Gearscore is actually good for the game

I’ve read a lot of opinions about gearscore being all about “gatekeeping” but I’m not sure I see the argument here.

Gearscore isn’t your logs, it’s just the amount of gear you have and for all anyone knows you could’ve just GDKP’d it too and there’s people with high GS who aren’t even good at the game.

So why exactly is GS good for the game then?

Because the content of Wrath is inherently easy, someone whose mediocre in 4k GS will outdps someone whose excellent at 3k GS and there’s no comparison. The stat weight is too high, and just from a glance the higher GS person will make more of an impact to a raid.

For Heroics 3.5k is minimum, but when I form Naxx groups I make sure I don’t invite anyone below 4k GS because this ensures that I will get a pumper and we can finish the content faster and smoother.

So next time before you complain about GS, just understand that this is a great tool to determine the success of your raid and not just some random gatekeeping thing.


Garmuck is here.


It’s not that cut and dry of a metric by any means. I can slap gear from my bank on and be over 4k easy, or I can wear the gear that maximizes my demonic pact and personal dps and be a 3900. You kind of literally said you don’t see how it is gatekeeping, then stated how you gatekeep with it.


Yeah ofc, I mean if you can min max it then it’s fine and esp. if you have logs then I’m sure I’d make an exception for you.

It’s just that there’s a lot of people who are geared now and when I get a ton of whispers from people who want to join and I’m getting people saying “4.2k lock” “4k boomy” etc. then it’s hard to justify giving someone at 3.9k a spot because you don’t exactly need logs for Naxx at least as it’s more of a gear check raid.

I think you can maybe make a case for logs in guild applications, but pugs will just see the higher number and go with that.


This is your 96th thread on the Wrath Classic discussion. Racing toward that 100 mark, huh?


Huh, I actually wasn’t paying attention to my thread count. That’s kinda neat, I don’t plan on racing to it or anything but I’m glad I’m able to contribute to this community.




You should look at my top threads I made, if RDF ever gets put in it’s because I put down the ground work for getting it here.


Ya you’re a modern day hero.


Truly, you are the ambassador of the dungeon finder movement. An inspiration to them all. The leader they deserve!


Wouldn’t be surprised if the devs brought back RDF and renamed it GDF, Garmuck Dungeon Finder in honor of the effort I’ve put fighting for the cause.


It absolutely does not.

Like the meme they’re a ten but…

Their gearscore is 4k but they only auto attack.

Their gearscore is 4k but they don’t use consumes.

Their gearscore is 4k but they don’t know when to use CDs.

Their gearscore is 4k but they run into the slimes near Patch.


They should also knock down one of the statues in Stormwind City and erect a stone Garmuck. Immortalize your glory! Then all the dungeon finder whiners can crowd around and worship it while they sit in the city for the entire leveling experience!

So basically, every single GDKP buyer. :rofl:


You’re trying to be funny about it but if you got 4k GS even if it’s through a GDKP it shows you’re invested in your character’s development and understand the content already otherwise there’s no way you’d have those pieces.

I know people say bring the player, not the class but in reality I’d rather bring the gear over the player because players who don’t meet the GS requirement often times don’t even know mechanics or how to play properly.

This is a great storyline for Classic+ if they ever do it, you should be a writer for them.

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Do not reply to garmuck, you’re feeding attention to a mentally unwell person.


I’m healthy my friend, but in the future you should consider avoiding my threads as you seem to be more toxic than willing to discuss anything.

Remember, if you go to my profile and ignore me forever on the top right then you won’t see my posts anymore.

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Lemonfont that you?

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I’m actually worried about Lemon, he hasn’t been seen since his last anti-RDF thread.


I really should. Still a better love story than Arthas/Kael’thas + Jaina. :person_shrugging:

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Gearscore or item level doesn’t always equate to player skill (unless the damage gap is huge like 3k and 4k). A death knight could GDKP their way through to the highest gearscore possible and know nothing of their class while another Death knight has abit of a lower gearscore than the GDKP death knight but at least the lower gearscore/ilvl death knight knows something about their class and will pull their weight.

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