Return Reaper's Damage

Armor was buffed. Brigitte makes whole team unkillable pretty much. UNLESS you play Reaper :smiley:
Or Sombra :sob:

Idk, invisibility is not an easy topic at all to balance, if they go back to timed invisibility she could feel very clunky to play, it definetly makes her less of an invisible character but then she may lose basically what makes her unique.

With the new ping system and stuff, they really gotta take into consideration the fact she gains so much intel by being invisible forever on ur bkline even for non-comming teams and value/ balance her accordingly, wich hopefully is whats gonna happen this upcoming patch.

Realistically speaking, I think she will only receive nerfs to her hack and/or damage output. People rarely talk about anything else, yet I’m a big believer of information being crucial strength. Hanzo would be a lot weaker hero, if he didn’t have Sonic arrow, Widow ultimate can shutdown push for whole duration. Sombra gathers intel really well, especially for herself, since they didn’t get rid off passive, which allows her to see through walls low hp targets. She is better assasin than Genji tbh, really great at finishing low hp targets and staggering people, that are trying to regroup.

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Agreed pretty much, intel is pretty darn valuable, they kinda jumped the gun on the buffs there, As for the nerfs i dont think 25% bonus is the right numbers from the fake leak, if she cant hack the same target for 10s prolly 30% bonus would be just fine.

I’m mostly looking for inability to hack from invis. I think that would greatly reduce frustration from fighting her. If you can react to her hack, then she can have it strong. 4 second cooldown also feels too little. I don’t think gutting hack strength is the way to go, her damage is pretty low for dps. It’s just that hack shredding that keeps her strong, and it’s strong because you basically always fight hacked targets with so little counterplay to it.

Also without Hack shes just invisible Tracer, its what makes her unique, problem is i think that she can keep reapplying it on tanks, the effin silence portion wich is the most frustating part lasts way too long and she deals too much dmg for some1 that can get intel.

If it was me doing the patch:

But the thing about not being able to reapply could also work instead of the Auto-tracking reduction.

I wonder how this would work. If you make hack difficult to land, people may just perma hack tanks lol. Especially, since you also want to make Hack go on cooldown, if she misses.

Sort of i guess, thing is some tanks can simply make her break connection on reaction by blocking it like Rein or Using a mobility cooldown like DF and then you know shes there/cant hack for 4s.

Some immobile non barrier tanks yea… but those should be strong af even when hacked so it wouldnt matter too much, plus those include Orisa/Hog/Queen wich deserves buffs/slight reworks.

Or idk, just have decent tracking on her cuz it wouldnt require headshotting still, makes for a much more balanced and skilled character imo, she also wants tracking for her SMG so its a double wammy.

Okay. Then take away his healing. He doesn’t need to tank a grp almost solo.

I mean I don’t see a reason for them to do that, Reaper is fine atm, I’d rather them focus on Zarya or Symmetra.

Hoh, man, this did numbers since yesterday.

Idk where you’re seeing/have seen Reapers tanking groups solo. Almost laughable.

Without a Zarya on the team he is F-tier.

What GMs are complaining, because they clearly don’t deserve to be at GM.

@OP, to return Reaper’s damage (as requested in subject of your post), simply play gengi and use the deflection skill.

With the absurd amount of general damage reduction that Reaper is having to suffer with right now, his Ultimate charge should absolutely be reduced. Trying to play him now, I am extremely lucky if I can get even 50% through a second ultimate before a game/round is over.

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Increase reapers skill requirement because right now W+M1 into the supports is too easy.

If you are letting a Reaper just W+M1 into your support line, you have some inner problems you need to reflect on.

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Or, hear me out, your entire team is ignoring him because you’re playing QP.

You must have the worst luck or the lowest matchmaking ELO, man. I have also been playing QP and these people don’t just let me get away with that.

Hey Genji is M2+W tbf

maybe you’re not W+M1ing hard enough?

You should W+M1 harder.

…and spacebar(x2) and Shift and E. Wait a minute.

Nice deflection :+1: