So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

I mean i’ve made multiple threads about this that garnered tens of thousands of views/replies, we’ve had many people speak out about this.

It’s kinda clear that the whole anti-RDF crowd wanted RDF themselves and quit during these last couple months and now we’re essentially left with people wondering what happened to the game.

If Blizzard is reading this, it’s not too late to admit you made a mistake so you can put RDF back into the game.


Place your bets… How long before this thread gets flagged and hidden?

To the point though, I agree, it was a big mistake and should have been in the game from day one.


I don’t know if RDF is good or bad honestly, but I do know that your predictions and observations seem to be spot on and ahead of the curve. I don’t know if you secretly work for Blizz but at this point I would like to see RDF in-game. Actually I don’t care if you secretly work for them, and if that’s the case just put it in please!


how so? then what is the reasoning for every expansion in wow having a drop in players after the initial launch hype goes down? Did they not have Dungeon finder for the last few retail expansions?


I came back 4 weeks ago, I boosted a character and was anti-RDF. Then I made an alt, and it’s an awful, isolating experience.

I was wrong, we need RDF. None of the old content we will be enjoyed on a wide scale without RDF. The target audience for classic is people who played the game 10 years ago, the old content. None of it is easily accessible anymore.


Idk what any of your questions mean tbh.

But i’ll let you read this guy’s response to get a good idea as to why RDF regret exists:


I leveled an alt and had a great time. It was like back in wrath and TBC. There wasnt too many leveling and finding groups was pretty manual as it was back then. I think yall have rose tinted glasses. Dungeon Finder wasnt even out till ICC…


We’re on ICC patch.


weird I cant walk into that raid or TOC or ULD…thats odd?


Oh, not this again…

Look, there are many other features in the game right now there did not come out till later, such as Cold weather flying tomes and queuing for BGs from anywhere. Trying to claim, “Oh, it was not in the game yet,” is a pointless argument because they already have many other things in the game that also was not in yet.

We are running patch 3.4.0; therefore, we should have all the client features for that patch which included RDF.


“Multiple threads” is a understatement if I’m being honest. It is rather obvious you have a rather strange obsession with a tool and a dire need for attention.


We’re on ICC patch regardless of your lack of understanding of what that means, RDF should’ve been implemented.


Ya and get rid of those features I have no issues with that. Was dumb to add at launch. 2 wrongs dont make a right though lol. If we adding the features we should add the raids as well as they are both game content by definition.

[Game Content](www (.) lawinsider (.) com/dictionary/game-content) means any templates, modules, functions, features, images, audio data, video data, or other content that may be used by a Game Creator when creating a Game.


You are confusing content with client features.

From a client features perspective, right now, we have all the features that came with patch 3.3.0 (the ICC patch) EXCEPT RDF.


please see the post proving this wrong in yet another post :slight_smile:


Lmao this person you’re replying to linked you a dictionary law website link :rofl:

This is the epitome of the anti-RDF crowd.


how so i linked facts. Sadly they dont care about your feelings :slight_smile:


Hi Littleradical! I don’t really have anything to contribute to your post, i just wanted to sy hi. So hi!

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Did you just try to Ben Shapiro me on a dead 15 year old MMO remake forum?


Oh, good lord, really. That definition has nothing to do with the content and feature release cycles. It is very clear you have zero understanding of software development, and you are just trying to throw around Google searches in order to sound smart.