Alliance disappears from the game. Devs, take action now!

If you check ironforge pro and look at the most populated PvP servers, you can see a breakdown of each class. There are about the same number of shamans and paladins on these servers.

This is the reason horde is the better faction for PvP in classic wow. It’s that simple.

It’s the same reason alli is the better faction in cata classic right now.

That is such irrelevant faulty logic. Using ever created chars including inactive alts. Just get put on ignored. Nothing good will come from listening to you.

Acting like Racial is the only thing causing the faction imbalancing and not the literal broken class lol.

I’m not trying to change what you said, although most of what you said were just trashtalk. I am building upon your point that “alliance players are handicapped”, and giving you my perspective that while this handicap exists, general gravitation of serious pvp players toward the horde due to this “handicap” is what truly makes alliance lose. If all horde shamans suddenly turned into paladins, alliance would still lose because there’s more people on alliance who simply have no interest in pvp and are just doing it for pre-bis. There’s a reason why most PVE servers are alliance favored.

Your response to my argument? “One you are wrong”.

Also, you can’t say anything about the population because is not reliable right now with no raids out.

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It’s not the racial causing the imbalance. It’s the fact that anyone that actually plays the game primarily for pvp goes horde for the slight advantage the racials give.

Using ironforge population recent logs, the most populated alli severs are all pve. The most populated horde servers are pvp.

Shamans could be deleted from the game tomorrow and horde would still dominate bg’s.

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Paladins are a support class. That’s how they were designed and that’s ok. They aren’t meant to hit hard like Warriors, they aren’t meant to dps. They’re meant to enable everyone else around them and occasionally dish out some burst with a reck bomb or a holy shock crit.
But of course everyone wants SoD to be like retail so now you have this utter confused mess of abilities cherrypicked from different expansions and slapped on to Vanilla. Enjoy it because it won’t be happening again, you can bet on it.

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Jokes on you I didn’t brag about beating any one. Fact still stands the better pvpers are playing horde in sod regardless if they have an advantage or not. I never claimed that I was good at PvP.

I could care less that I’m “hardstuck” 1400 in retail. I never said I was good or bad at PvP lol

Correct it is a fact. The better pvpers are horde side.

I never made any claims about my own skill in PvP

on classic where they have all the OP racials/class faction specific, sure, but def not on retail or cata lol

I’m not talking about retail or cata. I’m aware cata and retail are alliance dominated in PvP. Alll I’m saying is horde have the better pvpers in sod.

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heh blaming losses in av and brm and the like on shaman when its who has more hunters that wins and not shaman.

but it was worth a laugh.

you alliance salty about losing maybe 3/10 av now since the nerf?

There is no arena, there ia no skilled pvp. Classic pvp is just about zerging and griefing.
“Sod player’s skill” typically is a meme on retail.

What was the nerf? Where can I read the update?
If it is

Then it works for both factions.

They are just a small group of devs whose main task is to maintain the classic servers. The main development team is working on retail.
Blizz should have invested more into SoD if they wanted a better quality product.

Classic battlegrounds is more about strategy. It is focused on the team as a whole and your ability to fit within that team (choosing your role, positions, etc.) optimally. “Zerging and griefing” is the first impression classic battlegrounds give to new players who have no realization that in a 15m vs 15m battleground your ability to press your buttons won’t save you from falling out of synergy with your team.

Also lunatics who enjoy retail pvp don’t meme about anything. They are busy memorizing the 5000 different combinations of teammate/opponent class spec matchups and the 30 different procs and cc DR categories every class has. No time for memeing, gotta study so I can win that DK/evoker/warrior vs priest/hunter/monk in 14 minutes/5 interactions instead of losing it in 18 minutes/9 interactions like last time!

Are we playing the same game?

Hunters are straight up broken right now.

What is the impression of nightmare incurssion, BRE one-sided corpse camp? Or redridge/tarren mill/ratchet/bootybay griefing?
BG is typically a joke in term of pvp, a basic form of pvp for beginers/casuals and you described it as a high level of pvp.
Rated BG doesn’t exist in classic era and class mechanics are too braindead to need skills to play it. If it did, you just need to stack 15 shamans to win the battle.

Long story short : you just can’t grasp it and try to act like it is because how bad it is. We get it.

As well as shamans. Nothing stops 2 or more broken classes to exist at the same time.

I never said BG is a “high” level of pvp. I am simply making the point that there is enough skill involved that people who enjoy pvp who will voluntarily strategize would naturally outplay those who are just there for prebis and will quit after 3 rounds anyway once they stop forcing themselves to play something they don’t enjoy.

What would be much better is Dwarf shamans and Tauren paladins