Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 4


March 4, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Tarnished Undermine Real now drop from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj bosses and hard mode caches.
  • Nightmare Grove
    • The Nightmare Dragons now drop three Tarnished Undermine Reals each.
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Non-C’thun Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Tier.
      • Players can access to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj vendors at the entrance of the raid. These NPCs are Kandrostrasz, Vethsera, and Andorgos.
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Blackwing Tier that is not available on the Undermine Real vendor. (Shoulders/Legs/Head/Chest).
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a Blackwing Lair class trinket.
    • All of the pieces in the Nightmare Dragon’s old loot has had 8 primary armor slots updated to have the Timeworn tag, allowing them to interact with the Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight line.
    • To allow players more chances to get missing patterns, the Nightmare Dragons can now drop all of the enchanting and engineering patterns from Molten Core and all professions recipes from Ahn’Qiraj.
    • Health of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 15%.
    • Damage and healing of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 30%.
    • All Dragons no longer thrash.
    • Emeriss - NPC priests during the PvP raid phase no longer cast Mind Control.
    • Lethon - Damage reduction aura from the large Spirit Shade reduced to 50% (was 99%), and movement speed of Spirit Shades lowered by 25%.
    • Ysondre - Divergent Lightning is now cast less frequently and deals less damage.

February 28, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • Rogue
    • Blade Flurry no longer receives double % increases.
      • Developers’ notes: This affects Seal of the Dawn and Rogue set bonuses. Now, % increases from hostile Mind Controls like Chains of Kel’thuzad or Prophet Skeram’s Mind Control no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Blade Flurry.
  • Warrior
    • Sweeping Strikes no longer receives double % increases while inside of Naxxramas.
      • Developers’ notes: Due to Warriors having multiple % increases in their kit through Enrage, we did not want to impact their PvP performance with this bugfix, so this only applies to Warriors while inside Naxxramas. This means Seal of the Dawn and Warrior set bonuses are no longer doubled, and % increases from hostile Mind Controls inside of Naxxramas like Chains of Kel’thuzad no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Sweeping Strikes.

February 27, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • There should no longer be extra enemies near the objectives of The Dark Hoard quest in Blackrock Spire.
  • Hardened Frostguard now has an internal cooldown on the Frost Nova chance on hit, to prevent it from extensively reactivating on the same ability cast.
  • Naxxramas
    • Ignite will no longer incorrectly tick on targets while the player is under the effect of a Mind Control.
    • The health increases from Lifegiving Gem, Rallying Cry, Last Stand, Aegis of Preservation, Vengeance, and Survival Instincts no longer behave incorrectly while under the effects of the Seal of the Dawn.
    • While inside Naxxramas, the 6-piece bonuses for tank warrior, tank warlock, and tank druid will now dynamically update your Last Stand, Vengeance, and Survival Instincts if the new value would be lower and you do not have a debuff that lowers your health active.
  • Rogue
    • The tank T1 6-piece set bonus now provides a 20% damage reduction (was 50%).
    • The animation for Crimson Tempest has been changed to be less chaotic.

February 21, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Soul shoulder enchants are now stackable up to 20. Once purchased, these cannot be refunded.
  • Wartorn Undermine Supply Crates now contain about twice as many Wartorn Scraps as before.
  • Undead Slaying set bonuses now activate at 2 pieces (was 3).
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Added a chance for Kharon and the Dark Rider to drop the neck piece from the apprentice you did NOT unlock.
    • Developers’ notes: For example, if you release Kaigy Maryla, Kharon now has a chance to drop Sairuh’s Collar, and the Dark Rider now has a chance to drop Barian’s Choker. We are aware you can summon the Dark Rider before releasing an apprentice. If this happens, the Dark Rider does not have an additional drop chance.
  • Naxxramas
    • The exit portal that spawns in Sapphiron’s room after the boss has been defeated will now persist after players leave and soft reset the instance.
    • The gates blocking entrance into the various wings of Naxxramas will now stay open forever if Kel’Thuzad has been defeated.
    • Fixed an issue where the number of bosses killed on the hardest difficulty weren’t tracking properly if you soft reset your raid after killing Four Horsemen.
      • Raid groups in a bugged state will be able to fight Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad on their hard-mode difficulties after soft resetting their instances.
    • The Spore Buff on Loatheb will no longer count towards the Dance of the Wicked dodge chance.
    • The Spore Buff on Loatheb will no longer count towards the Elemental Shaman Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 3-piece bonus, the Retribution Paladin T3 6-piece bonus, or the Shadow Priest T3 6-piece bonus for the purposes of increasing damage.
    • Sapphiron’s Glacial Crash now correctly splits its damage amongst players, no longer benefits from the player’s % damage modifiers, and Glacial Crash damage has been increased to the correct amount without accounting for player % damage modifiers.
  • Druid
    • The Restoration T3 6-piece set bonus will now correctly work against Sapphiron’s Frost Aura ticks
    • The Feral damage T3 2-piece bonus now mentions in its tooltip that it will not be effective against players.
  • Hunter
    • Ranged Hunter T3 2-piece now correctly increases the damage dealt by Chimera Shot - Serpent.
  • Mage
    • Mass Regeneration will correctly update the duration of Temporal Beacons on players who have a Temporal Beacon from another Mage with a longer than 15 second duration.
  • Paladin
    • The Retribution T3 6-piece bonus now mentions that it does not work while Righteous Fury or Hand of Reckoning are active.
  • Priest
    • Serendipity now correctly applies to your next Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, or Prayer of Healing even if they were spell queued before a Serendipity was present.
    • Penance is no longer affected by Spell Haste that benefits non-channeled spells.
  • Shaman
    • The tooltip for the Restoration T3 6-piece set bonus now correctly mentions Earth Shield instead of Spirit of the Alpha.
  • Warlock
    • Haunt will no longer incorrectly increase the impact damage of Shadowflame.
    • Improved Immolate will no longer incorrectly increase the damage from the Warlock T3 Shadowflame hit.
    • The Scythe of Chaos will now correctly do its Felhunter Silence and Interrupt.
    • Damage Warlock T3 6-piece bonus now correctly ties the Mark of Chaos effect to the Curse of Agony cast and not to the Curse of Recklessness that is applied through the bonus. This prevents Mark of Chaos from falling off if Curse of Recklessness is replaced by another Warlock.
    • Haunt will no longer incorrectly increase the impact damage of Shadowflame.
    • Improved Immolate will no longer incorrectly increase the damage from the T3 Shadowflame hit.
  • Warrior
    • Fresh Meat will now correctly have a 100% chance to proc on an encounter after a wipe.
    • Fresh Meat will now correctly have a 100% chance to proc against a target in PvP if the target player leaves combat with the Warrior.
    • Revenge attack power multiplier increased by 25% (was 15%).

February 14, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • In Season of Discovery, all buffs from the Lunar Festival and Love Is In The Air events require the holiday to be active. After the events end, event items cannot be consumed, and they will be removed upon log-in.
  • Might of Menethil now has a chance on hit to knocks down all nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
  • Naxxramas
    • Kel’thuzad will no longer rot faster than intended on maximum difficulty.
    • Kel’thuzad will no longer allow players to use a Flask of Petrification to avoid engaging with his mechanics on maximum difficulty.
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Huhuran will no longer retain stacks of Frenzy after a wipe.
  • Druid
    • The Tier 3 Feral Druid 2-piece bonus will no longer increase the frequency of Rake’s periodic against players.
  • Hunter
    • Tranquilizing Shot will no longer remove stacks of the Tier 3 Melee Hunter 6-piece bonus.
    • Feign Death will now set the remaining duration of the Tier 3 Undead Slaying bonus to 5 seconds, providing an opportunity to get back into combat to keep the bonus stacks.
  • Mage
    • Mages will no longer have a chance to instantly kill players when they are Mind Controlled.
  • Paladin
    • Righteous Fury will no longer incorrectly fall off if the target that dealt damage to the Paladin is no longer available/alive.
    • The Tier 1 Holy Paladin 6-piece bonus will now correctly gain healing based on your Sanctified bonus.
    • The Holy Paladin Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece bonus will no longer incorrectly benefit twice from your Sanctified healing bonus.
    • The Tier 3 Retribution Paladin 6-piece set bonus will no longer work if you have Hand of Reckoning engraved or Righteous Fury active.
      • Developers’ notes: We feel that this would turn a Paladin tank into a one-button playstyle while also providing too much damage for a tank. With this change, Protection Paladins can exchange their Retribution Tier for Tank Tier until the February 20. This is a one-way trade.
  • Priest
    • The Tier 1 Shadow Priest 6-piece bonus should now more responsively to add the Melting Faces buff to players after a Mind Blast crit, allowing an empowered Mind Flay to be immediately channeled.
  • Rogue
    • Soul of the Phantom will now correctly apply to Rogues upon logging in.
    • Fixed an issue preventing Rogues from getting a Sending Sigil if they knew the Engrave Blunderbuss rune.
  • Shaman
    • The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece Enhancement set now correctly works against Bleed-Immune targets.
  • Warlock
    • Shadowflame and Immolate no longer gain increased critical damage from Pandemic. This increase is from the Ruin talent.

February 13, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Scourge Invasions
    • The rate at which undead spawn at the Scourge Invasion camps has been greatly increased. This increases both the number of creatures present as well as the rate at which more spawn, making invasion camps much more dangerous. As a reminder, you cannot loot another Heart of Doom if you have looted one within the last 5 minutes.
    • Remnants of Valor now drop once per day from bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme Dead Side bosses. These are on the same timer as Tarnished Undermine Real dropping once daily from bosses.
    • Every zone that has a Scourge Invasion now also has a soul projection of Brother Luctus for picking up and turning in the repeatable quest.
    • You can now exchange Remnants of Valor for Argent Dawn Valor Tokens from Brother Luctus.
    • Next week, the Seal of the Dawn will only go up 1 maximum rank, to rank 5.
      • Developers’ Notes: We previously expected to increase the Seal of Dawn power system to rank 6 next week, but have determined that it would be better to slow it down and possibly cap it earlier than rank 10. This also means that players will not have to obtain as many Remnants of Valor each week. We will continue to track and evaluate this system.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Remnants of Valor now drop from Karazhan Crypts bosses.
    • Ultravision cannot be removed by immunities.
    • Flametongue Totem now grants protection from Oppressive Darkness.
  • Naxxramas
    • A portal has been added inside of the entrance to Naxxramas that will allow players to exit the instance.
    • A portal has been added in the Frostwyrm Lair that becomes active when Sapphiron is defeated, allowing players to return to the entrance of Naxxramas.

February 11, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Reduced the cost of World Buff consumables and reputation items purchased with Commendation Signets by 50%. World Buff consumable items now stack up to 20.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Scourge invasions to respawn slower based on number of layers on a realm. Scourge invasions now respawn regardless of the number of layers.
  • The spawn rate of Blood of Heroes in both Eastern Plaguelands and Western Plaguelands has been adjusted to accommodate the additional vendor cost of Tier 3 set rings.
  • Enriched Manna Biscuits from Argent Dawn reputation now restore a percentage of your health per second while inside Naxxramas, to allow players who have large health pools with the Seal of the Dawn active to get back on their feet faster.
  • The Violet Satchel quest now correctly requires the Violet Satchel and consumes it on turn in. Once the Violet Satchel quest has been completed, the Violet Satchel and Scrap of Parchment no longer drops. If you have completed this quest previously and have any of these in your inventory now, you can safely delete these items.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Dark Rider to despawn during the Torment’s Illusion mechanic.
    • The Frostbolt Volley from Sairuh Maryla in the Karazhan Crypts now has the correct tooltip on its debuff, and now slows players whenever it hits them, regardless of how far away they were.
    • Kharon: The Red Death can no longer hit mind-controlled targets.
  • Naxxramas
    • Instructor Razuvious’ Disrupting Shout will now correctly be reduced by pet Avoidance.
    • Heigan’s Mana Burn will now correctly be reduced by pet Avoidance.
    • Kel’Thuzad’s Void Fissures will no longer hit pets.
      • Developers’ notes: We’ve reduced the requirement to micromanage your pet’s movement in cases where it doesn’t result in practical gameplay. We’ve retained mechanics such as Detonate Mana striking pets, or Sapphiron’s Drain Life and Heigan’s Disease hitting pets, as these provide gameplay moments beyond merely avoiding damage through movement.
    • Gothik the Harvester
      • Reduced the health of Gothik and his summons.
    • The Four Horsemen
      • Spirits of the Horsemen should no longer persist through resets.
    • Sapphiron
      • Avoidance now correctly works on Sapphiron’s Frost Aura.
      • Sapphiron’s Frost Breath will no longer hit pets that have an Avoidance aura on them.
  • Druid
    • The Restoration Druid Tier 3 2-piece set bonus will now correctly proc once every few seconds (was a proc on every instance of damage).
  • Hunter
    • Changed the Melee Hunter Set so that the 6-piece effect falls off if you perform a ranged attack. Players can speak to Huntsman Leopold to exchange their Melee Tier 3 Hunter pieces, one way, for the Ranged Tier 3 Hunter pieces. This is a one-way trade, and the exchange will be removed on February 13.
    • A previously deleted Infernal Lasso can now be recovered from the Lost and Found vendor in Booty Bay.
  • Mage
    • The Healing Mage Tier 3 2-piece bonus will now correctly scale with Sanctified gear while inside of Naxxramas.
    • Fixed a problem where Mass Regeneration was replacing longer duration Temporal Beacons with shorter duration ones. It will no longer overwrite longer duration ones with shorter duration ones.
  • Paladin
    • Seal of Martyrdom will now restore the correct amount of Mana while outside of Naxxramas if you have a Seal of the Dawn buff active.
    • The Retribution Tier 3 4-piece set bonus will no longer reset your swing timer when Holy Wrath is cast.
    • The Holy Paladin Tier 3 2-piece bonus will now correctly restore mana to the Paladin instead of their target when Lay on Hands is cast.
    • The Protection Paladin Tier 3 4-piece bonus applies correctly to the Malleable Protection version of Divine Protection.
  • Rogue
    • The Rogue Tier 3 2-piece set bonus now increases the damage of Backstab by 10% (was 5%).
  • Shaman
    • The Restoration Shaman Tier 3 helm now correctly has Spell Haste.
    • The Restoration Shaman Tier 3 2-piece bonus will no longer erroneously remove the internal cooldown of Earth Shield.
    • Reduced the Tank Shaman Tier 3 4-piece bonus additional damage reduction to 10% (was 15%).
  • Warlock
    • The Tank Warlock Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus will now correctly remove the effects of Demonic Sacrifice if you summon an Incubus or Succubus when the other one was the target of Demonic Sacrifice.
    • Reduced the Warlock Tank Tier 3 4-piece bonus cooldown reduction on Demonic Grace reduced to 3 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Reduced the Warlock Tank Tier 3 4-piece bonus cooldown reduction on Infernal Armor to 10 seconds (was 30 seconds).

February 4, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where players are no longer able to accept and complete the Tier 0.5 quests.
  • Shortened the Injured adventurer’s respawn time for the quest “To the Rescue”, so that he becomes available again more rapidly after being rescued and running off. Quest credit should be awarded to players who are dead when the cage is opened and the adventurer is freed.
  • There is now a Haunted Anvil in the town outside of Karazhan that players may interact with to repair their gear, whether they are living or dead.
  • Repeatable quests for Remnants of Valor are now available. Players can now pick this quest up from Brother Luctus at Light’s Hope Chapel if they have completed the prerequisite quest.
  • Heart of Doom can now be looted for the repeatable Remnants of Valor quest from the Heart of Doom object that spawns after a Shadow of Doom has perished. These will now only last for a short time after the death of a Shadow of Doom.
  • The Heart of Doom that spawns after a Shadw of Doom is killed will now last for 5 minutes, giving players more of an opportunity to click it. Once you have successfully looted a Heart of Doom, you may not loot another for 5 minutes.
  • Argent Dawn Quartermasters and Outfitters now offer all Undead Slaying gloves quests available to your armor type. Previously full sets were locked to the highest armor type a class can wear.
  • Weighted Consecrated Sharpening Stone can now correctly be applied to Staves.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Demon Charge and Feral Charge now destroy the Immense Rock.
    • Players will now be able to loot a bag containing a Necrotic Rune from every boss and mini-boss.
    • Shamans can now cleanse the Diseased Corpse.
    • Mysterious Relics are now Bind on Pickup and Uncommon.
  • Hunter
    • The Darkrider’s Spine will now correctly use and benefit from Arrows.
  • Priest
    • Binding Heal now correctly benefits from and is consumed by Inner Focus.
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue where Curse of Agony was not gaining any benefit from Improved Curse of Agony or Amplify Curse.

January 30, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • You can now correctly hand in Supply Shipments from Karazhan to Supply Officers in cities.
  • The “Shadow of Doom” Scourge Invasion quest can now be completed while in a raid group. Everyone in the group will get credit for the kill of the Shadow of Doom.
  • Shadows of Doom now spawn an interactable Heart of Doom that players can loot to start their shoulder enchant quest. When getting Hearts of Doom in the future for Remnants of Valor after Naxxramas releases, players will need to get the tag on Shadows of Doom.
  • The tooltip on the Doomsayer’s Demise Wand now correctly states that it deals 100 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness (was 45 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness). The tooltip on the Wand does not change when the set is completed, but the debuff tooltip on enemies will increase.
  • Tome of Enchanted Flare can now only be seen and looted by Hunters.
  • The “Elemental Equation” and the “Core of Elements” quests can now be completed in Light’s Hope Chapel.

January 21, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • All Season of Discovery World buffs will be removed from Classic Era and Anniversary Realm characters upon login or entering an instance.
  • Divine Steed is now available on the Rune Broker at level 45.
  • Equipping the Revered Version of the DPS Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight will no longer cause it to launch a Timeworn Shot.
  • You can now refund the tier tokens from the Undermine Reals.

January 14, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Real vendor now sells All Tier 1 and half of the Tier 2 Tokens
    • Tier 1 Wrists/Waist/Hands - 15 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Feet/Shoulders - 20 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Chest/Legs/Head - 25 Tarnished undermine Reals
    • Tier 2 Wrists/Waist/Hands/Feet - 35 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Developers’ notes: We currently have no plans to further expand the raid equipment present on the Undermine Real vendor, and we’ve focused this change exclusively on giving newer characters access to set bonuses that may be critically impactful to their character progression.
  • C’thun will now drop 1 additional item in all difficulties. This item will be either an additional Chest Tier piece, or one of the highly desired weapons from the instance for damage dealers and healers.
  • Thorns effects from items (aside from Nagelring) will now log into the combat log.
    • Developers’ notes: The behavior of these items is unchanged. This update adds information to the combat log that previously was only displayed on-screen.
  • Many Ahn’Qiraj crafting patterns have had their required materials lowered:
    • This includes Glowing Chtin Armor Kit, Sharpened Silithid Chitin Armor Kit, Tuned Force Reactive Disk, Obsidian Scope, Enchanted Stopwatch, Tear of the Dreamer, Lodestone of Retaliation, Totem of Flowing Magma, Totem of Pyroclastic Thunder, Totem of Thunderous Strikes, Enchanted Totem, Qiraji Silk Cape, Qiraj Silk Cloak, Qiraji Silk Drape, Qiraji Silk Scarf, Razorspike Battleplate, Razorspike Headcage, and Razorspike Shoulderplate.

January 13, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Protection Paladin T2.5 two-piece bonus is now correctly removed when the set bonus is broken.
  • You can no longer use Fresh Holly, or Preserved Holly while Divine Steed is active.
  • Shadowfiend can no longer be used in Neutral cities to cause the guards to attack the target that was engaged upon.
  • Various Cat Form Druid abilities such as Berserk, Savage Roar, and Wild Strikes will now work properly during the Nefarion Druid Class call.

December 20, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The Orgrimmar Commendation Officer in Orgrimmar and the Ironforge Commendation Officer in Ironforge now sell items for Commendation Signets. The items sold by other factions (Zandalar Tribe, Timbermaw Hold, Thorium Brotherhood, Steamweedle Cartel, Cenarion Circle, Hydraxian Waterlords, and Argent Dawn) can now be purchased from these two vendors.
  • The new Flask recipes from Ahn’Qiraj can now be traded to others who were eligible to loot them, with a two-hour timer.
  • Hunter
    • The 4-piece T2.5 ranged Hunter set will no longer launch additional Kill Shots against player targets. The cooldown reset will still occur. Its tooltip will be updated later.
  • Paladin
    • Shock and Awe’s buff is now removed when talents or gear are changed.
  • Priest
    • Fixed a bug where Circle of Healing from Priests with the 4-piece set bonus from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj was healing more targets than intended.
  • Shaman
    • The benefit of the Shaman tank 4-piece set from Ahn’Qiraj will now cancel if the Shaman unequips the set.
  • Warlock
    • The T2.5 damage Warlock 2-piece set bonus will no longer incorrectly grant more than 30 stacks of Shadow Vulnerability when combined with Shadowflame.

December 17, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Added a Rune Broker vendor to every starting area. This vendor will provide access to all class runes at level 1.
    • Developers’ notes: Some discoveries in the game world may not function properly if you learn the related rune ability from items purchased on this vendor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ring Specialization runes from being available on Rune Brokers.
  • Increased the drop rates of Hive Thistle, Small Obsidian Shards, and Large Obsidian Shards in Silithus and Ahn’Qiraj. Every herb node in Silithus is now guaranteed to have 2-4 Hive Thistle. All Large Obsidian nodes now always have 1-2 Large Obsidian Shards and 3-5 Small Obsidian Shards. All Small Obsidian nodes now always have 2-4 Small Obsidian Shards and a (larger than before) chance of a Large Obsidian Shard.
    • Developers’ notes: These changes only apply to new spawns of the nodes, so until every node has been re-spawned, there may still be some that behave as they did before the change.
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to continue spawning Eye Tentacles after combat had expired.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to fail to respawn.

December 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Tarnished Undermine Real drops in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair increased to 3 per boss (was 1).
  • Damaged Undermine Supply Crates cost increased to 10 (was 5), and will now always contain some of the new Ahn’Qiraj crafting reagents, Scarabs, Idols from the Ruins or an Idol from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
  • Using any of the world buff consumable items will no longer cause party and raid members to stop eating or drinking.
  • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • The Obelisk to continue opting into the Descent into Madness has been shifted to be underneath the large water pipe that leads down to the encounter space.
    • Moam and Ayamiss have had their health reduced.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage on detonation and not application.
    • Non-boss-enemy drops from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj have been added and distributed across the first three bosses (previously were only obtainable from the chests).
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • Ouro should no longer summon the Eye of C’thun if the Descent into Madness is not active.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage to on detonation and not application.
    • C’thun
      • Tentacles should no longer spawn while C’thun is vulnerable in Phase 2.
      • Digestive Acid once again stacks.
      • The frequency at which some tentacles spawn has been reduced.

December 11, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Removed gear from player-characters who obtained it from an unintentionally available testing NPC.
  • The new relics that are crafted from Ahn’Qiraj are no longer Unique.
  • Players dying outside the entrance to the areas of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj, The Scarab Dais, or The Scarab Wall will now use the same graveyard as those who die inside Ruins or Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raids.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Light will now correctly activate Scarab Brooch.

December 10, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Elixir of the Ironside now grants 450 armor.
    • Developers’ notes: This makes it so that consuming an Elixir of Superior Defense alongside an Elixir of the Ironside has no added benefit.
  • Ahn’Qiraj
    • Some Obelisks for the Descent into Madness have been moved to more accessible, easily visible locations.
    • Huhuran’s berserk should now correctly clear after she resets.
    • Obelisks that were not triggered should now be correctly unavailable after a boss is defeated. The Descent into Madness should now correctly shut off after a boss is defeated if their respective Obelisk is not interacted with.
    • The Gilded Scarab should now properly award loot when defeated.
    • The hard mode caches in the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj raid will now contain keys for the instance’s scarab coffers.
    • Master Loot and item trading work once again for Viscidus and Princess Huhuran in Ahn’Qiraj from the Caches of Wagering.
    • Ouro should now correctly respawn if he despawns during his burrow phase.
    • Reduced the health of Fankriss and his spawn, and Spawn of Fankriss damage reduced.
    • Increased the health of many of the creatures inside the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj.
  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue where Druids were able to use Shred from in front of a target if they were very close to the target. It now properly always requires behind (unless they have the Season of Discovery set bonus that removes this restriction).
  • Rogue
    • The 3-piece Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj set bonus for Rogues will now correctly reduce the cost of Crimson Tempest.
  • Warrior
    • Revenge Rank 6 now correctly benefits from attack power.

December 9, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Ahn’Qiraj
    • New flasks from Ahn’Qiraj now stack to 20 (was 1). Older flasks stack to 5, unchanged.
  • Druid
    • Moonkin Form now grants 3 spell damage per level (was 2).
  • Priest
    • The Shadow T2.5 2-piece set bonus will now correctly launch a free Mind Flay when starting the first cast of Mind Flay.

December 4, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Anachronos will now allow you to get another Scepter of the Shifting Sands if yours is misplaced.

  • The Season of Discovery versions of the original Darkmoon Cards are now obtainable from their quests.

  • Songflower Lullaby, Dark Fortune of Damage, and Blessing of Neptulon will no longer cancel when entering instances.

  • Players can now go into Blackwing Lair and change any Tier 2 items with Tier 1 set bonuses back into the Tier 2 item with Tier 2 set bonuses.

  • Draught of the Sands for Hunters and Rogues will no longer erroneously stack under certain conditions.

  • Unbalancing Strike from the Twin Emperors encounter in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj will no longer affect the bonus attack power or spell damage gained from Defender’s Resolve. You will always gain these stats based on your pre-Unbalancing Strike defense skill.

  • Druid

    • Moonkin Form now grants 3 spell damage per level (was 2).
  • Hunter

    • Tranquilizing Shot will no longer consume a stack of Lock and Load.
    • Resourcefulness no longer erroneously reduces the cooldown of Deterrence.
    • Tranquilizing Shot will once again correctly work against the SIlithid Darter during the Hunter Quest chain.
    • Swapping off of Rapid Killing to Lock and Load now prevents the use of Lock and Load for 60 seconds.
  • Mage

    • Fire Mage Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus decreased to 10% (was 20%).
    • Fire Mage Ruins of Ahn’Qiraji 3-piece set bonus decreased to 9% (was 20%).
    • Living Bomb now has an additional line of text that reads: “Living Bomb benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Scorch” allowing ticks of Living Bomb and the Explosion to apply Fire Vulnerability if talented.
    • Fingers of Frost has a 25% chance to activate (was 15%).
    • Ice Lance damage from spell power increased by 300%.
    • Ice Lance deals 400% damage to frozen targets (was 300%).
    • The Ice Lance rune now has a passive that states “When your other frost spells deal damage to a non-player-controlled target, they increase the target’s damage taken from your next Ice Lance by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times and requires the Winter’s Chill talent.”
    • Wrath of Cenarius will now correctly proc from Balefire Bolt, Spellfrost Bolt, and Frozen Orb.
    • Mages can no longer consume another mage’s Glaciate stacks.
  • Priest

    • The T2.5 Shadow Priest 4-piece set bonus has been decreased to 10% increased Mind Spike damage (was 20%).
    • The T1 6-piece Shadow set bonus will now correctly consume the Melting Faces buff after casting Mind Flay.
  • Rogue

    • The Draught of the Sands now has a version for Rogues available from vendors.
    • Unbalancing Strike from the Twin Emperor’s encounter in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj will no longer cause the Rogue to lose any of their Physical Damage Reduction gained through their defense skill and Blade Dance.
  • Shaman

    • Different ranks of Flame Shock will no longer stack.
    • Flame Shock’s original sound effect has been restored.
    • Lava Lash’s bonus damage from Flametongue Weapon reduced from to 100% (was 125%).
  • Warlock

    • Scythe of Chaos will no longer kill your pet, but instead dismiss it, allowing it to retain its buffs when resummoned.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly inherit their master’s Fire or Shadow spell hit chance based on whichever is higher.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly gain full value of spell hit chance for their spells.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly gain 80% of their master’s spell hit as physical hit.
    • Warlock pets will gain -0.5 reduction to their chance to be dodged or parried if any ring rune is engraved on their master.
    • The Tank Warlock T2 two-piece set bonus will no longer use the target’s health to life tap if you are in a neutral city.
    • If Mark of Chaos is applied by Curse of Agony, Mark of Chaos will now linger for 3 seconds after the Curse of Agony aura fades.
      • Developers’ notes: This is to allow Warlocks who are using Curse of Agony to have a window where they can let their Curse of Agony fully fade, and not lose the raid’s Mark of Chaos debuff before they reapply it. This will eliminate the need to clip the end of a Curse of Agony in order to benefit the raid.

December 2, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair

    • Applying at least 1 affix in Blackwing Lair will now add an additional item to the loot cache. This item will be one of your faction’s 8 class trinkets.
  • Druid

    • Feral damage 2-piece Tier 2.5 set bonus now increases Shred damage by 15% (was 20%).
    • Mangle (Bear) Threat modifier increased to 1.5x threat per damage (was 1.0x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s impact Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s damage over time Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
      • Developers’ notes: The threat changes are intended to assist in snap threat for Tank Druids, giving more value to using Berserk on the opening of a fight while retaining the value in stacking a lacerate.
    • The following Balance Druid updates were implemented on November 19, 2024:
      • Improved Frenzied Regeneration can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Survival Instincts can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Dreamstate’s increase to Nature and Arcane damage taken, can no longer be applied to players.
      • Developers’ notes: These changes are targeted at Moonkin’s frustrations in PvP encounters. They will still have an option in these slots rune-wise for PvP, albeit way less durable or bursty, in the form of Elune’s Fire. Dreamstate will still provide the mana regeneration in PvP. This also made room for the talent adjustments made recently to buff up Improved Moonfire and Moonfury.
  • Hunter

    • Ranged Hunter Tier 2.5 2-set bonus is now a 20% increase to Kill Shot damage against non-player-controlled targets.
    • Swapping to the Kill Shot rune will now correctly place it on a 12 second cooldown (was 15 seconds), adjusted for its new base cooldown.
    • Swapping off of the Kill Shot rune will now place Flanking Strike on a 12 second cooldown, and prevent the stacking of Sniper Training for 12 seconds as well.
    • Hunter Pets will now benefit from equipped gear on the Hunter that reduces the chance to be dodged or parried.
    • Swapping Rapid Killing to Lock and Load now prevents the use of Lock and Load for 60 seconds.
  • Mage

    • The cooldown of Cold Snap has been reduced to 5 minutes (was 10 minutes).
    • Fire Mage Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Fire Mage Ruins of Ahn’Qiraji 3-piece set bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Living Bomb now has an additional line of text that reads: “Living Bomb benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Scorch” allowing ticks of Living Bomb and the Explosion to apply Fire Vulnerability if talented.
  • Paladin

    • Tier 2.5 Holy Paladin set 4-set bonus has been updated – Your heals on your Beacon of Light target also heal the nearest friendly injured target for 90% as much (was 30%).

November 26, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Chronoboon Displacer
    • Items that share exclusivity with world buffs (Horn of the Dawn, Songflower Seed, Shimmering Globe, Overseer’s Anvil, “Defective” Magic 8-Ball, Firewater Cauldron (stacking change only), and Spirit Conch):
      • Will no longer be removed if the person with the consumable leaves raid.
      • Will extend the duration of the appropriate world buff instead of replacing it.
      • Now stack up to 5.
      • Known issue: these consumable items list their duration as Until Cancelled instead of 1 or 2 hours. That will be corrected in another hotfix.
  • Druid
    • Improved Moonfire now correctly increases the damage of Starfall.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury no longer affect base damage of their associated spells.
    • Improved Moonfire and Moonfury now affect the entire damage of their associated spells.
  • Hunter
    • Tranquilizing Shot no longer has a minimum range.
    • Trueshot Aura will now grant the Marksmanship Hunter using it 100/150/200 additional ranged attack power (was 50/75/100).
    • Melee T2.5 set 2-piece bonus now increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%, and increases the maximum focus of your pet by 50 (was Increases Wyvern Strike damage over time by 50%).
    • Melee T2.5 set 4-piece bonus now increases the impact damage of Mongoose Bite and all Strikes by 15% (was 10%).
    • Beast Mastery rune now increases your pet’s damage and health by 15% (was 10%).
  • Priest
    • Shadow Priest T2.5 set -piece bonus now increases the damage of Mind Spike by 20% (was 30%).
  • Rogue
    • 5 damage set 2-piece bonus will now only affect Saber Slash and Mutilate (was Sinister Strike and Saber Slash).
    • 5 tank set 2-piece bonus will now persist for 10 seconds after using Main Gauche (was tied to having the Parry buff active, and fell off when an attack was parried).
    • The Attack Power ratio on Instant Poison with Deadly Brew has been increased to 5% (was 3%).
    • Slaughter from the Shadows Ambush and Backstab increased against non-players increased to 60% (was 50%).
  • Shaman
    • 5 Enhancement 2-piece bonus that increases the damage of Stormstrike and Lava Lash by 50%, is now twice as effective for 2-handed weapons.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus now causes your Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Lava Burst critical strikes to burn your target for 30% of the damage done over 4 seconds (was only Stormstrike and Lava Lash).
    • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 3-piece set will now correctly increase the damage of Lava Burst from Overload.
    • 5 Enhancement 4-piece bonus will now correctly work with Off-hand Stormstrike.
  • Warlock
    • Haunt’s increase to Shadow damage over time effects increased to 40% (was 20%).
    • Haunt now correctly has a return animation.

November 25, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Items
    • Blessed Qiraji War Axe stamina removed (was 9 stamina) and strength increased to 9 (was 0 strength).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn damage over time effect increased to 3% per piece (was 2%).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn extra attack effect changed to a true extra attack (can proc things), and it can now be activated the same sources that proc Hand of Justice.
    • Wrath of Cenarius is now activated by Spellfrost Bolt, Balefire Bolt, and Frozen Orb, as intended.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Shield will now reduce your damage dealt by 50% while active.
    • Divine Shield will no longer reduce your attack speed by 100% while active.
    • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece damage set bonus updated – Your basic attacks increase the damage of your next Exorcism cast with 20 seconds by 40%, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche now increases Sinister Strike threat generated by 50% (was 100%).

November 22, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Samantha Swifthoof will no longer patrol during the Bloodmoon Event in Strangelthorn Vale.
  • The Ahn’Qiraj War Commendation World Buff consumables will now only apply only the Dragonslayer, Warchief’s, and Zandalar buffs to pets, as intended.
  • The world buff consumables from War Effort Commendations changed to cost 50 (was 100).
  • Hunter
    • Kill Shot cooldown reduced to 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
    • Kill Shot bonus damage increased to be 20% higher than Aimed Shot (weapon damage component unchanged at 100% of weapon damage).
    • Ahn’Qiraj ranged 2-piece bonus now decreases the cooldown on Kill Shot by 65% when targets are between 20% and 50% health (was 50% reduction).
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue with the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece Arcane set bonus for players who did not have the Regeneration or Mass Regeneration runes equipped.
  • Rogue
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces your Dodge chance by half. Evasion still provides its full effect of +50% Dodge.
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces physical damage taken by 30% (was 20%), plus an additional 1% per 12 Defense above 300.
    • Threat generated from Unfair Advantage has been increased by 50%, to compensate for it triggering less often.
    • Main Gauche now generates 300% threat on impact (was 100%).
    • Main Gauche now has a 15 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
    • Main Gauche now provides a 200% threat increase to Sinister Strike (was 150%).
    • Main Gauche now provides the Sinister Strike threat increase for 30 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: Since before the introduction of Rogue tanks, we’ve foreseen conditions where they become untouchable by melee attacks, and while this is core to the original Rogue tank fantasy, it’s not sustainable or healthy. We’re reducing avoidance and adding more consistency with damage reduction, so that Rogues can still tank, and we’re increasing the incentives on wearing Defensive gear while decreasing the incentives for wearing damage gear. Players can use Main Gauche in situations where they feel they want to actively mitigate incoming damage, instead of using it to maintain a buff. We’re planning to make additional adjustments to Rogue tanks, as well as to other classes and set bonuses in Ahn’Qiraj, prior to its release.
    • Shaman
      • Shield Mastery will now provide 4 Spell Power per point of Defense (was 2).
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 2-piece bonus now also can trigger from Lava Burst and Molten Blast.
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 4-piece bonus now also increases all threat generated by 20%, and all damage done by 10%.
    • Warlock
      • Haunt’s duration increased to 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
      • Unstable Affliction’s base damage (before spell power) increased by approximately 120% over its duration. Feedback damage from being dispelled remains the same.
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 4-piece bonus now increases Fire damage by 5% per stack, stacking up to 2 times (was 2% stacking 5 times).
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 2-piece now also increases Shadow Bolt damage by 10%, and now also allows Chaos Bolt to trigger the Improved Shadow Bolt talent.
      • Ahn’Qiraj tank 4-piece now allows the effects of Demonic Sacrifice to persist while having a pet active, as long as the Warlock does not resummon the sacrificed pet. Warlocks may still only have one Demonic Sacrifice effect.
      • Demonic Grace can be used while a Warlock has no pet active.

November 14, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Sylvan Vest now correctly has Stamina (was Strength).

November 12, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where your sleeping dopplegangers could escape from Blackfathom Deeps and disrupt capital cities.

October 30, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • Fixed a problem where the Druid PvP sets allowed multiple movement speed increases to stack. They no longer stack.
  • Hunter
    • When Chimera Shot is used with Serpent Sting, the extra effect now benefits properly from ranged weapon skills and gets the correct 10% critical strike chance increase from Sniper Training (was incorrectly 20%).

October 15, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Tier 2 belt tokens no longer drop in Blackwing Lair. Prince Thunderaan still drops two belt tokens, and his single loot table for unique gear has been split in two.
    • Developers’ notes: The BWL change should result in players seeing more set pieces from other gear slots from Nefarian and the bonus chests. Prince Thunderaan’s split loot table now grants players an extra item every kill.

October 9, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where Envenom was not increasing Instant Poison’s frequency unless the Rogue was also using Deadly Brew. It will now always increase the chance properly.

October 8, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Battlegrounds
    • Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch now award more Marks of Honor to the losing team when the match ends, based on the performance of the losing team.
    • The losing team will always get 1 Mark of Honor, plus 1 extra for each flag capture in Warsong Gulch, or for each 600 resources earned in Arathi Basin.
    • The winning team will now always receive 4 Marks of Honor.
  • Mage
    • Fixed a problem with the Tier 2 Mage 6-piece damage set bonus that caused Fireball damage to not be increased unless the Mage was within 24 yards of the target. It will now work properly at any range.
    • Mind Spike now properly consumes charges from the Zandalarian Hero Charm.
  • Rogue
    • The Venomous Totem will now properly increase the chance for Instant Poison to trigger from Deadly Brew (when no poison is applied).

October 7, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Prince Thunderaan’s Squall now increases in damage every cast, his Chain Lightning should no longer fail to cast, the damage of his Lightning Cloud and Cyclonic Winds has been increased, and Lightning Cloud now afflicts damage more frequently.
  • Players may now learn both Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing at the same time.
  • The Blackwing Lair Trials can no longer be disabled once Nefarian has been defeated.

October 2, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where the changing of the Bonus Weekly Affix didn’t align correctly with regional weekly reset times.
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that would cause players killed in the first phase of the Nefarian fight to be ineligible for the bonus chest loot.
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Nefarian from respawning after the raid wiped in Phase 2.
  • Priest
    • Fixed the trinket Cassandra’s Tome so that critical strike chance is increased every time Penance heals or deals damage (was the first per cast), Holy Nova will always consume a charge, even if it only heals, and Circle of Healing will now benefit from the increased critical strike chance and consume the effect when it does.
    • Inner Focus now properly increases the critical strike chance of Circle of Healing.
  • Shaman
    • The Static Shock rune no longer requires multiple players to obtain.
  • Warrior
    • Fixed an issue with the tooltips on Booming Voice and Thunder Clap not updating to the intended functionality.

October 1, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair
    • Cloak of Draconic Might and Essence Gatherer have been updated to their intended item level 75 (was item level 70).
      • For Cloak of Draconic Might, this increased its armor and stats slightly.
      • For Essence Gatherer, this increased its damage and stats slightly.
  • Molten Core
    • Shazzrah will no longer create two clones on Heat 3.
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where the tier 1 6-piece armor set bonus was cancelling Mage Armor and Molten Armor buffs when the Mage traveled between zones and instances.
    • Players are now able to restart “Essence of Fire” quest after abandoning it. Additionally, “Essence of Fire” can be picked up from Jennea Cannon or Oran Snakewrithe if previously abandoned, so long as players retain an item from that quest.
  • Warlock
    • Doan Karhan can now be spoken to outside of Demon Fall Canyon regardless of which step of “The Final Test” the player is on.
    • Abandoning “The Final Test” won’t destroy the Scythe of Chaos now.

September 30, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Losses in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin again award 1 Mark of Honor (was 2).
    • Developers’ notes: We’ve ended this experiment, as it provided too much incentive to lose quickly and get into another match.
  • Blessing of Shirvallah should no longer buff the bad guys in Zul’Gurub.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause the Cenarion Hold hitching post to be unusable during the hunter quest “Everyone Knows That Bugs Can’t Fly.”
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented the Trials from triggering after a soft reset in Blackwing Lair.
    • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
      • Players’ own bonus damage modifiers will no longer amplify the damaging effects of Burning Adrenaline.

September 27, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • The Druid weapon Gla’sir will now pick damage targets of its damage effect based on the target’s location instead of the Druid’s own location. The range for the healing effect has been increased to 40 yards.
  • Fixed an interaction issue with Tidal Waves Shaman rune and Chain Heal. Chain Heal will no longer sometimes not generate a charge of Tidal Waves.
  • The quest “The Price of Hope” is no longer required to be completed to start the quest “Our Wayward Friend” at Katherine the Pure to start the Horn of Lordaeron.
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Victor Nefriendius now despawns during the Razorgore encounter.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the first door in Blackwing Lair from opening after wiping on Broodlord Lashlayer.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Nefarian’s initial Shadow Flame spell to affect player pets.

September 11, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Crimson Tempest can no longer be used unless the primary target is within melee range.

August 23, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Firelands Embers and Emerald Chips now stack to 2500.
    • Developers’ notes: Hang on to these currencies, as new items will be made available for purchase in the next major patch.
  • Nightmare Incursion boss experience has been reduced by 50%.
  • Bosses in Molten Core should no longer spin around and face random raid members on higher Heat difficulties.

August 20, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • The Wild Strikes aura, which has been limited to the Druid’s party within 20 yards, is now raid-wide with a 100-yard radius.
      • Developers’ notes: For a time, the tooltip will still say that it is restricted to the party. We intend to correct that in the next major patch.
  • Mage
    • Frozen Orb damage now correctly benefits from the Spell Power rune.

August 19, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Rogue
    • Crimson Tempest will no longer cause the Nightslayer 6-piece set bonus to grant two charges of Clearcasting.
  • Warlock
    • The Warlock Molten Core tank set now uses the correct 30-second duration for Banish rank 2 (was incorrectly 20 seconds).
    • Warlocks who log out while Banished will no longer lose the effects of Metamorphosis or their Chronoboon Displacer.

August 15, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • The following spells will no longer incorrectly reset their cooldowns after a boss is defeated:
    • Feral Spirits (Shaman)
    • Icy Veins (Mage)
    • Portal of Summoning (Warlock)
    • Berserk (Druid)
    • Ancestral Guidance (Shaman)
    • Hand of Sacrifice (Paladin)
    • Avenging Wrath (Paladin)
    • Dispersion (Priest)
    • Homunculi (Priest)
    • Eye of the Void (Priest)
    • Pain Suppression (Priest)
    • Shadowfiend (Priest)
    • Enraged Regeneration (Warrior)
  • Mage
    • 100% crit chance Fire Blasts from Overheat will no longer count towards Combustion’s 3 crits, and will no longer increase the stacks of Combustion.

August 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The % increase to player health that is present in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin is now also active in Alterac Valley.
  • Items
    • Shard of the God’s summoned minion now has a 20-yard cone (was 40 yards) and will spend the first 3 seconds of its summon to run into range of a target.
  • Quests
    • “Stave of the Ancients" Demon NPCs will now respawn much more quickly.
  • Druid
    • The bonus on Moonkin Form that increases Moonfire (and Sunfire) periodic damage now increases it by 100% (was 50%).
  • Hunter
    • Immolation Trap now has a 7.5 second duration, but still deals the same amount of damage as it did over 15 seconds. This allows it to deliver all its damage before its cooldown is available again.
    • Raptor Fury now lasts 30 seconds and increases Raptor Strike damage by 15% per application (was 10%).
  • Mage
    • Arcane Barrage now has its mana cost correctly reduced by Clearcasting.
    • Pyroblasts from Hot Streak will no longer consume Clearcasting.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Light now has an 8 second cooldown.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche will now correctly be consumed when you Parry an attack, regardless of the type of enemy you are fighting.
    • Focused Attacks now refunds 2 Energy from critical strikes (was 3 Energy).
    • Envenom’s erroneous spell power ratio has been removed.
  • Shaman
    • Shamanistic Rage now grants the rest of the party and raid 18% of the mana granted to the Shaman (was 10%).
      • Developers’ notes: This change was made to better equalize mana provided to parties and raids between horde and alliance.
    • Warlock
      • Warlock pets will now correctly benefit from Fel Armor’s increase to their master’s spell power.

August 7, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Hunter
    • Heart of the Lion once again has a 100 yard range.
  • Warrior
    • The Focused Rage rune will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook by 3.

August 5, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Each side of the Poacher’s cave tunnel between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes now has an independent cooldown, allowing curious players a quick return option. Smoke asphyxiation still prevents more-frequent usage than twice an hour.
  • Druid
    • Moonkin Form now also decreases all threat generated by Nature and Arcane spells cast by the Druid by 30%.
  • Hunter
    • [With scheduled maintenance] The Hunter T.N.T. rune now increases Explosive Trap initial damage and Immolation Trap periodic damage based on 25% of the Hunter’s Attack Power (was 50%). It also now uses the higher of melee and ranged Attack Power (was always melee Attack Power).
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where the Mage Healer 2-piece Molten Core set bonus did not working properly. The benefits of the Temporal Beacon will now work properly during the last 6 seconds of its duration when used with this set.
    • Fixed an issue where the healing from Mage Regeneration was not increased by the effects of Mage Arcane Blast.
  • Paladin
    • [With scheduled maintenance] Retribution Paladins in Season of Discovery now gain 6% threat reduction per rank of the Vengeance talent, but this threat reduction is disabled while Righteous Fury is active.
  • Priest
    • Homunculi will now be less aggressive in seeking nearby targets to fight that the Priest is not in combat with.
  • Rogue
    • The Rogue 6-piece set can no longer trigger incorrectly from Sebacious Poison.
  • Warrior
    • Khonsu should now always speak the correct line when players are victorious.

August 1, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Molten Core
    • Players can no longer line of sight Flamewaker Priests from Sulfuron Harbinger or outrange them to prevent the cast from Dark Mending, it must be interrupted!
    • Adjusted the recast time and cooldown of Dark Mending so that players can interrupt more sufficiently.
  • Shaman
    • The Spirit Wolves summoned by Feral Spirits should now display all four of their active abilities on their pet bar.
  • Warrior
    • The Tier 1 Warrior 2-piece set bonus, Tactician, will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook.

July 31, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Further increased drop chances of Libram of Resilience from various sources in the world.
  • Added a chance for Libram of Voracity, Rapidity, and Resilience to appear in the Damaged Undermine Supply Crates purchased with Tarnished Undermine Reals.
  • Essence of the Pure Flame will now show its reflect damage in the combat log.
  • Hydraxian Coronation now binds the target piece of gear.
  • The Alliance quest “End of the Dark Horde” is now given by Master Mathias Shaw (was given by General Marcus Jonathan).
  • Overcharged rune can now be obtained by those that previously completed the discovery but didn’t get the rune.
  • Fine Flarecore Gloves are no longer class restricted.
  • Hunter
    • Kill Shot will now have increased ranged with the Hawk Eye talent.
    • Hunters can no longer place multiples of the same trap by unequipping Trap Launcher and placing the trap.
  • Shaman
    • The Elemental Tier 1 6-piece bonus will now correctly refresh Flame Shock to 18 seconds if Burn is engraved.
  • Warlock
    • Mages’ Balefire Bolt can no longer damage targets affected by Banish. They will be Immune.

July 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Shard of the Scale and Flame’s set bonus is now activated by all spells (was only direct healing and spell damage).

  • Anathema and Benediction can now correctly be swapped after a one minute cooldown has passed.

  • Molten Core

    • Fixed an issue that prevented Shazzrah from casting Gate of Shazzrah twice in a row on Heat 3.
    • Ragnaros no longer submerges twice on Heat 1.
    • Baron Geddon now casts Armageddon at 5% on Heat 1 (was 10%).
    • Baron Geddon now casts 2 Living Bombs at a time on Heat 2 (was 3).
    • Living Bomb no longer leaves Living Fallout pools on Heat 1.
    • Flamewaker Protectors now cast Dominate Mind much less frequently.
    • Maximized the cast and recast times of several dispel mechanics.
    • Damage done to self with spells such as Hellfire is no longer increased by the low Fire Resistance effects on Heat levels 2 and 3 in Molten Core.
  • Mage

    • Mass Regeneration range for detecting allies to heal increased to 43 yards (was 30), to eliminate the situation where it was possible to heal others who were outside the range for your heal to apply to yourself.
  • Priest

    • Homunculi now cast and stack Sunder Armor relative to the rank they would have if they were a Warrior of their level.
      • Developers’ notes: This takes the place of their casting Degrade previously. Now a friendly Warrior can refresh a Homunculi’s 5 stack of Sunder Armor. The strength of this debuff at max level is unchanged.
    • Spirit of the Redeemer will now correctly put Pain Suppression and Dispersion on a two-minute cooldown (was incorrectly 5 minutes).

July 29, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Players who have the 18-slot version of the Bottomless Bag may now exchange the bag or the Pattern for the 20-slot version at Rix Xizzix in Booty Bay.
  • Players who have killed Magmadar but are unable to douse the Rune of Kress can now swap the Heat difficulty back and forth and should find you can now douse the Rune.
  • Lava Surgers in Molten Core will no longer spawn once Ragnaros has been defeated.
  • Fixed an issue with many of the class dungeon set bonuses. They can now only be triggered by abilities, and not by item use.
  • Ragnaros is no longer immune to Paladins’ Hand of Reckoning.
  • Fixed a bug interrupting eating or drinking when near a graveyard.
  • Fixed a bug where the incorrect version of Quel’Serrar could appear in this version of the game.
  • [With weekly restarts] The increased damage taken for low Fire Resistance in Molten Core on Heat 2 and Heat 3 has been reduced but is still extremely dangerous. Characters who are at 30 resistance lower than intended should now expect to take about 3 times normal damage (was guaranteed fatal).
    • Developers’ notes: This is intended to allow players who are dependent on Resistance Totems or Paladin Auras to have a chance to survive if briefly not within the range of those effects.
  • Hunter
    • [With weekly restarts] Entrapment now triggers a diminishing return as a Root effect on players each time it is applied. Subsequent durations will be halved and then quartered in duration, and then the target will become immune for 30 seconds.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Hunters from being able to interact with the four demons involved in the Rhok’delar quest chain.
  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue where re-speccing did not remove Divine Spirit appropriately.
  • Rogue
    • The 6-piece Tier 1 bonus no longer puts Vanish on cooldown.
  • Shaman
    • You can no longer have Burn and Way of Earth active at the same time by using Rockbiter Rank 3.
  • Warlock
    • Shadowflame will no longer be overwritten by Improved Shadow Bolt.
  • Warrior
    • The Warrior 2-piece Tier 1 bonus Tactician will no longer be consumed if the spell cast was a free Blood Surge Slam.

July 25, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Increased the number of Firelands Invader, Obsidian Reaver, and Obsidian Surger spawns for the Blackrock Eruption event across Searing Gorge.
  • The Might of Stormwind buff will now appear properly in the tooltip when a Chronoboon is used.
  • Items
    • Devilcore Leggings and Devilcore Gloves patterns can now drop from additional sources other than King Mosh.
    • All of the revamped or new Molten Core items that were strictly Unique are now Unique-Equipped to allow master looters to hold these items during raids.
    • Season of Discovery versions of recipes should be available again from their trainers, making turn-ins for professions quests possible.
  • Mage
    • Rewind Time can no longer be cast if the target will not benefit from its healing.
  • Priest
    • Priests who don’t have the Divine Spirit talent learned are now prevented from casting higher ranks of Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit.
  • Rogue
    • The cooldown on Rogue Shuriken Toss has been reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Warlock
    • Shadowflame will no longer be overwritten by Improved Shadow Bolt.
  • Warrior
    • Last Stand cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.

July 24, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Items
    • Burning Essences will now always drop from the Dark Coffer in Blackrock Depths.
    • Librams of Resilience now have an additional chance to drop from certain bosses in Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire.
    • When Might of Stormwind is restored from a Chronoboon, the buff will now appear properly in the tooltip and it will now correctly apply to the player’s pet.
    • You may now mount while Gift of Gob is active.
    • Darkmoon Card: Sandstorm will now correctly hit enemies that are within line of sight, and not hit enemies that are out of line of sight.
    • Darkmoon Card: Decay internal cooldown increased to 3 seconds.
    • Pix Xizzix now offers the Drakestone caster offhands for 50 Undermine Real each.
      • Developers’ notes: While we don’t intend to put everything of this nature onto the vendor, the offhands from Sunken Temple felt right to us.
  • Professions
    • Mixology now always gives at least 2 potions as intended.
    • Professions with adjusted level requirements for Expert and Artisan ranks have been returned to their original level requirements.
  • Druid
    • Idol of the Moon tooltip updated for accuracy and clarity. The item’s effect is unchanged.
    • Idol of the Moon now correctly applies to Starfall and Sunfire.
    • Idol of Brutality now correctly applies to Mangle (Bear).
    • Idol of Ferocity no longer incorrectly discounts Mangle (Bear).
    • Idol of the Dream now correctly affects Swipe (Cat).
  • Mage
    • Players can now have only one Mana Shield active at a time. If an equal or higher rank of Mana Shield is cast on the target, it will overwrite the previous Mana Shield.
    • Fixed an issue with Rewind Time where refreshing Temporal Beacon on a target after that target took damage, which would make any damage taken before the refresh not get healed by Rewind Time.
    • Improved Arcane Missiles now also grants 20% spell pushback resistance per talent point to Regeneration and Mass Regeneration and 14% spell pushback resistance per talent point to Arcane Blast.
    • Mass Regeneration will now refresh Temporal Beacon each time it heals a target, instead of just when initially hitting a target.
  • Paladin
    • Blessing of Sanctuary and Greater Blessing of Sanctuary no longer stack.
    • Libram of the Consecrated is no longer be removed by ticks of Hallowed Ground.
    • Malleable Protection’s version of Divine Protection now correctly has a 5-minute cooldown.
    • Malleable Protection’s version of Divine Protection will now correctly share a cooldown between its two ranks and Divine Shield.
    • The cooldown on Paladin Avenger’s Shield has been reduced to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds), and the duration of its movement Snare effect has been reduced to 5 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Priest
    • Juju Might no longer erroneously benefits from the Improved Inner Fire talent.
    • Vampiric Embrace heal range increased from 30 yards to 40 yards.
  • Warrior
    • Rampage now appears as a buff when activated.

July 22, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Devilsaur gauntlets should no longer require core leather. They now require 12 Devilsaur leather and 8 Essence of Fire in addition to their other existing mats. Devilsaur leggings should now require 20 Devilsaur leather and 10 Essence of fire in addition to their other mats.
  • Made some improvements to the respawn rate of mobs and quest objects on Alcaz Island.
  • The Chipped Drakefire Amulet and Valor of Azeroth spell book are now available from Squire Rowe in Stormwind and Eitrigg in Orgrimmar for players who have completed the Onyxia quest chain.
  • Gift of Gob will no longer cancel on stealth.
  • Made some improvements to Bolvar Fordragon’s respawn time.
  • Zor Lonetree’s wares are available while completing Rune discoveries.
  • Corrected the stats on the Old Guard Retaliator.
  • Darkmoon Card: Sandstorm will no longer ignore line-of-sight.
  • Quests from Zalgo the Explorer no longer erroneously give Zandalar Tribe reputation. They now give reputation for the Emerald Wardens up to friendly 5999/6000. These quests will always reward the same amount of reputation based on level.
  • All runes sold by the Emerald Wardens quartermasters no longer require reputation to purchase. Catnip and Wolfshead Trophy no longer require Emerald Wardens reputation to purchase.
  • “The Lost Tablets of Mosh’aru” should now be completable if you’ve previously completed “The God Hakkar”.
  • In Nightmare Incursions, Ghamoo-Raja will now leash and no longer has infinite range on certain attacks.
  • Hunter
    • Explosive Shot will no longer ignore line-of-sight.
    • Fixed an issue with Lethal Shots that made it stop working after death until the Hunter re-equips their ranged weapon.
  • Mage
    • Presence of Mind will no longer be removed from the Mage without successfully casting Chronostatic Preservation.
  • Rogue
    • When the Carnage rune is engraved, Crimson Tempest will now correctly apply Carnage to all enemies struck by the DoT.
  • Shaman
    • Clearcasting will now correctly be consumed if you have 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon and you cast a non-Maelstrom Weapon empowered spell.
    • Totem of Earthen Vitality will no longer activate when the Shaman is merely struck.
    • Overcharged will no longer ignore line-of-sight.
  • Warlock
    • Master Channeler’s Drain Life will no longer prematurely end vs. large enemies like Lord Kazzak.
    • Mark of Chaos will no longer fail to refresh if the target has Curse of the Elements or Curse of Shadows active on them.
    • Curse of the Elements and Curse of Shadows will now return ‘A more powerful spell is already active.’
  • Warrior
    • Bosses in dungeons are now always immune to Meathook as intended.

July 17, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The tooltip for the Draconic Infused Emblem is now correct. The spell effect is not changed.
  • Blackrock Eruption
    • The Drained of Blood aura from the Stranglethorn Vale PvP event is now applied when participating in the Blackrock Mountain PvP event. This applies to players exiting instances in Blackrock Mountain.
  • Druid
    • Flame Wrath has been redesigned with a lower spell power ratio on the Thorns portion of the proc and an internal cooldown for Feral Druids.
  • Hunter
    • Trap Launcher will no longer augment Frost Trap.
      • Developers’ notes: A Trap Launcher version of Frost Trap has only existed in versions of WoW in which mobility and freedom effects were more plentiful. Without them, the safety and agency a 9-15 second ranged Frost Trap grants Hunters is simply too much. We’re making it so that Hunters either need to put themselves at risk in order to place a Frost Trap or have someone engage on them to trigger it.
  • Mage
    • Conjure Water Rank 7 will now create 20 water per cast. The tooltip may not reflect this change for a while.
    • All ranks of Mana Shield will no longer stack when Advanced Warding is engraved.
    • All ranks of Advanced Warding’s Mana Shield are now canceled when the rune is unequipped or when someone absorbs damage and the caster no longer has the rune equipped.
    • All ranks of Mana Shield are removed when the Advanced Warding Rune is equipped.
  • Shaman
    • Burn will now persist through death and not require you to recast Flametongue Weapon again.
  • Warlock
    • Fel Rift spawn rates have increased.
    • The chance of finding Legion Portal Tuners and associated tools has increased.
    • Rune of Decimation is now guaranteed from an overcharged portal.

July 16, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Demon Fall Canyon
    • Possibly due to “Demonic Deceptions”, the Owlbeasts of Winterspring have attended a guided meditation retreat, expanding their pineal glands.
    • Zilbagob will now always be accessible when The Destructor's Wraith and Grimroot have been defeated.
  • Items
    • A new item -- Hand of Injustice -- is now available from Pix Xizzix, the Undermine Real vendor.
    • Added new shield enchant that grants 30 spell power and 55 healing power – Law of Nature. Available to learn for Enchanters. The pattern is available from Timbermaw Hold at Revered.
    • Added a temporary shield enchantment that grants 24 spell power, much like wizard oil -- Conductive Shield Coating. Available to learn for Enchanters. The pattern is available from Thorium Brotherhood at Honored.
    • Drinkable Stratholme Holy Water from Argent Dawn reputation will now recover 6618 mana over 30 seconds and will also grant 10 per Holy Water turned-in.
    • The Pattern: Embroidered Belt of the Archmage can now correctly be consumed by Tailors.
    • The Leather-Reinforced Runecloth Bag's materials have changed from requiring a Runecloth Bag to requiring the materials for the Runecloth Bag craft itself.
  • Quests
    • The quests “More Greater Moonstones” and “More Moondragon Scales” now have the correct item requirements to complete.
    • Players who were unable to fully access Mokvar and Deliana's Tier 0.5 exchange vendor options should now have full access if they have completed the corresponding quests:
      • “An Earnest Proposition” - Bracer
      • “Just Compensation” - Belt, Gloves
      • “Anthion's Parting Words” - Boots, Legs, Shoulders
      • “Saving the Best for Last” - Helm, Chest
      • A Nearby Kor'kron Elite and Ironforge Guard will also provide access to these vendor lists if Mokvar or Deliana are occupied.
  • Druid
    • Nourish will now benefit from, and consume Omen of Clarity's Clearcasting effect.
      • Developers’ notes: Unlike in Cataclysm, Nourish in SoD has more upsides to it than just the mana cost - like the casting speed. So it makes sense for it to benefit from Clearcasting and to consume it as well.
  • Hunter
    • If you have have Lone Wolf engraved on your gear, spirit healers in battlegrounds will no longer resurrect your pet alongside you.
  • Mage
    • Presence of Mind now causes Chronostatic Preservation to instantly cast the Healing Portion of the spell, even if you did not have the buff active.
    • Presence of Mind is not consumed if Chronostatic Preservation's buff was already present and a release of the heal is used. This means you can Chronostatic Preservation pre-cast, use PoM, and release two Chronostatic Preservation casts back-to-back.
    • Ice Armor and Frost Armor will no longer proc Brain Freeze.
    • Brain Freeze and Hot Streak will no longer overwrite each other and can now both exist on a character at the same time.
    • Your Arcane Missiles will correctly have their cost reduced when both Missile Barrage and Brain Freeze are active at the same time.
    • If Hot Streak is gained while already casting Pyroblast, it will no longer be consumed. This can result in two free Pyroblasts back-to-back.
    • Frozen Orb will no longer despawn early if cast near a wall.
    • Arcane Barrage will now correctly interact with the Shatter talent when your target is Frozen or you have Fingers of Frost active.
    • Frozen Orb will now benefit from the Shatter talent if the target is Frozen.
      • Developers’ notes: Because Fingers of Frost is applied through Frozen Orb and would be consumed quickly by it, Frozen Orb does not consume or benefit from Fingers of Frost.
  • Paladin
    • Inspiration Exemplar will no longer cause the player to stand up every tick.
  • Priest
    • Binding Heal will now correctly consume Surge of Light.
    • Void Zone will no longer return a 'no path available’ error.
  • Shaman
    • Storm, Earth, and Fire's Earthbind Totem effect will now correctly hit every target instead of just one.
    • Shamans will no longer gain charges of Lightning Shield from Rolling Thunder when the rune is not equipped.
  • Warlock
    • Mark of Chaos will no longer fall off after 1 minute when Curse of Recklessness or Curse of Weakness is used.
    • Rune of Infernal Armor now drops for players even if they haven't previously completed discovery for Rune of Shadowflames.
  • Warrior
    • “Rift Away” can now be obtained at level 55.
    • Khonsu's fall catcher mechanism for Thunder Stomped players should be slightly better at rescuing them.

