Gladiator Mounts should be in the Twitch drop

Since we’re just devaluing the game’s oldest and rarest assets to push a rushed expansion whose primary feature is a “UI Change”, we might as well give out Glad mounts too and try to get as many people to play as we can for the first month only for them to all quit the next month.


Lmaooo give it a rest cry baby


TCG mounts are just store mounts with more steps.


so are glad mounts

and raid mounts

what u dont think people are buying those carries? lmao





That is one adorable stretch.


I’m supporting my favorite streamer who is new to Twitch, I’m there to support them and even though I’ll be eligible for the twitch drops, I’m not jumping up and down with joy for one of the oldest outdated poor graphic quality dragon mount, just the look of the thing is devalued compared to current high rez textured mounts in retail today.

In before…“but it’s rare”…sooo? It’s old looking.


Famed slayer title next?!

Come see us when Corrupted Ashbringer and Atesish are twitch drops.

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Bro you make some of the worse threads in the history of this forum.

Like what are you on?


sure. i would actually bring myself to make an account just to get them, unlike the feldrake, which is uggo

Gladiator Mounts require skill.

TCG Mounts require being ahead of the curve (in the past) and a lot of money (today)

Blizzard doesn’t owe any fiduciary duty to TCG holders LOL you guys are acting like the mount is a damn security and we are stock holders. Give it a rest. You cry babies. :slight_smile:


Dude trolling is an art and you’re like those people who just take paint and throw it on a wall and say “look at me, I’m an artist”. Show some respect for the trade you neanderthal.


Yes, lets compare a mount that takes skill to obtain to a mount that just takes cash to obtain. They should bring every mount, pet, and toy back so they’re always available.

People have been buying glad mounts since Wrath.


That’s fine, but you could still get it from your skill in the game. Feldrake is a cash shop mount, but through the trading card game

Which was discontinued hence why it’s rare.

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I forgot where it said that their TCG mounts were Non-Fungible and they weren’t allowed to make more?

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no they dont people just buy them with gold or irl money too lmao its extremely east to purchase

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Where’s yours then loser?