Min/Max essences/corruptions aren't a requirement

You’re not wrong, but at the end of the day, all of these little bits and bobs add up. And it makes for quite a shopping list to acquire them all to actually feel like you’re not the weak link in your desired content. Particularly if you’re trying to push into content that you personally find challenging.

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This entire thread is kinda silly.

Yeah, no, Essences don’t make you good at the game. Keybind that interrupt and don’t burn your stun.

Are you purposely misquoting Addr?

They didn’t say anything about them making you good at the game.

Maybe you should read it again Basp.

Typical Baspirath move really.

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ROFL, good luck with that.

Plenty of bosses have abilities that cannot be interrupted and almost all are immune to stun.

Every single boss in the game as well as PvP scenarios will benefit from more throughput on all of your spell casts (especially if your interrupt/stun is on cd).

You cannot “misquote” on the forums.

“Good at the game” are words 7 through 10 in the quote I made.

I did to count the words.

You mean quoting something and responding to it ? Yeah. I’m like that.

Funny seeing how I spent all night soloing interrupts on our Mythic Hivemind kill.

Just that one boss huh? Was that the only spell you cast the entire fight?

Or did you attack the boss at any point with any other ability?

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How many people had rank 1-2 essences (not counting the -10 corruption ones) in your raid? :clown_face:

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I don’t get your point. I’m saying good players aren’t good because they checked off a list of Essences, they’re good because they know how to do mechanics and properly control encounters.

You know what players don’t help kill bosses ? The ones that are Floor PoV. No amount of gear is going to get you off floor PoV if you can’t do mechanics.

Good player =/= geared and essenced player.

Since it wasn’t an alt raid, none.

When we do alts, bunch of us, but we usually keep alts to Mythic+. Tanked a +10 recently with 2 Rank 1 essences, no issues. Timed it.

Wow a +10 that’s crazy dude. I bet that was down to the wire.

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:clown_face: :clown_face:

Yup dont need them if you plan on doing RP or dont to do any end game content.

I managed to full clear all the world quests yesterday with rank 1 essences, why are you guys complaining ?? you don’t need rank 3!!! :clown_face:

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I know right! I farmed tmogs in MOP and it was super easy with my rank 1s! hehe! :clown_face: :clown_face:

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And I’m saying making the case that essences or corrupted effects are “optional” is absurd.

While I get your point, there are also no shortage of boss fights where damage is unavoidable. So you certainly need “some gear”.

Also - the longer the boss fights last - the harder they become (typically). Someone will inevitably screw up a mechanic.

Throughput matters.

No one is advocating for you to become a terrible player, but acting like essences or corrupted effects don’t make a difference is ridiculous.

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It’s an alt. I dunno why you’re expecting to do MDI on alts without putting in any effort :man_shrugging:

They are for most content. Skill is vastly more important.

Essences don’t give you stamina. I’ll take the guy on his alt with enough ilvl to live that has Mythic achievement and kills but less than ideal essences, over the guy decked out in top end gear with BiS essences, with no achievements, no logs, and that does about 10% of his sim DPS and tunnel visions in standing in fire.

It’s an alt, as long as it’s geared enough for the content we’re doing, I don’t really care that it’s not fully geared and optimized. You’ll be really sad if you only try to fill your groups with toons that are already fully decked out.

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Ah yes, the “you should have to put in equal effort for alts” argument. Welcome back old friend.

Yes, you should, as you have had to do since World of Warcraft launched. Welcome to MMORPGs.

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