World of Warcraft Classic Patch Notes -- Version 1.13.5

World of Warcraft Classic Patch Notes
Version 1.13.5 – July 7, 2020

Behind the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj are two large, unique raids – the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, a 20-person raid, and the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, a 40-person raid. As players delve deeper into the mysteries of Ahn’Qiraj, they will discover revelations of the Silithid infestation and their shadowy masters, the Qiraji. Players will have to complete a world event of massive proportions before they can open the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj on their realm.

  • The Ahn’Qiraj event will unlock with the weekly raid reset in each region the week of July 28. At that time, players can begin the quest chain to craft a Scepter of the Shifting Sands, and players can turn in gathered resources to advance the Ahn’Qiraj war effort.
  • Once both of those activities are completed on a given realm, the gates of Ahn’Qiraj will be available to be opened.

Content Updates
Along with the Ahn’Qiraj event, the following content updates will unlock with the weekly raid reset in each region the week of July 28.

  • The Dungeon Set 2 items, dungeon questline, and vendor are now available.
  • Wizard Oil and Mana Oil are now available.
  • Nexus Crystals can now be obtained via disenchanting Epic items.
  • This update includes Dungeon loot table adjustments, increased drop chances for epic items, and many new caster DPS items from original WoW patch 1.10.
  • Several Relics are now available.
  • Reputation rewards from Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, Thorium Brotherhood, and Timbermaw Hold vendors are updated.

Alterac Valley Updates
This patch includes many bugfixes for issues found in the 1.12 version of World of Warcraft. These were issues that were clearly unintended by the design of the time, and are now fixed:

  • Terrain exploits
    • You can no longer climb the waterfall and enter the Frostwolf base near the Relief Hut.
    • You can no longer climb the cliff and enter Dun Baldar near the Aid Station.
    • You can no longer bypass Icewing Bunker.
  • Reputation inconsistencies between Alliance and Horde
    • Alliance now always receive Reputation and Honor for defeating Captain Galvangar, regardless of whether Captain Balinda Stonehearth is alive.
    • Developers’ notes: This now correctly mirrors the Horde behavior, which grants them Reputation and Honor for defeating Captain Balinda Stonehearth, regardless of Galvangar’s status.
    • Alliance Druids can no longer have their actions disrupted by talking to them.
    • Developers’ notes: This now correctly mirrors the behavior of the Horde Elementalists, who were already just as steadfast in executing their intended actions.
  • Exploits for defeating the enemy general.
    • The Horde War Masters can no longer be kited far enough to allow General Drek’thar to be engaged and defeated alone.
    • The Alliance Prospector can no longer be tricked into pulling General Vandar Stormpike out of the bunker so that he can be defeated alone.
    • Developers’ notes: As always, our intention is to accurately represent the 1.12 design intent of the game, and these bugs are clear examples of behaviors that were never intended.

Addon APIs
Recently, we’ve seen an increase in the chat traffic generated by addons that synchronize data between their users. While the vast majority of addons do this responsibly, some can be problematic to the point of degrading the game service for all players. We’ve previously hotfixed the server-side of the game to incorporate chat throttles that work to alleviate some of this, but during our investigations, we found common use cases that we can improve for addon authors.

  • Threat
    The community has largely solved threat calculations, and has created robust tools for displaying this in-game. We’d like to improve the addon APIs so they can display this data in an addon without needing to transmit a great deal of chat traffic.
  • Larger combat log range
    We originally restricted the combat log range in the open world to prevent a larger radius of stealth detection than existed in original WoW, but this isn’t an issue in Dungeons and Raids. As a result, addon authors send a great deal of chat to synchronize combat events across the raid. In this patch, we’re increasing the combat log range in dungeons and raids so that damage meter addons can get accurate data without the chat traffic.

Authenticator Bag Slots
Since before WoW Classic was first launched, we’ve been very concerned with replicating the original experience while eliminating as many ways that accounts could be compromised as possible. We can’t eliminate them all, and unfortunately, many WoW Classic players have not yet taken steps to protect their account with an authenticator. That leads to difficulty for players when their account is compromised, and they need to contact Blizzard Customer Service to resolve the issue.

