Any statistics on AoZ active players

Is there a statistic that shows how many of all active players were able or cared about entering Aoz?
Like 1.000 out of 4 milliok players or so?

Probably less. No one in the clan is doing and we have like 20 daily active players.

probably more most of my friends list does aoz without issues

No doubt we’ll get an email at the end of the season telling us various numbers, just have to wait another 2 months.

I think the response to AoZ will end up being underwhelming after all is said and done.

Not that it needed to be exactly like GRs from D3, but they could have utilized what made them successful though instead of this lackluster version they released.

It’s like they ignored the best parts and kept the crappy stuff that makes it a boring, unrewarding slog that’s a waste of time for low benefit.

Not a whole lot i assume, especially with POE new league releasing at the same time. No one even bothered to watch the last campfire chat because we all knew it was going to be bad.

If they add AoZ to eternal I gave them some idea. .1% chance they see it!
AoZ fixes and ideas = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 😁

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Clan Leader here of 30 people.

Out of the 30 apart from me having completed Abbatoir of Zir Tier 15 and pushing onward and pushing my glyph there’s only 2 more who have completed Tier 10 and they don’t really feel interested to grind or push or farm.

So judging from my own little bubble it’s a 1:10 Tier 10 ratio wise and probably 1:30 or 1:50 ratio or even bigger ratio for people who want to seriously push and are actually ‘‘playing the Abbatoir’’.

Even I which am a HOTA geared Uber Unique geared barb WONDER if it’s worth to play this hamster wheel or for what…

Blizz is like : Wanna see if your build can clear Tier 25 ? Ye ye ? :PP Farm like a dog and find out mr. Yeah… maybe not my brightest idea…

At least there’s streamers - most of them should do the grind. ^^

What kind of post is this? Honestly… Why do you even care? Does it change the daily life you live?

My friend took me through T1 of it and I got the glyph and I am happy.