Dual Spec.. please?

Where were these polls conducted? Link?


Players will be even more closed off to each other than they already are with dual spec.

too bad baddie


I’m going to assume that the silence on the polls means we don’t have to provide evidence.

So the 17 polls “I saw” said 99% of respondants didn’t want Dual Spec.

Already did the whole sample size argument, not going to get into it again.

418 like thread:

There hasn’t been a single poll that shows less than 60% in favor of Dual Spec. It doesn’t matter where the poll is hosted, the result is the same.

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We all have an opinion as to when “retail” began. Some consider BC retail, others not until WoD. I think you’ll find the vast majority consider the trilogy part of the “classic” game and everything after as retail. It’s ok to hold a distinct minority view, I often do, but one should know when they hold a minority view.

I don’t think this is a thing…

Umm Mhmm… dual spec and looking for dungeon aren’t non retail features in my opnion.

At this point in time, I suspect that most people would agree with that.

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I don’t understand what you mean here. There’s a fine line between bringing back the complete classic experience and bringing back a classic game and changing a few things for a modern era. Duel spec was a fantastic addition to the game without any drawbacks. There isn’t any argument to not have it other then “It wasn’t in TBC, I don’t like it.”

It allows players to engage with the game in a more enjoyable manner and that’s what counts at the end of the day. Farming primals as a healer blows, no matter how much people might not want to admit it. Spending 100g to respec for arena feels terrible, and also directly relates to higher BG Q times.

That may be true. Yet at the same time I suspect most people would consider wrath not retail and that was your statement I was addressing. People are frequently inconsistent.

Maybe. I have no claim to how I would suspect anything that represents “most.”

Wrath certainly isn’t/wasn’t TBC. If that’s a different statement from a claim then maybe I would care to dispute it, but at this point, I’m actually leaning towards TBC being Retail in that it certainly has more Retail features than Vanilla did, and the discussions around adding more are definitely happening, though they seem to be fruitless.

You don’t need to rely on as many players as you would currently if you can just dual spec.

Raiders could be more closed off in this way.

well lv. 11 monk in WOTLK classic you and a lot of people will be really happy when it is in game

Dual spec would be amazing, I’m full pve prot so can’t have much fun on ST in open world and in pvp, DS would make my gameplay 10 times more enjoyable.

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Yeah, we both and the rest of the people in this thread, with already 144 posts within 30 hours are the prove for it, right. :clown_face:

Anyways: We (the people who are for it) named a bunch of good reasons (from our perspective) why it would be a good change. How about you let us exactly know why you are against it.

That argument lags behind, because also in TBC you were able to automate your game to a degree above 90%.

We already did. Alone in the opening post you will find the most solid reasons combined with examples! It’s not our fault you went over to “Mimimi, I don’t want it because, because, because I actually don’t know why.” instead of “I get your point but I see it differently.

I wrote exactly why it’s not needed. If you play soccer outside, I don’t need a citation that you are going to play soccer outside, the fact alone shows your intention.

Oh really, I would recommend to do your homeworks before such a claim:

Thanks for that man, saved quite some time for me.

Says the level 13 warrior? Okay.

most healers and tanks would love a duel spec


Shhh, history is bad!

Retail has that feature already. You have free access to that version of the game since you are currently paying for TBC. We do not need that in TBC.

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With “we” you mean yourself. There have been several polls that show a different picture, as Delimicus has posted above:

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