Aoz-fix your game

With every day that Aoz runs new bugs,exploits, stuff not working, more and more Balance issues come to sight. When will you, dear devs finally start to fix your game instead of band aids and badly designed content. Its about time. Thank you!


Have you submitted any bug reports?

Which bugs or balance issues are you referring? Or is this just frustration because you can’t pass a certain level on AoZ? If it’s the later: Just take a breath and step away for a bit. It’s just a game. Cheers :beers:

I love grinding glyphs levels for a 0.02 increase, such a rewarding feeling

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1.2% increase in damage*

Which is actually pretty big gains over a few hours.

Snapshotting Key passives on sorc enabling you to use 2 for example… snapshotting the new elemental aspect to get a permanent 1.6 multipliyer. Stuff Like that. Esus ferocity working for BL…and No, No Frustration, cleared 15 on barb, 10 in BS necro. Lost interest. But These Things need to get addressed and fixed

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AoZ itself was built around Blizzard embracing all of their brokenness and bugginess then challenging the community with it. So if people are leveraging stupid programming and gaping holes in the game logic to get ahead, sadly, that’s what AoZ was designed for.

The message it sends is concerning and stupid, but unfortunately if you’re not exploiting every stupid oversight that Blizzard has let through, then AoZ 25 is not for you. It’s a sad state of affairs, but that’s exactly how it’s meant to be played. Change my mind.

Before AoZ released, I’d called it – if AoZ is meant to be their answer to busted builds getting out of hand, players will find an even more busted way to beat it.


Honestly, my biggest takeaway from the event was that I should roll whatever the most broken OP build is next season.

You should have learned that from season 1 after they let poison rogues go like that for 4 months.

AoZ has been a massive failure in my book. Hopefully this was the point. For them to test something near end of season to see how it went over. Like a wheelbarrow of spilled lead bars on your tootsies is how it went over. We have to do better than this and duriel endgame braindead zombie rotas.

Blood Harvest :white_check_mark:
AoZ :x:
Duriel Zombie Endgame :x:
Stash Space :x:
Graphics :white_check_mark:
Tears glyph requiring you to rekt your paragon boards to fill out :x:


AoZ was a real shocker when it came out. Dying to vampires almost instantly after super easy runs to get there. Thought I had lost my skills. Considered taking up knitting as a hobby. THEEEEEEEN, my clanmate, who was about to rage delete and start up the new POE season, found out that some of the vampire powers like domination were actually executing you, not the monsters, lol. After that it’s been a lot of fun. First few days were horrible though. Total confidence sinkhole.

So many bugs, exploits. Loopholes. Hardcore gets cheat death scrolls? I want extra lives too. I’m terrible at hardcore content. If they want to do 1-death runs, they need to not have bugs that insta kill your characters. Crazy idea?

ANWAYS, got a selig necklace. haven’t used it. Don’t need it to be too easy, lol.

I made a new post to try and combat the bad parts of AoZ. Please comment and give like or no like buddies!

Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal :grin: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (