We need to bring Duel Specs into TBC. The only argument against duel specs I’ve seen is “we need a gold sink” but this is flawed. This gold sink has done nothing to address the gold issues in Classic and just stops people from respecing and massively hinders the game.
With duel specs that druid who is off doing their dailies and sees a LF1M Healer Heroic Ramps will not pass up due to not wanting to respec for a run.
With duel specs it wont be a painful decision each time we spec pvp to go do some arena or go have some fun in world pvp.
With duel specs it will reduce the hours spent in LFG channel
With duel specs it gives players two gear sets to work towards.
There are so many positive reasons to bring this feature in and there is no negative impact on the game. It does nothing to reduce the TBC experience and will make TBC a game that people stick around and play for longer.
Make it hard to get. Make it 5k gold. Make it locked behind an arena bracket or raid boss. I don’t care but give us a way to work towards this goal.
If you want to spec for duels, just visit a trainer and ask to reset your talent points.
I wouldn’t be against it.
I’m ok with it if they increase the cost to something like 5K. 99% of players did not spend 5k during the entire expansion in respec fees, so expensive dual spec would be the superior gold sink.
its not the ability not to be able to change spec that is the issue, its that people don’t change specs to do a little side thing here or there and this reduces the amount of players there are in the world.
That person who is raiding tomorrow isn’t going to want to switch specs for a few hours to go do some arena (even though they could just visit a trainer).
It works the other way too, that pvp spec player who wants to do some heroics isn’t going to respec for it, so you get a bunch of gimp specs doing pve
I was just making fun of the fact you spelled it “duel” instead of “dual.”
haha dam sorry man I’m a horrible speller so your joke was lost on me ![:frowning: :frowning:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/frowning.png?v=9)
I really don’t think you need a spec specifically for dueling.
No Dual Spec. Choices matter in this game. If you chose to be a certain spec you need to have to travel all the way to town and pay to change it. This is an RPG where choices matter.
Surprised this wasnt asked. Or more about faction/race changing, especially considering how they addressed faction imbalance
Seeing what they did with the QOL things in the D2 remake this makes sense. Instead of having to use mule characters to transfer items you get a shared tab. Instead of having to go back to Org you get a 2nd spec.
I would be all for this because it will help create dungeons groups much easier or allow people to have fun pvping around raid days.
That isn’t a meaningful choice, that is an annoyance fee.
I keep giving this type of reponse in every single “please give us dual-spec” thread but I’ll mention it again here because you only mentioned gold sinks.
It kills off hybrid specs. You might be confused by what I mean but I currently play the hybrid smite priest and plan to in TBC as well. It’s a less common spec that does equivalent personal DPS to shadow but without the shadow weaving bonus for warlocks…however it has the added benefit of still maintaining most of the core healing talents and can be a good healer.
What this means for me is that by playing this spec I’ve been filling a “swap” role in my raids where depending on the fight I can pump DPS or Heal and do both jobs well. Adding in Dual-spec means this type of spec is no longer needed as my guild would just ask me to use a full healing and full shadow spec and swap between them given the fight. This different spec which works around different spell usage than shadow would essentially be gone.
I imagine there are other such examples but I am just speaking from personal experience
Not against it but I think people under estimate how how quickly gearing for more than one spec will take.
For hardcore players playing constantly it won’t take long but for casuals it will take much longer.
Again I’m not against it just think people don’t know how difficult it will really be to swap from something like Ret to prot/holy.
I like the idea of dual specs for tbc. I cant see how it negatively affects anyone. You dont have to play 2 specs and chase 2 gear sets if you don’t want to, and the hybrid spec players can stilI
play that way.
Referring to the respec cost as a gold sink is a pretty lame argument i think, its more of a deterrent than gold sink imo.
I feel like raiding and arena are the end game for tbc, so why keep a meaningless barrier for respeccing when wanting to play one or another with the optimal spec.
Here are some reasons for why it should not be in TBC:
It wasn’t in TBC in the first place. So to keep to the spirit of TBC, it shouldn’t be in just because players would find it convenient. Any change that is made in TBC, should only encompass what is actually present in TBC.
Give players duel spec and you will see them able to swap specs while in the middle of the raid which diminishes the value of having that “solidified choice”. Anybody arguing about this in perspective of having a PvE and PvP spec I can post signs that lead you to the class trainer as there is nothing preventing you from respeccing for that given content.
My problem has been hybrid speccing will be completely asinine with Dual-spec. The whole point of a hybrid spec is that it can do two jobs well with the SAME TALENT TREE. We still are swapping gear around and generally run around with 2 full gear sets at all times.
The only type of hybridization that could still exist with dual-spec would be the type where a player does two things within the same encounter. For the hybrid player that does different things on different bosses well they’d just literally hit the swap talents button and be done no real reason to still be hybrid.
I feel that this is a tired and worn out sentiment. Dual spec would be amazing for the game and there is no arguing that point.
“Tired and worn out” cause you don’t agree. Duel spec would be amazing, but I have stated above why it shouldn’t be in TBC. #somechanges not #gohamwithchanges