Fix Diablo 4, you're a dev now

That’s why I think the unique property should be on the paragon board rather than an item.

More stash tabs for all, but also more lag.

What would I do?

  • Undo all the nerfs to classes. I don’t give a flying F about balance or what is dominating PVP. This is an ARPG, not an MMO. The vulnerablility nerf can stay.
  • Undo the XP nerf for WT3 and WTF4 and allow mobs to scale to your level.
  • Items at WT3 and WT4 now drop for your level and are actual upgrades like they were for levels 1-50. This and the undo of the XP nerf would eliminate the barrier players run into when they hit 60. Now their experience from 50 - 100 will be similiar to the experience from 1-50.
  • HUGE reduction to enchants. At least a 50 percent reduction in costs.
  • Work on more bosses for levels 60-100
  • Work on more dungeon variety so that we aren’t running the same cave over and over. You don’t even have to create new dungeons. Just change the scenery of the ones that exist.
  • Increase aspect drop rate.
  • Allow any character to experience a season. Eternal characters can’t be on leaderboards(as if most players give a F about that), but they can do any new quests, content or features.

That is just off the top of my head.

Improve pickup radius for gold and animus

Allow us to toggle auto quest item pickup

Improved resource powers and talents to avoid the ever-present gameplay loop of basic - basic - basic - core

“Kanai’s cube” type system to allow us to gain the power of ONE unique item without having to equip it (makes finding uniques actually feel good sometimes now). Alternatively, allow us to imprint a legendary aspect ON TOP of a unique.

Revamped codex of power: Now, in addition to unlocking the weakest version of a power, we can imprint stronger aspects directly into the codex to permanently unlock them. For example, I can imprint a 4-rolled umbral ring onto my codex to forever be able to imprint items with the max roll.

General speeding up of dungeons / events such as letting us free prisoners instantly, making that ghost who lost his mama move faster, etc.

Text-based loot filter for easy stash management

Continued reduction of CC

Better quest rewards to incentivize doing them beyond renown. 1 veiled crystal isn’t gonna cut it.

Utilize story bosses (e.g. Duriel) as a “butcher” encounter in dungeons, add more of those in general along with more world bosses. (improve the loot and exp from both)

…That’s it off the top of my head, surely there’s more I could do if I thought about it for a few more minutes.

Oh yeah:

-Make enchanting much cheaper, and show possible outcomes (like it did in D3…)
-Fix the EXP scaling nerf thing for higher level monsters
-Improved mount movement logic and just let us speed boost in town
-2 new goblins, 1 for obols, 1 for resource
-Let us gamble uniques

Delete every line of code and start from scratch with a brand new team that has experience playing and making this type of game.

I have 20 posts addressing the game so far in my series.

x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 31 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!

Number 1 is fix broken things though.


Do you have anything to contribute? If not, why don’t you just leave the forums. All you do is troll and make this place worse.

It’s not the player’s responsibility to fix the game. A good studio, as Blizzard North was, just create a good game from the start. D4 is a game designed first to get money and maybe after to be good.

Bring back overworld scaling - add a select level of monsters option after level 70

Reduce drop rate of uber uniques

Put randomly spawning “uber” boss monsters in the overworld

Make whispers more rewarding, more exp, vastly increased gold drops, rare crafting recipes for potions

Thats about it

Diablo 2 wasnt “good” from the start

  1. Fix the camera issue: zoom out
  2. Drop the gold prices for rerolls
  3. Add target farming world boss’s
    • Make story line boss’s farmable out in the world.
  4. Fix the uber drop rates % rolls
  5. Fix the resists
  6. Reduce / merge itemization: eliminate stats that are the same but named different.
  7. Map overlay to be added
  8. Paragon board to be reworked: Boring
  9. Add a tier 5
  10. Add more spice to the Battle pass
  11. Give loyal players free battle pass for those who have paid full price as a reward for our mistakes.
  12. Fix the lag when player show up on your screen
  13. Offline mode
  14. Apologize to the community

If I was a dev at Blizzard… first thing I would fix is my employment situation with two words.

I quit.

Then I would go buy a large Coke slushie, go to the beach and watch the sunset.

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This is the correct answer.

As a dev you wont be able to fix it.

All hire ups get fired, anyone involved with decision making on the direction of the game in its current state need to go.

Hire long time diablo fans as play testers. Get your feedback from them and develop and rebuild the game accordingly.

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I am the master dev with unlimited coding power and infinite latitude on how this game works:

-Simplify all cc related damage affixes to “+% vs cc’d”

-Simplify all non physical damage affixes to “+% non physical”

-Simplify close/distant/weapon type damage affixes to “+% melee/ranged”

-Classify players as elites, again

-Make resistances narrow the gap between physical damage and non physical damage vs armor. Example If your armor cuts 50% physical damage, it would cut 25% non physical damage. 50% resistance would make it cut 37.5% non physical damage. This would make resistances matter while making sure they never make a player more resistant to non physical damage than physical damage.

-Move damage vs CC’d to the same bucket as vulnerable damage

-Give every class an over power so they can leverage that mechanic like druids, necros, and barbarians can. Example: Replace twisting blades CDR with a conditional overpower since the CDR is too volatile to balance well

-Quest lines that give guaranteed unique’s. Hard to find/complete quests that can give uber uniques.

-Cow level, but it can’t just be a cow level, it has to be Big Tex’s rancheroo where you fight cows and cowboys going mooo and yeehaw. Special late 1800s gun skins for ranged weapons, since rudimentary firearms probably aren’t that far off in Diablo land. Big Tex drops big loot.

-Stop all in game ads for the store, replace them with ads for crossover deals with food places like KFC

-Special toggles for Neyrelle to make the campaign more palatable for some people.

-rework strongholds to be upgradeable bases. Things like housing flex, but also passives that help your adventuring/loot hunting in the surrounding region.

-Remove extremely underperforming and niche aspects to make the good stuff less rare

-Make rerolling affixes a flat cost.

-Make codex aspect upgradeable. You can upgrade the codex aspect for that dungeon instead of a glyph

-Add an underground map to the pvp zones, some sort of clan vs clan pvp that makes use of reworked strongholds.

-Replace Season of Blood with Season of Aliens. Because vampires are trite and boring. Making season 2 about aliens would tell gamers that d4 is under new management and they are welcome.

-PVP gear vendor with standardized stats, since that’s where most imbalance comes from

-Make armor mitigation scale to the players level in pvp, instead of the attackers. This would make level far less of an advantage in pvp.

-make all dungeons with a quest (like put the thing on the thing) single stage. You put the thing on the thing, then you fight a boss.


delete and start from scratch, including the team.

let’s just pretend it didnt happen.


you could just browse this forum and get your answers.

  1. Apologize to the community.

  2. Change the development team entirely. Pay premiums for quality designers instead of hiring out the back of a pick-up at the local Home Depot.

  3. Take the game offline for 2 years. Rework core mechanics like: loot, trading, the open world based on existing player feedback. Observe PoE2 beta and what is effective; have a server slam beta test for 3 days quarterly in the final year. Implementing player feedback on what features work from PoE2 between each test.

  4. Re-release with a free seasons pass for existing licence holders.


You are an excellent Diablo fan

They need to poach people from other games and quit prioritizing monetization. I mean Gemma Chan is gorgeous, but seriously, are all of Blizzards ideas just cheap gimmicks? Hire brilliant nerds, pay/treat them well, and tell the bean counters to screw off. Otherwise, I hope D4 fails & becomes an industry cautionary tale. Oh, and fire some shot callers without rewarding them with a severance bonus.

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