So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

how is my side killing the game? I simply want features to be released when they came out? Its noted down which patch added what and if they came out with raid B, C, D, then release them at that time.

I level alts as its fun.

That makes sense that people want it as it addresses some issues with some players. My issue is that the whole point of classic is those issues where there back then too, we are here to play it bugs and issues and all. Fixing it isnt true to how the game was. It was a broken mess and it was fun.

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Which was fine in vanilla and TBC classic, in wrath classic RDF is how it was and #nochanges no longer works.

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Which is pretty stupid.

Sure it is.

This is really stupid.

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That aspect came out with ICC raid to help with catchup so no changes still works fine if you want to put that in. I am also ok if they didnt add the other silly things like Dual Talents, Flying Book, ETC. They needed to add Dungeon finder or not add any of them. Picking and choosing was stupid and not true experience.

ok? no point, just saying your opinion?

You’re the one who said FF14 had more subs, prove it.

I get instant queues on retail as tank.

Go ahead, tell me to wait for LFR in Cata.

still waiting or did ya forget?

Everyone is saying their opinion, including you.

You want bugs to be in the game because they were in the game back then, sorry what you want is really stupid.

This must be your first progression style game and you simply dont understand how its typically done i guess.

must be I guess. When they talked about classic being a classic experience I didnt expect retail players to want retail but with Wrath raids and simpler rotations. I know retail can be hard…

Garmuck thinks RDF = insta ques for dps omegalulkekw

Prog servers typically go to the most balanced part of that time frame, just like we did.

Your illusion of this has sailed away a long time ago and youre still expecting it? Thats kind of silly dont you think?

We are all retail players, WOTLK/TBC/Vanilla were all “retail” at some point.

Tell me youre bad at the game without telling me youre bad at the game.

Rotations are irrelevant and learning them takes a day if that, no matter if they are 2-3 buttons or 4-6 buttons, retail rotations arent anything special.

You should of brought up mechanics, Retail mechanics are far far harder than anything in WOTLK.

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Why would it not be?

Did they change the same of the game to progression wow? I thought it was Classic WoW for a bit there. Glad we cleared up what it is. Seems to be a mixed bag of things since its their game and they made a choice.

because you cant answer my request :slight_smile:

Classic wow is progression server.

Notice how we started in Vanilla and content unlocked in a progression style through original, then the first xpac, now the 2nd xpac…

I will give you a hint on what xpac is next, its the 3rd xpac of the game.

This really isnt hard to understand.

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But its not called that? its called Classic.

So Retail isnt progressing and is simply stuck on DF for the rest of existence? Isnt any MMORPG “progressing” or its simply no longer getting updates?

Retail is based off new expansions.

Progression servers are based off passed expansions that were already released.

You ok?

This isnt hard to figure out.

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Think those are bad?


must be hard since I dont see “Progression” in the same and its called “Classic”. I guess naming isnt important. I wonder what this DragonFlight game is? Must be new but it must not be progressing.

Jesus, you went into their comments… That was a rabbit hole I didn’t want to dive into. I just went with the post they made. Props to you.