Who should be buffed/nerf?

Gut reaction tells me


  • Sojourn
  • Sombra
  • Genji
  • Zarya
  • D.Va
  • Moira
  • DPS passive speed boost removed


  • Doomfist
  • Brigitte
  • Ashe

Just my opinion though.

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dont understand the genji nerf, guy is a diver meta remnant, sword makes him dangerous but ultimately still the same health, focus him quickly and move on

I’ve only been able to play for 2 or 3 days all things considered

Don’t know yet

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He was indirectly buffed three times:

  • DPS passive
  • 5v5 (i.e. much more value of every elim)
  • Removal / reduction of CC

I don’t think he needs heavy nerfs like Sojourn but some adjustments are definitely called for.

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Buff or rework reaper
Nerf Zarya, Dva, Sojurn and Dps passive.

doomfist should prob receive a rework instead of straight up buffs
Kiriko is also overtuned

Plug time

(20 chars)

d.va nerf is weird, shes fine rn. Winston needs a dps buff on ult but thats it. Zarya damage reduction is really bad idea its whats making D.F bad

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Mr. Aaron has stated shes one of the strongest tanks atm, looking at getting nerfed in a upcoming midseason patch :

Winston is also very strong, specially in a skilled/coordinated divey team, should be looking at nerfs specially after D.va/Zar gets bonked too.

What, so you want DF bad and Zarya OP? I see…
Its not even whats keeping DF bad, though i suppose every tank option is bad when you could be playing an OP Zarya, i’ll give you that.

Literally they said she was technically beat out by three other tanks but sure…

Enough people complaining so they gave in.
Expect a very minor nerf as they alluded to how it’s more perceived strength than actual.

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  • Sojourn
  • Sombra
  • Zarya
  • Moira
  • DPS passive speed boost removed


  • Doomfist
  • Brigitte
  • Zen
  • Mei
  • Hog
  • Queen

im saying zarya bubble needs more thought on nerfing but instead of negation to dr is just dumb, i want doom to be reworked or back to old doom but nerfed slightly. Zarya’s bubble to me when using it lacked feedback on user so i dont play her for this reason paired with how dum strong it is

You’re a very small minority, Mr Aaron has also stated they are looking into his block and ulti for buffs so that wont happen.

I dont understand, what is Negation to Dr?

hog needs no buff at all so defo no, zen is plenty fine and has fairly good headshot dps, mei is a tank killer and is fine rn, brig shield needs slight increase. Moira i feel shouldnt have passive regen when fighting nor the ability to not have to aim, change it to be like kirikos aiming and that’d be fine

D.va is much like Tracer in a sense, shes difficult to play but very strong in the hands of skilled tank players, it makes sense she would be beat out in stats for the majority of players, specially since they are still learning the game,

Plus Zarya sort of soft counters her and so alot of situations we would have D.vas that refuse to switch off into an OP Zarya eff up her stats or alot of Zarya mirrors.

But that doesnt change the fact she is very strong and needs some bonking.

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negation or mitigation gets rid of damage intake, dr is damage reduction, still intaking damage but just less. Was saying changing negation into dr is a bad idea, as it just leads to that ability, as you said 20% negation just isnt worth anyting unless you meant you could only take 20% than yes thats definitely better than taking 80% damage lel

Genji needs his secondary fire nerfed. Either damage or spread. Whichever idc. Both would do the job. Its stupid bow the best way to play genji is dive into the backline and spam into heads. Too much braindead shuriken spam for my liking.

Sombra needs a host of changes. Hacking someone while invis should take longer than while not invis. You shouldnt be able to hack someone who is already hacked until the current hack has worn off. This will address sombra constantly hacking tanks every 4 seconds. Her base damage needs buffing but her hack bonus need’s nerfing.

Zarya needs her bubble duration cut from 3 to 2 seconds. If still too strong 1.5 seconds. Zarya shouldnt just be able to bubble and walk at you and you not be able to do anything. Its a lose lose scenario. You shoot the bubble and give her charge or you do nothing and let her melt you. Zaryas should actually have to time their bubbles to absorb damage at the right time. I dont think bubbles lasting 3 seconds is justifiable

Dva, revert her micro missile buff. She does too much damage and is locking other tanks out of the game.

Sojourn just needs completely gutted. So many things that make her overpowered. They need to decide

  • is she all about her rail gun? Ok. So nerf her primary fire and make her all about her rail gun. Why is she running round with soldier 76 levels of damage when she also has a widow shot in her backpocket. That would be like if widows smg did tracer levels of damage and then could 1 shot on top. Ludicrous

  • is her rail gun more of a secondary finisher ability. Ok remove the 1 shot. She can already primary fire you down and rail gun your body to kill you in a second. She doesnt also need her rail gun to 1 shot you.

Thats not what the nerf was, its 20% less energy gained per bubble damage - meaning she gains 20% less energy based on the damage her bubbles receive, so for a example, if a move that dealt 50 damage gave her 20 energy, now it gives her 16.

aaaaaaaaaaaah never mind then yeah, i think getting punished for firing at an easy to see trap is still the attackers fault, just stop shooting which is like, thats annoying but shes wide open after, maybe 15% but not 20%

I dont think 1s less cd on Micro missiles is what pushed her over the edge… also imo whenever we have the option to nerf Defence Matrix’s duration we should take it…

Other than that, i kind of agree with all of your points, other than i’m not too sure we should go thaat heavy handed on Souj, i say

And i think shes sufficiently difficult to get value out of.

nonono then we’re back to the problem where she is not worth picking over a shield tank or orisa. she’ll fall to be right above doom as the 2nd worst tank in the game. please no.