
I will still be happy because I had almost the whole expansion with I wanted the system. I would hope by that time, you would have adjusted and found fun in the game without it being pulled, but if you don’t. I will just thank you ahead of time for supporting the system I enjoyed up to that moment.

After the Flying debacle of WoD I think both of you are equally wrong at the same time.

Except it’ll be better after they finally pull it, then we’ll complain about why they didn’t just pull it in the first place.

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No problem, I can’t wait to thank you for keeping this post glued to the top for hours at a time.


Not really, Blizzard always does changes I don’t like or agree with. I give feedback once and adapt to it or don’t do it. It is not hard? I’m ok with Blizzard saying they don’t agree with me.

Basically this, have you ever heard someone say

  1. Wow Azerite was way better when you couldn’t swap traits or buy a piece from the vendor
  2. Wow Essences were so much better when you had to regrind old content on alts to unlock them
  3. Wow Corruption was way better when you had to rely on RNG and there was no vendor


  1. No
  2. No
  3. No

Did Ralph get banned again? I just remembed despite what he said earlier what Ddzz found in an old post.


see the problem is most of the people wanting these systems dont care cause they didnt grind for this stuff, and if they did only on one char.
i quit when uldir was current content and came back late may. feelin like it was a good call

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I am too. I have more achievements and AOTCs than you, and M+ down. I think I’m a big boy and know how to take care of my character and get through hard ships.

It’s just annoying that we have to go through another dumb system that’s only going to greatly hinder us, or greatly compliment us (depending if you do research, pick the right covenant for the certain thing you’re doing i.e. pvp, or pve, and if it doesn’t get nerfed.)

Like, if you’ve done no research on covenants which most of the casual player base hasn’t done, you’re coming into this expansion pretty screwed.

? Why would I care this post is at the top. Do you think it is going to change Blizzard mind? I’m not sure why it matters, unless you trying to make me feel bad for helping your self pity party?

  1. I think it would have been yes, but the game would need to be balance better for it. I hated always switching. it became tedious.

  2. I saw a system I did not enjoy and did not do it.

  3. The corruption system was fun because I got to be stronger than normal on tougher content aka visions, and that gave me a reason to get stronger with husband,

Why screwed? Because they picked a faction that might be at certain elements. Does that mean that they can’t do said content?

Or maybe they are screwed when it comes to pugging? Since this community weaponizes all forms of min/max in group making. Does that mean they are screwed because of that? Sounds like a community problem that can be fixed by guilds.

I mean for now. Beta is beta, and it’s not completely impossible to wake up one morning and find out Blizzard has buffed the Kyrian ability by 1000%, making it by far the best Warlock ability, from the second worst.

But a lot of the core criticisms of Covenants, such as spec, role or content locking, as well as Blizzards inevitable failure at balancing them will still happen regardless of how things turn out on the beta.

Stuff like “I wanted to be Necro as DK, but NF are way better” are a little more subjective (especially after the Ardenweald cinematic, lets be real here), but personally I give them merit as well.

But a lot of the truly objective criticisms, of which we’re seeing the earliest iterations of (Decimating Bolt for Warlocks, Bone Spike for Rogues, NF for DK’s, etc), won’t be fully fleshed out until either just before launch, or shortly after, depending on how hard we whip those theorycrafters mining the spreadsheets in the depths of the discord mines.

It’s only 12.30 AEST. Ralph really strikes me as a 3PM-3AM kinda guy.

You didn’t do essences?

What’s this got to do with the release of the corruption vendor? Nobody ever thought corruption was better before the vendor.

Nope, did not care about it. Did not grind them at all. when I said do them. I mean focus on them heavily.

Never said they were screwed to do content, but yeah, they basically are. I don’t know if you’ve ever wiped on a boss 100 times because people can’t pull their weight due to how people are built, or talented, but yeah. Covenants will definitely divide the community especially pugs to do just that.

I pug mythic+, but I raid with my guild. My guild sucks at M+, but is great at raiding.

I mean it happens. Pug life is rough, and I find that risk that pug has part of the charm of mmos. Reason why I hate raider io, and stuff but that is another topic.

And I for one love Raider I.O. because it records what you have achieved while the game internally doesn’t. It’s a good addon for weeding out bads.

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Essences were quite literally the only Shadowlands system that came out and wasn’t a disaster.

Truly baffling.

Spoiler, it’s the real reason she hates it.

I assure you by week two there will be a covenant checking addon either tied with raider. io or one that uses raider. io info.


I know, dude. That’s why I said it, hnnghnghghnngh.

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And it will be as equally annoying as gearscore.

It won’t be annoying at all, but god i hope people are ready for a wakeup call for just how quickly the casuals/pugs will adapt to the covenant-meta.

This thread is going to explode.

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Nah, people just want to clear content as easily as possible. You can’t blame them for that.

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