ow2 is that it went from 2 to 3 second duration but the recharge remained the same. You effectively get 1.5x the amount of DM for the same regen compared to ow1. If they want to nerf DM at all, this is what I believe should be looked at.

I was being hyperbolic, yes. But still, she’s incredibly oppressive and easily top 2 best tanks in the game.

We’ll c prolly tomorrow, i’m guessing, depending on the nerfs, i’m also betting on the monki alot, hes already so darn good when coordinating a dive, he will dominate when theres no OPAF Zar/ to catch the dive.

Who knows, ive seen the supposedly “leak” about Gengu getting less passive speed, i doubt thats what they will do tbh, much too complicated and dependant on the current passive, wich they said is still in experimetation, they should just decrease his base dmg on shuriken by 1 and increase his spread again, basically, as i said, powercreep revertion.

Yeah, either way, less D.M, i do believe having a longer duration with less regen is the stronger option because of the faster pacing of the game though, so even that kind of matters on how much they want to nerf her.

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All the beam queens remain strong against her. Discord still melts her. Reaper is always good. I don’t think she feels that oppressive personally.

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“Beam queens” you mean Moira and Symm? such strong characters, those two, (Zarya on the other hand…) Discord is OP, good thing she can kill him by looking in his general direction though, shes absolutely opressive on the tank category, when you know how to use her.

Zarya, Sym, Mei and Moira, since they all have attacks she can’t DM. Technically Winston too though I haven’t seen him do a great job at contesting her so far.

I think DM is strong, but other than that she remains the same as in OW1 to me. there’s no “just do this and win” however she can be dealt with