Min/Max essences/corruptions aren't a requirement

Which corruption does the first one have?

Essences have been around for a 6+ months and have no RNG so I’m not sure I would put them in the same spot as corruption…

12% crit and mastery procs, aka corruptions

OP put essence/corruptions in the same pool, so am I

In case anyone hasn’t been paying attention this thread is full of sane people are people who raid LFR-Normal and push +5 keys letting everyone know you don’t need level 3 essences to do content.


Its not a big deal people make it out to be my druid has rank 1 minor lucid dreams rank 2 visions (just got rank 3) and focusing iris rank 3 minor. I dont sit there and QQ that I need everything maxed just do the content, been mostly doing +10s with ease. Sure I dont have the best ranks or THE best essences but I dont let it bother me.

And I have 0 total corruption on that alt too. Its whatever.

I thought we were all worried about IS/Echoing void?

This is such an overused argument on the forums. So you haven’t done the content and want to comment on it. Makes no sense to me. Really not trying to be rude, but I just don’t get this logic. Then you have people actively telling you otherwise and you more or less double down.

Since most of what you’re communicating here is not only second hand information and anecdotal, I just can’t wrap my head around why you made the post in the first place. If you wanted to say something more specific… than sure. “you don’t have to have bis essences for lfr and normal raids.”

Fine, so be it.

High ranked PvP isn’t the only caveat. Any high level content in the game, or even some basic content is vastly improved by obtaining these items. Saying you don’t need them is literally the same as saying you don’t need a piece of gear in every slot. I’m sure… you could do everything in this game without a ring or two…

You have to consider that in any guild or group, there is a minimum expectation of completion. As in, you have done as much as you can to be as well prepared as possible. This is true for raiding, pvp, and mythic+. If you aren’t doing these things, then you’re no more than deadweight and asking for a carry.

To that, the ease of access with these items is the reason there is so much weight on getting them. They aren’t hard to get. It’s just a matter of time for almost all of them. So if you don’t have them… what’s the excuse? You have time to raid, but not for essences?

In the end though, this is why so many of us hate the essence system in the first place. It takes us away from the primary content we enjoy and instead makes players feel essentially obligated to farm these items to be not just competitive, but on part with our peers.

So to make a blanket statement they aren’t a requirement, even ignoring corruption, is pretty much ridiculous.

Corruption is something entirely else though. Much like the legendaries in legion, it’s just another RNG thorn in our side. Grey parsing players with BIS corruption is one of the most cringe worthy things in wow.

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To be competitive within a raid environment, the essences make the difference, especially at progression levels, of being in the raid and being sat.

In a situation where someone comes back to the game from a break for several tiers or expansion, it is a daunting endeavor to catch up to come back to raid again. There are easy catch up mechanics for gear and character progression to encourage people to come back or play another character. Essences, Flying and a few others are not, it will take months to catch up and be competitive. Sadly that is also why many do not make it back.

Last I checked you don’t need to equip an off-hand either.

It isn’t a bonus. It is a massive boost to your throughput.

“Bonus” would have been if it only applied to world content or some other type of solo-content (visions not included).

This is an absurd argument.


Just an fyi, but that player (Poram arcane mage) has a total of 70 corruption with 3 corrupted items.

Racing Pulse
Honed Mind

Those are the three corruption affixes. They aren’t damage procs, but are stat procs.

Mouse over the corruption column on the right: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/24#boss=2329

Heck, just slowly move your mouse down that column. All of them have corrupted gear, and many have over 50 corruption.


I see OP has never had to pug anything above normal in their life.

And even then, I’m not getting in on a normal with R1 essences.

It doeant take months to grind to any rank 3 essence just stop lol. Some of them can be done in 2 weeks. Visions which is a good essence for a fair amount of dps can be obtained in 1 day.

idk, I assumed OP meant any corruptions

If we’re just talking about IS/Echo, then yea those things arent 100% needed, but they do help

Appreciate the clarification.

It’s annoying to go over items on my phone.

I was just looking for IS/EV/TD since those 3 get the lions share of the crying on the forums. Or really any dps one (tentacle, etc)

True enough, but for the OP to claim that min/maxing isn’t “required” is… sorta silly. The mythic fights are tuned with corruption and BiS essences in mind. If they weren’t, they’d be ridiculously undertuned. The difference in DPS between a player using the worst essences and no corruption, and a player using the best essences and bis corruption is going to easily amount to 20-30k dps. Which… Is enormous…

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I don’t think it’s fair to look at worst vs best essence and no vs BiS corruption. It’s not typically that extreme.

It’s more compare to the relatively simple to acquire essences vs the time gates ones. Things like meme beam and crucible are impossible to not get. And the BotD is really strong for being easy to get.

And corruptions will come with time. Drops can be traded, etc.

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Feel free to have a terrible character nobody wants to invite to their group because they are a dead weight


So what the Op is saying is they can out dps anyone with their rank 1 WIS essences vs the same class with their BIS rank 3/4 essences and would also do that with no corruption vs them with avg/above avg corruption gear…

Here OP. Here’s some Sims to show you how much each of these “requirements” add up: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/qYUhj6kqUqa2UD7Jxer4wK

The first line is my toon as is simming at 54k ST dps (full ST is 55k as I usually use crucible). The second line is me systematically going through every choice on my current gear set up and deliberately choosing the wrong choice. Over and over, choosing wrong, wrong, wrong.

This amounts to a loss of… Drum roll please… 21,436k dps… AND I don’t even have good corruption pieces on my gear… If I had rank 3 infinite stars, it’d be a 30-35k dps drop…

Please… Stop acting like min/maxing doesn’t matter.


This notion that you can just ignore massive throughput bonuses like that is absurd.

Tell you what - disable AP, essences, and corrupted bonuses in raids, ranked pvp, and m+ - then sure you can make a compelling case that it isn’t “required”.

Yeah I am sure 10-20k passive DPS increase for some classes is “not a big deal” xD