So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

As I said thats silly as well. Dungeon finder was in Wrath but it did come out later in the expansion to help with catchup and the 3 new dungeons. I agree with you there its silly to not include at all. But having all the things at the start is silly. Release it when it should be released.

yup I have no arguments removing those aspects. I understand why some where added as the new friend system in battle net wouldnt work with their old system very well so updating it to work in battle new and stuff now is a pain so I understand some limitations like I dont expect them to go patch by patch with changes as it would be a nightmare(though think how chaotic and fun that would be lol).

And this is where folks have a valid argument about all the other features Blizzard decided to just put in from the start.

Here is the logic. If Blizzard decides to add RDF, then it would make sense just to release it immediately because they have already set the precedent with all the other features. They have released almost all the other QoL features immediately, why would RDF (if they added it) be any different?


Issue is those changes were good, this is a prog server.

RDF is good no matter how much you may not like it personally, its also a key function in pretty much every main stream mmo now.

The issue is people are trying to relive what the game was back then and we arent those people anymore.

Back then server community mattered a lot more, now its discord and guild community.


Putting “Wrath is dead.” in the title, or anything along those lines, shows that you are over exaggerating so much that I can’t take anything you say serious.

You didn’t make this post in good faith to have a discussion. You made this post just to try and mock anyone that disagrees with you.

I understand that argument and its fine its silly to pick and choose. But im in the category that none should be there. Its not how it was back then. To me its like putting a moustache on then Mona Lisa. Sure its a great addition but its not the real historical piece.

then why not play retail? If you dont want a classic style game then why play one? The point as they put it was to have the old game bugs and all…

he said straight up he isnt here to change his mind or anything he is simply here to state opinions without any facts to back up claims other than posts of like minded users…

Yes, anti-RDF people led to the game dying. Why would I converse with them?


People keep saying this.

What makes it a classic style game? What makes it a Retail Game?

Is retail the same thing as what Wotlk was?

Can i go back in retail and choose where i stop?

Saying “go play retail” is about the dumbest thing people can say.

Wotlk had RDF.


you conversed with me. Thought we were having a good discussion until you kinda ran out of steam with stats/arguments, then resorted to personal attacks but the brag you had kinda goes against your initial argument to Dungeon finder which is kinda funny imo.

it doesnt even matter anymore even if they did bring rdf back dragonflight is too good classic was only ever a sidegame for people because retail was bad.


Where did I do a personal attack?

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I have to admit, Dragonflight is actually quite fun, and the game has never been this fun since MoP. Don’t get me wrong though, both versions, Classic and Retail, both are good. But most people don’t play Classic because, they’ve already played it.

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Lmao stop the cap, DF is boring af.

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you can actually they have the ability to turn off levels and you can raid the old things? when leveling you can pick which expansion you want to level in and as a bonus if you dont like Expansion A you can raid Expansion B.

Retail is the current version with all the gameplay additions added over the years. Classic was support to be playing the old version with its limitations and gameplay aspects removed to go back to how gaming was back in 2004. Somewhere along the way people forgot this and want an updated game but old raid mechanics.


There go over exaggerating again. What’s the point in conversing with you?

At this point you are just trolling and the reports you are getting seems justified to me.


And I believe this would have been fine with most people as well. If Blizzard had stuck to the original Classic model and kept Wrath as close to the original as possible, including when features were released, I think many of us wanting RDF would not have even been upset.

It was this whole removing of features and adding of things there was never a part of Wrath that is upsetting.

All we wanted was Wrath classic, the way it originally was.


Nah it’s just the state of the game.

The inferred option being that because of the avergae wait time instead of answering the question I positioned

Odd how your replied to that and instead of posting numbers you brushed it off by using an excuse :slight_smile: