My thoughts on AoZ after finishing Tier 15

Finally caved into temptation and put selig on. Makes it much more fun. I feel like I’m a watching a steamer play, but it’s just me doing too much damage and being immortal as long as I have fury. I can’t really complain, LOL. Going to see if I can get my Tears to lvl 20 before the Winter event thing.

this is only true until you are approaching 20s, then selig is a burden for ball sorc because you just dont have enough damage to kill bloodseeker anymore.

you need dr injured on everything possible along with optimized stats, if you want a chance to beat 25 simply because that allows you to get rid of selig without instantly vaporizing

i still dont understand why do they make content like this to be honest, i am hard stuck at 17 and unless i somehow magically find a full set of injured gear within the next 2 weeks, yeah i am not going to keep playing, its just pointless.

They expect you to spend hundreds and thousands of hours within 2 months just to max level the glyph, lmao

did they really think their content is so wonderful to the point we are willing to spend that much time grinding it out? They are so clueless lol

In Diablo 3, we would save hard pushing until the end of the season. It’s very draining. I like how competitive people are here right out of the gates though, even without leaderboards. I think some gameplay trends like hard pushing so early, were unexpected? Too many people from other games maybe? It’s like people are trying to complete an already impossible task for 6 weeks into 6 days?

Anyways, anyone who triumphs past 10 gets a cookie and a firm handshake as far as I’m concerned. Too many people are too hard on themselves. The content isn’t balanced very well, but it’s really hard. 20+ is like the 1% crowd (any game).

I think if indeed most aren’t doing above NMD 50 it’s because they can’t or don’t want the added frustration of dying every time they turn around. I spend most of my time in 50’s NMD’s and occasionally do 60’s to see if my character has gotten any better (he hasn’t) so AoZ is not a draw for me, and likely not for many.


I decided to try and get the Ubers I need, but just got my 5th Shako in a row. I’m done with it.

For me too, the game has lost some of its appeal due to a poor proposal for this AoZ, which remains an exciting and very interesting idea, but should be revisited a bit. Despite boasting a great sorcerer, fully uber, with several valid builds for pushing or farming the glyph (I can easily complete T15), I’ve only reached lvl 22 of it due to a lack of motivation. This is caused by the fact that from here to lvl 50, there are no intermediate rewards, neither in terms of titles nor cosmetics, and the distance to achieve it is enormous. It requires hours and hours of uninterrupted farming without any gratification in between. So, farming T14, up to 50 and then probably farming T19 up to 100 and so on. Mortally boring and fruitless, in my humble opinion.

However, the most disastrous thing about this AoZ is certainly the impossibility to diversify the gaming experience. Two more negative aspects than others:

First: in fact, you cannot play in a group, because the single life without the possibility of resurrection is too penalizing. So, the nice games in company that we used to play in D3 no longer exist. If anything, it’s better to play in separate matches and take turns inviting others into your own game to get some extra XP. This choice I imagine was made to avoid boosting, but this could have been resolved differently, as was already done in D3, for example, you cannot participate in a T16 group if you have not at least completed a T15 solo, for instance.

Second: in fact, you cannot play the end-game with more than one character, because the glyph needs to be leveled separately for each one, as is the case for other glyphs. Given that for the normal glyphs having to reroll them from scratch with characters of the same class is something inconsiderate, but for this special one, they could have managed it in a special way and thus allowed its sharing. And I could have played my beautiful barbarian also fully uber: which translates into hours thrown between tides to farm shards to farm Duriel to farm the uber themselves.

In short, there is something to review, and honestly, it seems quite simple to do better than this.

Easy suggestions:

  • Allow displaying the character level and AoZ level (as was the case with paragons in D3), so as to allow players to ‘boast’ to friends about what they have achieved.
  • Allow displaying the AoZ level during the AoZ match, so at least a streamer is not forced to say it aloud.
  • Reward intermediate milestones with small variations on cosmetics (e.g., a sword illuminated in yellow, then becoming green and then red depending on the level reached).
  • Reward intermediate milestones with titles (e.g., lvl 1 Zir’s, lvl 5 adept, lvl 10 cool, lvl 15 badass, etc.), and not just the last, for many unreachable, supreme title Zenith.

