Dream patch - share yours below!

Its been a few weeks and it was very mixed start, there are some things that will not change, like 5v5, f2p model, og ow1 not being playable etc. but there are things which could easily change, post your dream patch below (excluding balance changes for heroes)


  1. Make competitive rank adjustment be 5-10 instead of 7-20, the new system is not too bad, iam kinda enjoying not always being obsessed by SR number, but 7-20 is dragging way too long, especially for 4 comp modes.

  2. Bring back t500 sprays and icons or add new rewards for comp, I dont see any motivation to climb now, only for title which lasts just one season? Nah

  3. Let us see progress of comps, atleast how many wins we have so far before rank adjustment, you cant even see that unless you play and win one game…

  4. Fix career profile… this is obvious, its still completely broken and everything is just wrong

  5. Think about limiting tanks in arcade, arcade is just tank party now, maybe limit to 2 per team? I dont know, this is hard to change without taking freedom of choice, but arcade is not fun anymore with 3-5 tanks in every game…

  6. Bring back voting at the end of the game, i still miss this, it was fun little detail at the end of the games.

  7. Let us see our rank ingame, on the icon of the hero, like before…

  8. Battle pass need to contain coins, 1000-1500, like every other f2p game, i dont see any reason why ow2 needs to be extra greedy…

  9. Locker QOL, let us change weapons between skins on the same hero, let us mark favorite skins and then choose random between them, let us equip weapon charm on multiple heroes maybe by clicking on them.

What else? Maybe i will add your points aswell

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Gut sojourn please…
Im begging over here
Shes everywhere constantly

  • Add post game lobby
  • unlimited endorsements
  • fix career profiles
  • add a better icon system for comb because it’s impossible to see right now
  • nerf SJ, Genji, and Sombra
  • Small Mercy/Brig buffs
  • Zarya nerf, D.va nerf
  • Support sym
  • big DF buffs

There ya go, just a small one.

If we’re talking about “dream” patch, just give me what they promised really:

If I need to “dream smaller”:

  1. Balance patch
  2. Better skin prices, that will actually made people consider buying them. Unlike what we had right now, where’ it’s roughly $20 per skin.
  3. The option to Role Queue for Arcade
  4. I think the “Recent Players” Menu has UI Bug. I hope they fix it soon.

(-) Sombra is removed from the game
(-) Zarya is removed from the game

Remove Hanjo.

But no, really, he needs a rework. Remove the instakill, and instead make him, for example, be able to shoot through shields with reduced damage. It’s a travesty they basically moved him over from OW1 as he was, by far the most cheap and annoying hero.

Also, buff Tracer a little.

I want more social tools (clans, in game tourneys etc, user defined brackets etc). I want better systems to identify cheaters and smurfs. I want them to rebalance Arcade so it’s fun again (for when I don’t want to play Comp).

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Remove the vertical mobility from Sojourn, Increase Rail gun charge time and Lower radius and damage on Disruptor Shot. The way I see it is if she is going to Have Mobility, Zoning-CC, and both Burst and Sustain Damage than they should not all be top Tier.

Expose everyting that was hidden or removed to “reduce toxicity”, doesnt work, never will. People who wanna be toxic always will be in whatever avenue that is, even if its just standing in spawn in protest. Cant take that away can you? Saw a dude running in a circle the other night… So ya, I love stats, rewards, on fire etc, wish it was more accessible. Wish we celebrated people who did well. Would love to see all that again.

  • Move Symmetra into the support slot, bring back auto-aim beam, make Symmetra sound excited as her beam builds up charge (important)
  • Nerf Sojos full charge damage from 130 to 100
  • If Zarya’s bubbles burst, the hero inside takes half of the damage mitigated by the bubble
  • Reduce Dragon Blade’s hitbox to match the actual reach of the sword
  • Lucio’s melee damage ramps up the faster he moves, further encouraging an aggressive playstyle
  • Mei’s ice block can be destroyed, and she dies when it breaks (every hero has a unique reaction to this)
  • Moira’s damage orb sticks to the first enemy it touches
  • Dva’s melee has a short windup time, but has the same knockback as Lucio’s boop
  • Roadhog can hook an ally, and force them to inhale (Moira has a hilarious reaction to this)

Will continue this later

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In the spirit of fairness, lol no


YES! :stuck_out_tongue:

buff ashes scoped damage. 3 shots to kill a squishy is the same as ana and cass.
Put fall off damage in projetiles. The fact kirko’s skinny arm can throw a kunai hard enough or in such a way it doesnt have fall off but a gun cant shoot a bullet that way just doesnt make sense to me.
Remove the slow on syms turrets.
do something about moira & kirko. G
Get rid of the i frames with kirikos cleanse. switch it out for like an instant 120 hp. it is a cleanse not a lamp.
no 76 recoil, if sojourn doesnt have it i dont see why he should. hes worse than her anyway and might give her some competition.
junk 3 mines. i found myself waiting around for the cd alot when playing him
roadhog 6 round mag. i cant count the amount of times a sixth shot would of helped.
Up tracers damage back to 6 per bullet or 175 health. with the supports new passive she could use the extra damage or survivability.

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They restore overwatch 1 and delete overwatch 2
They bring back lootboxes that you earned free.
They get ride of predatory monitization

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