July 15, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Activities involving Reginald Windsor event in Stormwind Keep should now complete more reliably when Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, Lady Katrana Prestor, and Reginald Windsor are all alive.
  • Hellscream’s Phantom should now respawn after an unsuccessful attempt.
  • Fixed some ring engravings so that all the benefitting classes can learn them:
    • Arcane Specialization: Now learnable by Druid and Hunter (was only Mage).
    • Defense: Now learnable by Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Paladin, and Shaman (was only Druid).
    • Frost: Now learnable by Hunter (was only Mage).
  • The correct version of Necromantic Band now drops from the Death Knight Darkreaver in Scholomance.
  • The Ashenvale quests “Clear the Forest!” and “Repelling Invaders” have been scaled to level 60.
  • Fixed the health and damage of creatures inside Alterac Valley Battleground so that they align with outdoor world and dungeon creatures.
  • Fixed a bug in UBRS preventing Jed Runewatcher from spawning.
  • Increased the experience awarded by enemies in Demon Fall Canyon to brave adventurers who enter before reaching level 60.
  • The teleporter in Gnomeregan will no longer send you to Azshara. Oops.
  • Blackrock Eruption
    • The spawn rates of creatures for Blackrock Eruptions have been increased.
    • The Flamestone Cluster quest item required for the quest “Oh, Shiny!” has been added to other dark iron creatures in Searing Gorge as well. This is not reflected in the quest text.
    • The number of quest creatures required for some Blackrock Eruption quests has been reduced.
  • Druid
    • Improved Barkskin no longer erroneously requires Tree Form.
    • Improved Swipe combined with Blood Frenzy will no longer cause Druids to lose their combo points on their current target when Swipe (Cat) crits against a target other than their primary target.
  • Hunter
    • Hunters can now engrave both the Rune of Nature Specialization and the Rune of Fire Specialization.
    • Wyvern Strike will no longer return an ‘immune’ message against targets that are immune to its Bleed effect. It will now deal its direct damage, but not apply the Bleed.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue with Hallowed Ground that caused multiple Paladins using it to generate too many healing events.
    • Hallowed Ground will now calculate its healing correctly when wearing items with bonus healing effects.
    • Calculations for Sheath of Light now properly include the Attack Power multiplier from Vindication.
  • Priest
    • Void Zone will no longer pull enemies through the floor.
  • Shaman
    • Greater Ghost Wolf rune now works with Rolling Thunder rune discovery.
    • Lava Lash will now correctly gain bonus damage from the extended duration of Flametongue Weapon Rank 6.
  • Warrior
    • Sebastian Jurgens will now despawn for only 30 seconds after a player turns in “Bookin’ it Back”.
    • The quest item carried for “Bookin’ it Back” will now be pushed to players after they re-accept the quest “Guided Buoyancy Accelerant” will now be offered to players on Lost and Found who have completed “Poacher’s Den”.
    • “Infinite Midnight” should now always be completable at Khonsu.
  • Warlock
    • The number of charges on Shadowflame’s application of Shadow Vulnerability has been increased to 30 total charges (was 10).
    • Explorer Imps should now have an easier time traveling to the Legion prison-world Niskara.

July 10, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The 6-hour wait between applications of Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer and Warchief's Blessing has been reduced to 1 minute.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rolling Thunder rune where it only worked if you also had the Shield Mastery rune equipped. That requirement was accidental and is now removed.
  • Alchemists specialized in Mixology and Transmutation will now always get at least 1 extra resource produced by their specialized recipes. The maximum received from a single recipe is still 4.
  • Main Gauche will now always apply its discount to Sinister Strike, even if the ability does not land. Both of Main Gauche's buffs will now be removed when the rune is removed.
  • All non-Elite, non-Boss enemies in Nightmare Incursions now have health and damage values the same as a standard creature of their level. Previously, most had 50% more damage and health. Experience values for these enemies has been reduced by 33% in most cases, which is still more than standard creatures.
  • Pattern: Leather-Reinforced Runecloth Bag (18 slots) is now available for Undermine Real.
  • Bottomless Bag and Onyxia Hide Backpack now have 20 slots.

June 3, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Addressed an issue that caused quest “Goblin Solutions” to sneakily steal extra mines from you.

May 8, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue with Efflorescence generating frequent immune messages on totems.

April 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Hunter
    • Raptor Fury now increases the damage done of Raptor strike and Mongoose Bite by 10% per stack (was 15%).
    • The Beast Mastery rune now increases pet damage by 10% (was 20%).
  • Shaman
    • The Burn rune now also grants a significant bonus to spell power when Flametongue Weapon is imbued on your weapon.
    • Rolling Thunder now has a 50% chance to trigger (was 30%).
    • Fixed a bug causing overload procs to not add a charge to Lightning Shield when the Shaman has the Rolling Thunder rune active.
  • Warlock
    • Invocation now also applies to Unstable Affliction.
    • Invocation damage can now deal critical strikes if the Warlock also has the Pandemic rune active.

April 29, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Shaman
    • Rolling Thunder can now trigger from Overload versions of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.
  • Warlock
    • Felguards summoned by Warlocks will now have their appropriate demon names, instead of just ‘Felguard’. This name will not be permanent like other Warlock pets, and the Felguard’s name will change upon every summon.

Should hotfix your garbage layering. Layering in groups, can’t layer to groups, fighting someone and they layer. STV event is a burning dumpster fire.


where is mele hunter damage fix?
where is ele shaman damage fix?
where is SWD damage fix?
where is BM hunter damage fix?

also Sanctity Aura and Judgement of Crusader does not increase damage from Seal of Martydom

U guys need to attach in-game bug reporter for players


That’s Crazy, fix the issues of the last few bosses having more armor than Naxxaramas bosses now.


Would be really cool if you guys fixed the issues of level 40 level up raid bosses having as much armor as bosses in Naxx 40 the hardest raid in the iteration as a game. Severely killing mele dps with this. Casters got their spell resistance change.

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All the changes aren’t even in this…Art of War got changed, so this isn’t all the patch notes.


Much appreciated change!

This however, makes me sad :frowning:

My god all you people do on these forms is complain its not even been a damn week. The armor is similar to molten core bosses maybe slightly higher. If you used your brain you would put together that the gear and some of the pre bis/bis is right on par with lv 60 in classic. We at level 40 are pumping same numbers as 60s in classic. God forbid anything is slightly a challenge for you people. No one wants to do a raid that u can complete with eyes closed. Put in the work, prep, get your world buffs and you will be fine. Im willing to bet you parse bottom 25%


NOOOOooooo!~ Well, it was about time I guess, I was questioning whether or not they meant 2% or 2% per crit chance with at least 2%. It’s still good, but it’s just a shame with the utility it provided warlock tanks not having to tap.

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My name is my logs peep me, post from your main not some retail throw away.


fix what?
you kill our weak pet and that’s it.

also can yall do something about the silence on res?

Does this mean it won’t go on cooldown if I get a proc mid cast as well?

Oh thank god, I can stop stutter stepping when I get a proc during a cast.

Ok i did and your gnomer logs stink already. You can look me up too, Moondare, crusader strike…. I pugged with under geared randoms and its not hard…… even changed the profile for you nerd.

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It still goes on CD, I think its so you can’t randomly double meatball someone in pvp

Personally I think it should just let you do that, I think if you get meatballed its 100% deserved for the work that goes into the setup


Keep moving those goal posts buddy


Did you not put in anything about Art of War? Sounds like this isnt all together.


I hadn’t played much in a week and logged in wondering why my resto druid was suddenly struggling with mobs I was doing okay against last week. Well done.

Nobody is casting Starfire in PVP meng. Resto druids will not be wasting mana on Starfire but they also won’t be wasting mana on Starsurge now either. Well done.