Alliance Guilds
Alliance Guilds
Guild Name: Howling Owl
Description: A faction neutral coffee shop/cocktail bar that hosts several regular entertainment focused RP events.
Races Allowed: Any
Leader(s): Alaris/Zelektra
Who to Contact: Saeil#1437 on Discord
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP, with a focus on RP events in particular
Requirements: Characters who join must be faction neutral. Application and IC interview is required. The application can be found on our website howlingowl-wra.tumblr . com
Currently Seeking: Bartenders, security and entertainers.
Most Active Playtime: 5PM-10PM server time. Active throughout the day on Discord.
Forum Post: [H / A ] The Howling Owl/Club Night Owl is hiring! Bartender, security and entertainer positions available!
Guild Name: The Sha’tor
Description: The Sha’tor is an order of draenei dedicated to the preservation of their people and culture, as well as honoring their place within the Alliance. With equal parts tenacity and hope, the Sha’tor aids in defending against the myriad threats that bombard Azeroth, while simultaneously supporting the draenei people as a whole in the quest to rebuild and thrive in the world they now call home.
Races Allowed: Draenei (normal and Lightforged) Non-draenei alts allowed depending on the situation
Leader(s): Varistus, Vivaaldi, Orynthia, Klement
Who to Contact: Any of the above in-game, Varistus at HoganLegDrop#1146
RP/PVP/PVE?: Medium RP, Casual PvE
Requirements: Must be lore-abiding, Light-oriented/respecting/understanding. Website application and short IC interview to
Currently Seeking: Anyone that has a love for draenei RP and a willingness to work within a guild setting to help develop not only your characters, but the peoples’ around you as well.
Most Active Playtime: Anywhere from 3PM-10PM server.
Forum Post:
Guild Name: Silver Circle
Description: The Silver Circle is a guild of keen-eyed kaldorei who stand vigil over their people, ever alert for the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the foes of the Alliance or those who despoil nature or corrupt Kalimdor.
Races Allowed: Kaldorei
Leader(s): Feyawen, Celassa, Kelanthos, Mythanil
Who to Contact: Any member
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, Casual PvX
Requirements: Lore-abiding, Faithful in Elune, Respectful of Guild Rules
Membership Restrictions: No Demon Hunters or Death Knights
Currently Seeking: We are actively on the lookout for genuine players who are respectful, considerate of others, and interested in making long-lasting friendships and roleplaying within Kaldorei themes.
Most Active Playtime: 4pm - 11pm (server)
Forum Post:
Guild Name: The Ardent Circle
Description: Fiercely devoted to the Alliance and each other, the Ardent Circle is a knightly guild of like-minded individuals that defend the kingdom from all threats and strive to bring light to a darkened world.
Races Allowed: All Alliance races
Leader(s): OOC: Livi, Pensife, Hamilton / IC: Finnigan Wyman, Centori Dellanir
Who to Contact: Livi, Virtued, Pensife, Hamilton
Requirements: Lore-abiding (for the most part), DHs cannot rank climb but are still welcome to RP with us, character must be Alliance-aligned and fit with our values, no application required - simply message one of us to begin your recruitment process!
Currently Seeking: Story runners and RPers
Most Active Playtime: 3-8pm server time most nights, Discord active all day
Forum Post:
Guild Name: Measured Chaos
Description: Measured Chaos is a guild and conglomerate Community of Alliance guilds, across multiple World of Warcraft realms who connect via a shared discord server. Many of our members also have horde characters that play with others while our new Horde Chapter’s are being prepared. MCC welcomes a diverse member base with a common thread of mutual respect and understanding while having fun playing World of Warcraft. MCC was founded with the intention to bring guild members together to play World of Warcraft with other like-minded adults, with a strong emphasis on voice chat, however voice chat is not required to be a member.
Races Allowed: ALL
Leader(s): GM: Byteme
Who to Contact: Any member can assist you
RP/PVP/PVE?: (Which do you focus on/do/not do?) We have lost most of our roleplayers and roleplaying eventsEverything else we offer. We are primarily a social casual guild for adults.
Requirements: You must be 18, We don’t allow any political or religious convo’s in guild chat or hate speech. Be respectful of others is all we really ask of our members. We try and keep it a relaxing, positive place to be. Make sure your toon is logged in at least every 30 days to avoid being purged.
Currently Seeking: I wish we could find more people that loved to roleplay and would love to put together roleplaying events. Despite being on a rp realm, we just don’t have members willing to put together events for others. Aside from that we like to find other casual playing adults that just like to enjoy the game with other casual adult players. We have a discord for those that choose to use it to put you in touch with all of our other realms and for cross realm events and activities.
Most Active Playtime: evenings and overnights. It’s quite common to have a minimum of 30 members online in the evening and in the mornings perhaps 10 to 15.
