Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 🩸

Dumbed down complexity? What is that?

I have about 50 posts trying to improve game and u hates them all? Not even one :+1:?

I think you should be able to find at least a handful of good things in there unless u just hates me.

Maybe stop making nonsence posts

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If you are going to just slam me nonstop with 0 thought, then at least use that saved thought on proofing your posts.

Nonsence :x:

Nonsense :white_check_mark:

Ad( in your context) :x:

Add :white_check_mark:

Add all the trash to eternal…to give them something to do…ubers/malignats/vampire powers…ect

Eternal isnt the graveyard of forgotten souls ppl think it is.