Resto Druid ST Set 3pc - Needs bug fix?

As per the bug fix post:

Consecrate tick criticals can trigger effects that proc on crits. That’s fine and dandy, but at the same time, Resto Druid’s 3-piece bonus for the Exiled Prophet set, does NOT proc from critical Efflorescence ticks. Why? Is it bugged, or does the 3-piece set only proc from direct heals?

The wording on the bonus is “Your healing spell critical strikes”, which would imply ANY critical strike from ANY healing spell, which would include Efflorescence. But critical strikes from Efflorescence do not trigger this effect.

Can we get some clarification here? Is the 3pc bugged or just worded incorrectly?


Bump 10char

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Bump 10char

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Meanwhile, most people would be happy getting just 1-2 of their tier tokens this phase with the loot competition

That’s not the point. I don’t even have the 3pc yet, but I’m still reporting this bug/oversight.


There will be almost twice as many tokens dropping versus raiders with slots to use them. It’s the other drops that might get scarce.

If you haven’t done so already, you should post in the bug report forums

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Try MS>OS+1 loot rules. I’ve gotten 2 tokens in 2 lockouts. There’s too much loot in there for you to let people free roll ALL of it, gotta share man.

This. If something isn’t working, you can discuss it here. However, unless you either post in the bug report forums, or messags Aggrend on Twitter, you won’t get anything fixed.

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bump 10char

Hows your topic on the bug report forum? Surely you meant to bump that one right?

I posted a similar topic yesterday. Wasted my first three pieces in the raid on this set bonus because I figured even if it doesn’t proc on efflorescence it will work with lifebloom crits. :frowning:

bump 10char

bump 10char

The most likely answer is one is a rune affecting existing talents, and one is a set bonus affecting a rune.

Also not a fair comparision for an argument.

That doesn’t…what

Consecrate tick crits are allowed to proc things. Why shouldn’t Efflorescence tick crits be allowed to proc things?


I literally just told you. Runes affecting talents is not the same as set bonus affecting runes.

“it shouldn’t work because it’s a rune and not a talent”

That’s a dumb reason.

Bump 10char

Bump 10char

Bump 10char

Also hearing from someone in the bug report form that this set bonus is not proccing from ANY heals. Might be even more bugged than I thought.