With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve made a series of updates to Season of Discovery today:
Remnants of Valor now drop from Karazhan Crypts bosses.
Remnants of Valor now drop once per day from bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme Dead Side bosses. These are on the same timer as Tarnished Undermine Real dropping once daily from bosses.
Every zone that has a Scourge Invasion now also has a soul projection of Brother Luctus for picking up and turning in the repeatable quest.
You can now exchange Remnants of Valor for Argent Dawn Valor Tokens from Brother Luctus.
Next week, the Seal of the Dawn will only go up 1 maximum rank, to rank 5.
Developers’ Notes: We previously expected to increase the Seal of Dawn power system to rank 6 next week, but have determined that it would be better to slow it down and possibly cap it earlier than rank 10. This also means that players will not have to obtain as many Remnants of Valor each week. We will continue to track and evaluate this system.
You’ll find these and other fixes in the next Hotfixes Update.
The cap should not be lowered. Give players the revenge lap on this content after the 5-6 week period, and let them go out as turbo overpowered. It is seasonal content, we were told by the devs that they were fine with people being OP and some things be out of balance and that we should be too.
Now that we are, we have to slow things down and potentially lower caps? “Not have to obtain as many Remnants of Valor each week” feels like a cover for a system that you control. Lower the amount needed to upgrade seals, remove them all together and time gate the seal upgrades.
Is this really just a way to stretch the content out longer since a group cleared it week 2, and/or more time is needed to work on the Scarlet Enclave raid?
Heart remnant turn in will presumably rise to 200 per heart at the end. Which is 4 tokens which is pretty good. It’s also mostly just a remnant sink as far as I can tell not intended as a way to grind rep.
I’m just looking to get Shoulder Glyphs, and since Remnants are BoA, I’m going to need around 30 AD Valor tokens…which is 1500 Remnants or 19 Invasion spots (found out that you can only loot one Heart per invasion point per Invasion).
I know you can get the Valors via Necrotic Runes and Scourgestones, but neither of those are BoA, and several of my alts are sub-50.
Add to that, they plan on reverting the Hearts to their Day 1 method of acquisition. Which means fighting over tags again.
There’s just no reasonable reason to make it a grind, when there’s already plenty of other grinds.
I don’t care much for the invasions to get remnants, but who the heck would use remnants to get the shoulder? That’s a ridiculous reason to complain.
If you want the shoulder enchant, all you have to do is pop your head into Strat for 10-15 minutes to get a few scourgestones. If you’re under level 50 then you need to be in Gnomer & ST focused on leveling.
The remnants being BoA is to help us raid on our alts, not to make your (already OP with all runes) sub-50 have a lvl 60 tier-set bonus…
Even still, there’s a cap on the Seal level. I’d imagine most are now drowning in Remnants; several guildmates (alt guild) had over 1000 within the first couple of days of February.
Besides. Does it actually infringe upon you to reduce the number of Remnants needs per AD Valor token?
Oh man. I didn’t even think of that. This means this is a way for you to boost your alts with your main too. That’s pretty big and probably worth making the exchange rate less good than it could be.
Remnants have not been the bottleneck as much as getting 8 pieces of sanctified has been. Please consider adding blue/bad sanctified pieces to real vendor.
The system has certainly felt a bit more “annoying” because there are just so few options. I lowkey miss the dungeon grinding when all dungeon reals felt worth farming.
The grind for sanctified should’ve included some real items. Such a miss from the SoD devs. Why invalidate all old content except Kara/Naxx…feels ridiculous.
There could’ve been some “bad” but still catchup gear added that had the sanctified tier bonus.