So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

Any game in 2022 where you have to actively waste 20 min of your life for a single dungeon means the game is dead.

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They know best! They’re the devs!

They’re just a hodgepodge of Blizz employees who were given the most successful expansion and managed to screw it up. Nobody on the Classic team is a designer. But you know who were designers? The people who made the most successful mmo ever. Who built this game we’re still playing. Who put in RDF for very good reasons. Hell, Rob Pardo wanted it in from Vanilla’s launch, and finally got it right with RDF…his words.

But nah, 2022 Blizzard clowns know better than those guys. It’s not like they’ve flushed this game they took over once already down the toilet.


I actually completely agree with this. If Blizzard stuck to the timelines of how things were back then and when they were released in Classic, then there wouldn’t off been an uproar on the forums of people wanting and not wanting stuff such as Looking For Dungeon.


The said features where not released till later in the expansion. And I believe they should have been left till each of those points were hit.

I dont believe that as most want features that were not in Wrath till more than 50% of the way through it.

You do know this statement is entirely incorrect. 20 minutes doesn’t mean anything is dead.

We both know thats cap.

You have different talents, different abilities, different items and your player power is far far above what we have currently.

It just isnt the same at all.

Its like giving a person who wants orange juice a big glass of orange juice mixed with grape juice.

Sure they got the orange juice but it just isnt the same.

It had RDF in wotlk, no matter how much you hate that.

This is also a progression server, OG WOTLK is much much longer than what we will have, original RDF was added in the ICC patch but that was a full year, if you added it in the ICC patch here that would be around 4 months of the game.

We already need RDF, even in the video of “you think you do” he even said"Youre going to be in SW spamming for a tank".

They already knew back before classic was even being developed we would need RDF yet they took it away.


He has no idea what dead means, he likes to spam alarmism for validation and attention.


please explain how you came to that conclusion? Im open to hear ya out on that argument. For MMORPGs I dont believe this to be the case but I also played back in the day where finding raids would be hours and a raid would take hours. It was legit like another job but you made friends wasting time while finding groups. Im open ears though :slight_smile:

Lmao yes it does? There’s games that are instant queues.

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We’ve known for years there was never going to be progressive patches. Server communities died a long time ago so there is no argument that’s makes sense against RDF.

That said, LFD works fine on servers with higher populations. Sucks there aren’t that many people interested in low level content but that’s just a reality of old content.

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And again, if Blizzard comes out and says: “Hey, guess what, we were wrong and have decided to add RDF into the game, but we will release it when ICC content is released.” I think many of us would be perfectly happy with that and wait till the RDF release to level alts.


I don’t care about heroic RDF.
Literally only care about leveling 1-79 dungeons.


Final Fantasy 14 has a larger playerbase than World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Classic put together, and that doesn’t have an instant queue.

Just because you have to spend a little time finding a dungeon, doesn’t mean the game is dead.

First of all you’re wrong, WoW Retail has more players than both FF14/Classic combined and no Retail has fast queues due to RDF.


please posty the patch when it came out for Dungeon finder?

But you want something different now? Sounds like rose tinted glasses with ICC patch and you want that exact timeframe again.

id be ok with that. See there is a real chance for that since it came out them to help with catchup. But sadly we dont see arguments to Blizz saying “Would RDF work if we add it here to help catchup” instead of “GAME IS DEAD BC NO RDF PROOF HERE” then have no proof lol.

Ok, so link your sources then to say I am wrong.

Retail doesn’t have fast queues because of RDF. Stop this nonsense.

You already know when it came out.

Issue is they wanted it out at launch but the tool wasnt ready.

The tool is ready to be out now.

I mean your side is killing the game, there is no winning this debate.

You want group making to be tedious and hard because you think it signifies some social experience that no one can quite get otherwise.

We all raid logging WOTLK.


Some classic troll post from Garmuck for all to enjoy.

It just keeps going, but I need to get back to work, emails are starting to stack up.

I don’t even think you play the game. How could you when you post/comment so much.


It’s more that we want a legitimate wrath feature which addresses very real issues that are currently happening in wrath classic.

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