What’s the point of grinding in Wrath if Cata is coming out?

I joined half way through TBC and it was so hard to find groups to raid with, if felt like every other guild was some form of LC that required parses and full consumes while you had the occasional dad guild that would fail on easy content and the rest were just GDKP spam.

It felt like people put a lot of importance on things like the Glaives and raid sets and PvP was also way too sweaty and dominated by 2-3 classes.

Once Wrath dropped it kinda felt like all that work people put into TBC was useless because they just straight up removed all the TBC servers, and now it’s just another treadmill in Wrath until they remove Wrath completely and just put in Cata.

So what exactly is the point of grinding it in Wrath if it’s just going to keep going on and on and then eventually removed, none of this really means anything and the grind for BiS just feels super pointless knowing none of it will last or even count.

Are people just going to dump thousands of hours between now to Cata and then just quit once it happens? Just seems kinda pointless to me idk.


What’s the post of grinding in cata with MoP?

What’s the point of grinding in MoP with WoD?

Idk man. Fun? Enjoyment? You take it how you want. Welcome to wow.


So what’s the difference between this and Retail, cause I figured Classic would offer something new or unique which I get in the form of an older version of the game but it being grindy while also the grind being invalidated plus you not being able to take any of this to Retail kinds makes it seem like a nostalgia treadmill more than anything else.


you answered your own question.
People are going to enjoy thousands of hours of wotlk content with their grinded gear before they even have to worry about cata.
To put this in perspective, if you have steam go look at your most played games by time.
My most played game on steam is barely over 300 hours.
I think you’re really underestimating how much content thousands of hours is.


Yeah but to your steam example in WoW you’re not spending thousands of hours on new content, it’s old content and you’re repeating the same raids and dailies and BGs for those hours so it’s never a unique experience but more so chasing after the RNG of items or mounts/etc.

It’s just odd that it’s so cyclical, like you can grind it all out and then poof one day none of it will ever matter again.

that’s just the nature of games and especially MMOs in general. To play a live service game, which MMOs are, you will forever be chasing a carrot(new gear), because if you had no carrot to chase you’ll have no real goal to strive for and then no reason to keep playing.


If you’ve played the content already, don’t grind too hard. Don’t bother achievement hunting or mount hunting. Just enjoy the content where it’s at. And when you’ve cleared it, take a break. You don’t need to kill a lot of time to have some fun in wrath. And it doesn’t take a whole lot of time to get geared just enough to clear the early stuff.

Talking PVE anyhow. Just log til next patch like a lot of folks. It’s all been done before.

PS - Cata helped create what wow is today. So I think wrath may be it’s final heyday of classic.

Cata was content rich with turd internal changes. Ended with dragon soul, which I thought was the biggest turd of a raid I’ve ever done. And they introduced raid finder at that time too. Another dumpster fire.


Why shower when get stinky later? :rage:


poo poo pee pee?


Yeah I get you, but on Retail it feels a little different because every new expansion is new content and unique content compared to before, wether it’s good or bad content is obviously subjective but Classic is objectively the same experience repeated over and over, I guess that’s where I find the difference to be a bit odd because none of this stuff on Classic ports over to Retail and the time you spend here just vanishes into thin air the moment they move on.

Yeah that’s my current goal with Wrath, it’s just odd to see so many people try Harding and there’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t really care, but it just seems weird because if the sentiment is that Cata will ruin Classic but it’s inevitable then the grind in Wrath is almost not even worth it.

I would say by you explanation, your point could be valid to any game, heck anything in life.

The answer …do what you want. Just because thousands enjoy WOTLK or classic or any other game does not mean you have to.

If you do want to do it…don’t.

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Yeah true, idk I was just thinking about my time on Classic and realized I spent too long obsessing about it in a min max style and it dawned on me that taking it too seriously probably doesn’t matter.

It’s honestly new for a lot of folks, believe it or not. They never played prior to cata, or some even later!

Wrath was the height of the game prior to talent changes, stat changes, etc. Basically the last hurrah before the poop hit the fan at blizz.


Because we are going to stop playing after wrath and we all know that.


Fun, fun is the point of all games.

If you aren’t having fun, it’s best to just move on.


Yeah I’m def enjoying Wrath, I guess I just need to stop trying to min max haha.

But does this motivate you to still try hard in Wrath knowing you’ll eventually quit and this progress won’t matter?

Yeah true, I was just curious as to how others felt about the cyclical nature of Classic is all.

Im not trying hard. Im getting geared to destroy ppl in pvp


Yeah I might just gear up to do casual BGs and the occasional raids too, I was in full steam when Wrath launched to treat it like TBC but man it’s such a chore sometimes to min max this game knowing it’ll all end eventually and become irrelevant.

You have about 2 years of content to get through first :joy:

True but idk if I can last 2 years of Wrath, I’ve played it before and it’s def fun but my eyes are on DF right now. I’ll probably play Wrath more causally and come back for different raid tiers, but hopefully they give us an option to port our classic toons to retail or even keep wrath servers up instead of going Cata.

I just hate knowing that whatever I grind will become useless down the road, feels like my time isn’t valued but that might just be an MMO thing in general and not just a WoW thing.