I just fixed all ranked OW balance forever

It just clicked… why don’t we balance off of a hero issues instead of just high elo or low elo?

Think about it for a second if we look at a hero that’s considered OP at low ranks but good at high ranks how do we nerf them without ruining the high elo hero??? We balance off what makes the hero broken in the first place

Ill use Zarya as my first example here
Her bubbles and ability for even low ranked players to generate charge and then easily hit her beam is where a lot of her issues stem from. I want to make bad bubbles more punishable while making her beam harder to hit and allowing for a stronger secondary fire which will benefit high elo players.

  • Charge decay is increased by 25% while bubble is active
  • High burst damage now charges Zaryas bubbles 50% faster (hanzo arrow or dva bomb)
  • Low rates of damage charge zaryas bubbles 25% less (storm arrows or widow smg)
  • Bubbles now last 1.7 seconds down from 2.5 on allies and 1.8 seconds on personal bubble.
  • Cooldown on bubbles is reduced to 9 down from 10.
  • Secondary fire damage increased by 5 splash for every 25 charge gained starting at zero. Im not too sure about this one might be good to try 4 if 5 is too powerful.
  • Primary fire beam size gain reduced by 50% for each tick up in charge
  • Secondary fire explosion radius reduced by 10%

Now, Zarya has an even higher skill floor and ceiling then she does now and low elo players wont be able to exploit their peers bad game sense that lets zarya play without much punishment

Another hero is a similar boat is Orisa and this one is harder since I don’t play her but ill try.

  • Javelin projectile size cut in half

  • Javelin throw and now hit headshots

  • Javelin damage decreased to 5 for a non charged initial impact

  • Javelin projectile drop increased by 10%

  • Javelin spin no longer does damage

  • Damage blocked by Javelin spin now charges javelin throw. At max charge the damage is identical to what it is now (remember headshot damage)

  • Primary fire heat generated scales exponentially up to 15% extra heat generated

  • Spinny ult thing now generates an extra 25 charge a second, now capping out at 250 for max charge. That’s purely a buff bc her ult is awful.

I don’t think I did an amazing job with orisa but I definitely think some of these changes should go through with some more testing. Maybe on an expo card???

I was gonna do hog but Im kinda running out of time so maybe tomorrow.


They already are attempting to balance for all ELOs.

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According to certain select people on the forums, blizzard is Lucifer reincarnate and Zarya is the way they exact their punishment on the playerbase.

I rarely see any complaints about Zarya, except for the Total Mayhem players saying she ruins that mode.