AV is bugged for alliance

They recently fixed this bug.

Alliance does in fact have an incentive to push now. This is why their winrate is above 0% now. On my alliance warrior i got to exalted 999/1000 before this patch without a single win. Because ppl were only farming rep and didn’t care about pushing IBGY, or had less than 10 ppl defend IBGY, and got wiped, as everyone else was farming SHGY.

This is now a purely “GET GUD” problem, with two minor disadvantages being

  1. Alliance gets to IBGY later than horde can get to SHGY.
  2. It’s harder to slip past SHGY after horde gets it, than it is to slip through IBGY after alliance gets it. That said, if there’s over 10 players at these graveyards, it doesn’t matter, you’re not getting through.

That said, the map is asymmetric, so i’m sure there are counteradvantages on alliance side which are less obvious. If anything, 4min queue(would be instant but i’m sure blizzard is throttling it artificially) is still better than 42-3hr queue.