AoZ xp buff inadequate

AoZ needs another very large xp buff for regular rank and file. Stream gods with 4 man teams may get tears too 50 +, but regular player going mostly solo like me gonna break their teeth on this. way too grindy not fun i’m done for now…


So the content isn’t for a casual player, like they stated before it came out… good to know. At least it wasn’t false advertising.


It’s also good to know that this is just a test for future content and with the vast majority of the player base ignoring it it’s likely to not come back. Which is apparently something the folks saying this needs to stay exclusively for them don’t seem to get.

But yeah, the low levels provide such little XP it’s not worth my time to bother. It has nothing to do with me being “casual”. It has everything to do with me not picking one of the OP flavor of the month builds and playing SSF.

IT isnt about Casual…ITS about unnecessary Grind for an end of season Beta ptr…cleared 15 lost interesting, too much Grind to little value…aoz-good Idea horrible implemantation… Trash content

I made a new post to try and combat the bad parts of AoZ. Please comment and give like or no like frens!

Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal :grin: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

You focusing on the wrong thing. If you dont care about AoZ gylph farm tier 9 and get all your gylphs to 21.