Guild Name: Runeweaver Legacy
Description: Taking on the mantle of an old line of war-mages, the Runeweaver Legacy is dedicated to facing the myriad threats that rise around Azeroth. Beyond that, the newest Runeweaver, Kaliendra, has dedicated the guild’s resources to humanitarian aid and digging for lost relics, both of this ancient line and beyond.
Races Allowed: All races.
Leader(s): Korienna (GM)
Who to Contact: Any of the above listed officers! If we’re not available, any member can take your name for us to get back to you.
RP/PVP/PVE?: (Which do you focus on/do/not do?) RP and light PvE. We don’t raid, but we do other group and world content together.
Requirements: (Lore-compliance, website application, interview, specific ilvl, et cetera) Reasonably connected to Azeroth’s world. We’re not massive sticklers, but we’d like some basis in the character you bring. Otherwise we do a basic interview that’s more about getting to know you OOC and having an introduction RP than anything else.
Currently Seeking: (Do you need more tanks/healers/dps? Short on RPers of a certain race? Have an officer slot that needs filling?) Anyone! We’re rebuilding ourselves from a bit of a slump that came mid-expansion.
Most Active Playtime: Evenings, with members in a discord at any hour of the day. We tend to put up events around 5:30 server time (PST) and those usually run 2-3 hours.
Forum Post: [A-RP] <Runeweaver Legacy> is recruiting!
Guild Name: The Fortyseventh
Description: The 47th Infantry Regiment of the Alliance Army
Races Allowed: All Alliance races
Leader(s): Lebryn Edain / Kenorian Felmourn
Who to Contact: Lebryn, Zalra, Borthu, Oliviabell, Kenorian, or any other member currently online
RP/PVP/PVP: We’re heavily RP focused but we do have a raid team as well as get together every Sunday to do PvE content
Requirements: Discord + IC website application
Currently Seeking: All are welcome!
Most Active Playtime:
Forum Post: [A-RP] <The Fortyseventh> Wants YOU!
Guild Name: Battlestein Company
Faction: Alliance
Description: The Battlestein Company is a crafting and trade guild that employs artisans, traders, adventurers, and service providers that reside in and around Khaz Modan for the sake of greater prosperity. We are also members of the WRA Dwarven Community known as the Mead Hall.
Races Allowed: All, though we are culturally Dwarf-focused.
Leader(s): Duera
Who/How to Contact: Any member can help!
Requirements: Website application, In-Character interview
Currently Seeking: Long-term members
Most Active Playtime: Sun, Mon, Thurs, and Fri 6-9 pm
Forum Post: 🍻[A] <Battlestein Company> Dwarven RP Guild
Guild Name: Antique Rogue Show
Faction: Alliance
Description: Specialty PvE/PvP Guild
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Cayo
Who/How to Contact: Contact Cayo in game.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Mainly PvE (M+, raiding, expeditions), some PvP. We are lore-abiding and respectful of the RP environment.
Requirements: Must have a willingness to help others in our virtual community as needed and we ask that you be a generally decent human being toward your fellow players. Age 16+. We are unofficially trilingual (English, Spanish, and Tagalog) and misfit friendly. Define misfit however you like. OOC interview required.
Currently Seeking: New and experienced Rogues; anyone who wants to learn the class or already enjoys playing it. Our core members are also highly experienced with Shadow Priest and Havoc Demon Hunter. We are open to most anyone who wants to join, regardless of class/spec and experience, but we are DPS animals at heart.
Most Active Playtime: Weekends, Mountain Time.
Other: We are currently running in semi DIY mode as we’re down a core member until Summer 2020.
Guild Name: Picks and Pints
Faction: Alliance
Description: Medium-weight Roleplaying and Social guild themed around traditional adventure and exploration themed Roleplay.
Races Allowed: Open to all.
Leader(s): Darseigh
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP Focused, no organized PVP or PVE planned currently.
Requirements: Informal Interview
Currently Seeking: Dwarves especially, but taking everyone!
Most Active Playtime: Events around 6-9 server time, general activity between 4-12 server time.
Forum Post: [A-RP] Picks n' Pint's: New and Improved [Recruiting!]
Guild Name: Order of the Eclipse
Faction: Alliance
Description: We are an order seeking to unite the elves of Alliance. Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, and Ren’dorei are all welcome to join our ranks as we seek to heal old wounds of the past. We have all experienced loss of home and family and it is time to put aside our differences and come together.
Races Allowed: Kaldorei, Ren’dorei, Quel’dorei
Leaders: Allaria
RP/PVP/PVE? Primarily RP but if people want to organize other events focused on PVP or PVE, they are welcome to it.