But I could stay until tomorrow writing more, I’ve already bored you enough. :smiley:

I agree with your other points but I fail to see the issue here. Isn’t this grind you’re complaining about (finding the best stuff to be able to clear higher content) the whole point of the game? You keep playing this game because you want this Shako, this heart of selig, etc. What is there to address exactly? It’s not the end of the world if you end the season at tier 4 instead of at tier 15 or more. You had a fun time just the same. You also say “Otherwise, end-game content will lock out 95%+ of players” but that’s not the case : even poorly-optimized builds can complete a tier 1 AoZ (the way it should be - the AoZ nerf really was the right thing to do) and what’s the difference between a tier 1 and a tier 25? Nothing. Just numbers. As I said, the person with no Ubers and a poor build will have fun trying to push to complete a tier 2, while the guy with Ubers and Maxroll builds will have fun trying to push to complete a tier 16. It’s all good and I wouldn’t call tiers 10, 16 or 25 “locked end-game content”.

I agree that the new glyph sucks though. They replaced the boring grind to level 21 of the previous glyphs in NMDs, with the boring grind of this new glyph in AoZ, so they ended up making the exact same mistake. Very slow clap to them. What they need is to give us more goals AT THE SAME TIME that hopefully synergize with each other. When there are tons of layers of ways to increase our power, that’s when end-game will be interesting - not just having us do the same thing over and over and after 1000 times of that thing, we get 2% increased damage. It’s just an awful, awful idea that shows they’re not playing their game and don’t understand their customers.

They actually said that it’s not meant to be completed, and that might confuse people even more who are looking for a reason to do the content.

Don’t know why they don’t put ubers into the AoZ loot pool? I mean, give ppl a reason to play it…

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I’m not running AoZ anymore. My Barb hasn’t been able to clear Tier 6 and the simple fact you get no respawns, coupled with the ridiculous amount of glyph xp needed to try and increase the radius…to even make the new glyph worthwhile (it’s not for AoZ under level 50 IMO) means there’s no point to try it when it just upsets me everytime I miss-time one dash etc and get one shot by a seeker.
Wake up devs. We certainly ‘need’ things to do after level 100…but this is stupid as it stands in it’s current state.

Try leveling that glyph for awhile on tier 1.

Yeah I never disagreed with that. I never considered leveling up this glyph as end-game content, it’s just a grind for the sake of grinding.

This is just GR pushing to see how far you can get. There is a max level where you just couldn’t progress past in D3 and AoZ is the same thing. Your gear also stopped progressing and it was just paragon points that allowed you to increase power.
With that being said they should change the glyph so it has it’s own slot and it just scales with the paragon board’s glyphed nodes from your character’s build. This will allow you to push AoZ levels to have bragging rights as to how high you can get in a season.

I like the centralized AoZ area, although I would ask for a town with better merchant placement. It’s easier than buying NM sigils, hoping the get one you want, salvaging them, running out of dust, lol. I can literally load up AOZ 5’s like they were GR90’s and blast through them as fast as I can move. Again, really dislike the town you end up when they conclude. Gotta teleport to Cerrigar when I’m ready to sell/restock.

Other than the chance of better / more interesting loot, I am having fun grinding up my Tears. QQ

Did Sorc and have 4 stash tabs full of stuff. 1 tab is just full of aspects. I have an alt I made also full of stuff and aspects were a big thing. WHY didn’t they make aspects like the cube in D3? Seriously once you added it you unlocked it and were DONE and always got max the aspect can have.

Doing a Barb now and have no space in my stash for his aspects, never mind the gear.

Stash is smaller than D3 stash per tab and only 4 tabs really sucks. They need to have the stash bigger. It should have been like D3 with seasons gifting 1 tab after completing it. No idea why current devs are so stubborn to not look at what was a win from D3 and implement it into D4.

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It’s a coding problem they should never have let slide. They can’t increase stash space without risking lag etc because they load EVERYONE’S inventory and stash as you approach other players in the world.
Yes they need to fix it…and fix it before Season 3 in all reality. I have nowhere to put my Season 1 stuff in the Eternal realm.
Even with the space in D3, I would run out of room…it’s 10 times worse in D4 and it’s just season 2

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I made a post that covers much of the bad stuff with AoZ in case it goes to eternal.

AoZ fixes and ideaa = Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal 😁

I am REALLY starting to like this. It feels like I can make an actual routine as opposed to nomadic uber farming. I did that. Farmed the right gear. Enjoying my retirement in AoZ, lol. Seriously though, it’s nice having one place you can be at, like New Tristram in D3 (sans the GG merchant/vault/everything placement). It’s much more comfortable.

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To be able to do what top builds do, I need a couple of good Aspect of Elements (30% damage to rotating elements). I just don’t have the will to farm these…

The Snapshotting BS. IF this is what everyone is doing how do you do it? Put aspect on 2h weapon and equip and then zone in and wait for lightning to appear then take it off if BL sorc? IS it that easy. That is rediculous.