Extra bag slots?

I was told that we would have access to them if we “added an authenticator” to our account? Not that we needed to add an authenticator -AND- have SMS protect on the account.

Nice job lying to people there blizzard.


Well Blizzard really worded it all confusing anyway… a lot of people thought they were getting 4 more bag slots. Haha! I tried to tell them all its just 4 slots added to your 16 slot backpack, making it a 20 slot bag! :rofl:


Yes, I’m offended by this as well. I have a physical authenticator attached, but I won’t get my bag slots because I can’t provide a cell phone number and download the SMS App. I don’t have a cell phone, I’m not going to get a cell phone, and I think it’s unreasonable and insulting of Blizzard to decide that every player MUST OBVIOUSLY have one and therefore rewards can be tied to using it for game purposes.


I have them.

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I have tried a mobile authenticator and a physical authenticator but am unable to use the extra bag slots.

Not sure what to tell you, i got mine as soon as I added it.


yeah, I did add authentificator, but then I saw the “if you remove authentificator you lose the slots” and was skeptic (what happens if your bank and bags are full and you remove authentificator? with blizz’s history, I bet you lose the items forever)… but then I saw they wanted me to add my phone number… yep no thanks.


Probably sent via mail.

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They dont think that far ahead. When people test it and see their stuff deleted and complain, maybe then.

I got them. But, pay attention, they are not new slots for bags, they are 4 additional slots in your backpack, as it is on retail

I understand. I have the + symbol next to my main bag while having an authenticator attached.

It takes zero effort to download the authenticator app. You only use it one time and then you’re logged in on Battle.net on your computer forever.

If you don’t have a smart phone, just put an Android emulator app on your computer.

For the authenticator part, yeah, but currently you have to have SMS protect active as well to get the extra slots and that requires an active mobile number. Things like whatsapp or talkatone are not usable and will give a “this phone number is invalid” error when trying to add them.


The real lie is that you only get 4 extra slots in your backpack and not 4 slots for bags. Blizzard should have worded this less deceivingly, it was unnecessary to be so vague. Many were under the impression they were getting the latter especially considering the big deal they were making with this “change.”

That being said, you don’t need SMS protection active. Just download the authenticator app and link it to your account via the e-mail verification and you’re good to go.

Also, imagine not having a cell phone in 2020.

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I have added both a physical and tried a mobile authenticator. Neither have resulted in having the extra slots.

I have a cellphone but do not pay for service as I don’t need it.

I even reported being unable to access the slots on PTR with no response.

Did you download the authenticator app or no?

Yes, the mobile app is the one I’m currently using to access my account.

Your backpack should have 4 extra slots then, for a total of 20.



[edit:] Yes, I’ve clicked the +, it just gives me a prompt to activate and when clicked takes me to the setup page to download the app.

For anyone who says it’s only 4 slots on your bag, let me remind you unless you get lucky with bag drops, the cost to upgrade a qty 2, 16 slot into qty 2 18 slot bags is 700g. If you don’t have a cell phone it’s not the end of the world unless you’re a druid with 4 sets of gear on you.