Requirements: Lore-compliance, level 20+, and the ability to log on and play your character(s) at least once a month (unless there is a prearranged absence with an officer)
Most Active Playtime: Events usually take place at 5 pm server time
Forum Post: [A-RP] Order of the Eclipse (Recruiting Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei)
Guild Name: The Violet Bastion
Faction: Alliance (Mostly faction neutral)
Description: We are an adventuring guild with a heavy focus on finding artifacts for study, magical centered in some aspects, and whatever tickles our fancy.
Races Allowed: All.
Leader(s): Saedre Starweaver, Kohler
Who/How to Contact: Saedre, Kohler
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP is our primary focus, but we are pretty casual and our members enjoy all aspects of the game. Laid-back leadership structure with an emphasis on enjoying the game.
Requirements: Must be 18 yrs of age or older to join. Lore compliant. Application requirement via our webpage or discord server via bot.
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers! Looking for adventurers, magic practitioners, scholars, and more. If you like to travel the world and discover the new and exciting, this is the place for you!
Most Active Playtime: Evenings. EST. Guild events are usually held Fridays and Saturdays. We are also pretty active in Discord OOC and host IC channels for RP outside of the game.
Forum Post: [A-RP] The Violet Bastion (Returning for Shadowlands)
Guild Name: The Order of the Lion
Faction: Alliance
Description: General Guild Concept- All play styles and experience levels are welcomed under our banner. While the guild itself is a “casual” atmosphere, you will find members of the guild who participate in all aspects of the game, from PvP, Dungeons and Raids, to Role-play.
Members are not held to commit to any aspect of the game, including role-play. Ultimately, we play WoW to relax, unwind, and have fun. For that reason - drama, rage, and other such undesirable behavior has no place in this guild.
For the purpose of immersion in the World of Warcraft- The Order of the Lion is a semi-secretive organization of heroes from the far corners of Azeroth and beyond. Formed during the Fourth War and sanctioned by the leaders of the Alliance, the Order protects the assets and furthers the interests of the Alliance.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Hellshield
Who/How to Contact: Hellshield - in game message or mail
Requirements: Required to read and agree to the guild charter online (mail or message Hellshield for the link).
Currently Seeking: All
Most Active Playtime: Weeknight and weekends
Forum Post: [A] The Order of the Lion
Guild Name: Hexrenders
Description: The Hexrenders are a small organisation founded after the Fourth War, and dedicated to hunting down and destroying those who use magic for evil or selfish reasons. They accept any and all Alliance citizens who are willing to see justice delivered to those who continue to exploit the innocent through use of dark powers!
Races Allowed: Any Alliance race
Leader: Azshande (Priestess Azshande Gloamsinger)
Who to Contact: Azshande, Faltherin, Otiele, Hanrietta
RP/PVP/PVE?: Our main focus is RP. PvE and PvP is more personal choice based.
- An IC interview is required before being formally admitted into the guild - we want to be sure your character fits.
Currently Seeking: Any and all interested RPers!
Most Active Playtime: We are largely an oceanic guild - so we’re talking late night by server standards. Between the 1am and 6am marks (server time) are our most active, though we do have players on throughout the normal day, especially on Saturdays!
Forum Post: None as yet (I’ll update when one goes up)
Guild Name: - Deep Forest Caravan
Faction: - Alliance
Guild Age: 8yrsDescription: - Full immersion RP guild that incorporates the gaming system into their RP. (DFC_sys)
Races Allowed: - all, some may need some tuning
Leader: - Briarpetal of House Drakon
Who/How to Contact: - Look for recruitment post for the current incoming topic, or send in game post to Briarpetal, Sajala, or Betilla- IC preferredRP/PVP/PVE?: - RP Raiding guild, Heroic
Requirements: - Level cap or darn close, Mains only due to time investment, compliant with the DFC_sys (see officers to tailor).
Currently Seeking: - All are welcome. We enjoy sharing our knowledge.
Most Active Playtime: 7pm, Server on. We are a late night guild.
Forum Post: [A-RP] Recruitment: Shadowlands
Guild Name: History
Faction: Alliance
Description: History is a package delivery company headquarted in Boralus, Kul Tiras, but has chapters expanding in Stormwind City and beyond. Also known to be hired out for general contract work, it isn’t unheard of for History to scale their corporate ethics and values to get the job done.A lighthearted RP guild, History aims to be a content-driven group who wants to explore what Shadowlands has to offer in terms of Mythic+, PvP, and more.
Races Allowed: All Alliance Races
Leaders: Irvìng, Trissenor, Walelar
Who/How to Contact: Discord, BattleNet, Ingame, Recruitment Post
Requirements: Agreement of rules, guild application, and IC/OOC chat/interview
Currently Seeking: Any and all players of race/class combinations.