In this patch, we’re activating an additional 4 bag slots for any player who has an authenticator and Blizzard Phone Notifications attached to their account. In order to help preserve the new-player experience for players who are new to WoW Classic, this won’t be advertised in-game until you’ve reached level 20. Any player with an authenticator and Blizzard Phone Notifications already attached to their account will see the additional 4 slots on their backpack when they log into version 1.13.5, and any player who doesn’t will see an in-game “+” on their bag to remind them to secure their account for this reward.

We recognize this is a notable change from original WoW. Account security is very important to us, and we want the reward for securing your account to apply to WoW Classic, as it has applied to World of Warcraft for many years.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an interface error that occurred when generating a link to a Community in-game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some items with running or mount speed bonuses to not correctly stack multiplicatively.
  • Many large monsters and bosses are no longer missing certain combat sounds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain creatures and bosses to be missing screen shake effects during abilities, such as Onyxia’s Bellowing Roar.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Kwee Q. Peddlefeet to linger near the winning faction leader far longer than intended after Love is in the Air has ended.
  • Fixed an issue with where some Black Lotus spawns were placed incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused stacking damage-over-time effects cast by creatures to not calculate damage properly when modified by damage reduction or bonus damage effects.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some creatures to not properly prioritize attacking non-feared targets.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the red shader effect to persist too long on players after using a Wind Stone in Silithus.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some casting animations to behave less responsively than expected when a spell is cast immediately after landing from a jump or fall.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue that could cause a Rogue’s energy resource bar to fall out of sync and display an incorrect amount of energy each tick.
  • The “Move to Whisper Window” chat functionality now functions properly.
  • Resolved an issue that caused some Graphics settings to not persist through logout.

So the patch is in but not turned on yet?

What a tease i was hoping it was in now.


Increased drop chance on epic items? Like what?


i think overall world drop epic rates

Im guessing the drop rate on epics is across the board. So more likely to see an Epic in ZG than a blue, epic items in dungeons, in the world etc.

Are the librams / relics / totems in now, or do we have to wait for July 28th?

Edit: RIP, just saw the side note bullet that dungeon stuff will be available on the 28th.

Thanks for the update Kaivax :kissing_heart:

As far as I am aware they are talking about epics that dropped from dungeon bosses, like Ironfoe from the Emperor in BRD. They are also moving Hand of Justice there which is noteworthy.

I also think the way the post is structured was a little confusing… going back and forth between sounding like things were getting rolled in now vs later.

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Blade of eternal darkness, Ironfoe etc. Basically all 5 man dungeon BOP epics. My memory of BC had Boed at 2% drop rate (buffed from 0.2%).


The drop rate on epics increase is specific to dungeon epics only. And specifically only those from end bosses- ironfoe, runeblade, etc. It was a change put in place with patch 1.10 in the original game, along with the additions to dungeon drops such as spellweaver turban and changes to drops in BRD (HoJ moved to Emperor).

The change should not affect ZG at all.

Did we fix the bug where hunter pet world buffs drop off even when logged out?


is av fix in this update? just curious or not whether blizzard just officially killed av

Yup, people actually have to play the BG now rather than afk at a graveyard and farm storm crystals.

Has Hand of Justice moved to Emp instead of Angerforge?

@kalvax that last bullet point for content updates shouldn’t be a bullet point. It’s kind of misleading.


:star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

:expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:


Yeah these patch notes confused me… I thought some are out today and some later… it seems like it’s all later?

EDIT - I might have grouped them based on date of release, like TODAYS changes, and July 28ths changes.

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The content updates above will unlock with the weekly raid reset in each region the week of July 28.
1, This belongs at the start of the content block, “The following content will unlock…”
2, Adding this as a sub-bullet point suggests it only applies to the rep rewards point.

You’re just going to confuse people.


Okay can you please not implement huge speedrun nerfs on the last DMF week of the tier??? you could have atleast waited until after this week jfc