Forum Post: [A-RP/PvX] Recruitment Thread
Guild Name: The Call
Faction: Alliance
Description: (OOC) We’re a group of adults who have real life priorities, but we continue to enjoy the game through RP and PvP. We’re very social and communicate mostly through our Discord. We look for fights in-game and normally fight larger groups of Horde, so be prepared to adapt to any situation. We also take part in scheduled RP and RP-PvP events with Horde guilds.
(IC) We are righteous avengers doing what must be done, public perception be damned. The genocide the Horde has perpetrated may be ignored by the weak leadership of Stormwind, but the murders of sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and loved ones by the bloodthirsty and complicit Horde military can never be forgiven.
We will act in the best interest of the innocent and persecuted peoples no matter the cost to public standing. The Horde must not and will not be allowed to murder and pillage across Azeroth anymore.Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Livea
Who/How to Contact: Anyone in-Game (can refer you to someone to chat with), Recruitment Post
Requirements: Any skill level is okay, as long as you’re willing to learn and grow! Warmode is not required but is highly encouraged .
Currently Seeking: We have a policy of play what you want .
Most Active Playtime: Evenings and Weekends (EST)
Forum Post: [A-RP-PvP] Have You Heard The Call?
Guild Name: Dreamweavers
About Us: Dreamweavers is a Heavy RP-focused guild centered around themes of druidism, nature, the Cenarion Circle, and assisting throughout the regions of Azeroth in the healing and restoration of the world and the natural balance. Our goals include the continued efforts in aiding the refugees of Teldrassil, mending the damage done by the Nightmare forces of Xavius, patrolling the various regions that have strong ties to druidism and nature, and addressing the looming threat of the Drust within Azeroth and beyond the veil in Ardenweald. Based out of Val’sharah and the Dreamgrove, we welcome all with strong ties to nature, to the kaldorei, and any druids who seek to further their training under one of the most ancient orders of druidism in all of Azeroth.
If you’re looking to be part of building a story with helpful players that are dedicated in making the game enjoyable, Tribe of Anshe may be for you.Requirements: We’re mostly RP focused but outside of our RP time, we want to be that group of people that make you feel like you belong. We expect others to be kind and leave the toxicity of the real world out. After all, we do this to escape. Yes, your alt is fine if you want to play with us.
Contact Information:
Want to get in contact with us? Have any questions? Interested in potentially joining? You can reach us here!
Lylah - HypeTet#9081 (Discord)
Aleklah - HealsNStuff#1946 (BNET) or Aleklah ⸰☽◯☾⸰#0513 (Discord)
Faction: Alliance
Most Active Playtime: Evenings & Weekends
Currently Seeking: Those looking for a a heavy druid/nature rp guild.
Guild Name: Ironwing Raiders
Faction: Alliance
Description: An irregular para-military unit that seeks to make up for the bureaucratic failings of the Alliance military through whatever means are necessary. They ply their trade generally out of sight of the common eye.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): Arlathar
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP, casual PvX
Requirements: N/A
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers
Most Active Playtime: 3:00-10:00 PM ST
Forum Post: [A-RP] Ironwing Raiders - Do What Must Be Done
Guild Name: Vanguard of the Rose
Faction: Alliance
Description: We began as a small World of Warcraft roleplay guild on October 3, 2007. As years went on, we branched into other games and started tabletop campaigns together. We grew from one guild in WoW to another in GW2, and founded The Vanguard Roleplay Network, or VRPN (“Verpin’,” as some guildies put it). World of Warcraft is our mainstay.
We’re also a diverse community from all walks of life, banded together by our love of storytelling and video games. After a long day of work, stress, and other real-world commitments, the Vanguard is a place for chilled adult gamers to play with like-minded folks, have fun, and make memories.
Our World of Warcraft crew took its first break since 2007 in Shadowlands, after news of the Blizz-Activision lawsuit. As Blizz-Activision and Dragonflight have slowly regained trust in players, we’ve returned with parts of our old WoW crew, and are seeking new fellows to join.
Game-wise, our focuses are roleplay, storytelling, and light PvE, specifically small-group content (M+ 15s and Normal Raids) for story completion.
Races Allowed: All
Leader(s): (GM) Dawnfield/Claresta, (Officer) Highwrath, (Officer) Aunnakeva/Tazuranash
Who/How to Contact: Any online member
RP/PVP/PVE?: Primary RP, Secondary PvE
Requirements: Application-based, Lore compliance, and LGBTQIA+ friendly
Currently Seeking: Roleplayers, RP-friendly social players, DPS for M+ and Normal raid content
Most Active Playtime: 6 - 10 PM server on weekdays, more varied on weekends
Forum Post:
Wow Armory:
Guild Site/Info: |