Expect raids to be harder in shadowlands

Indeed the difference is many tryhards wont be able to keep 4 of the same class leveled and more importantly geared enough so they will be forced to learn to play sub optimally at times.

Especially with shadowlands m+ giving only 1 item.

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I don’t think you realize how serious some of these top 100 guilds are. MMO players will no life things if it means they can eek out even a sliver of an advantage. Meanwhile the guy who just wants to casually play Mythic + and PVP won’t be able to switch his tools if he feels like it might make the experience more fun for him.

Seconding this.
I’m starting to think we should just do away with restrictions altogether though.

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Ralph really likes biting the hand that feeds him.

Hey buddy, y’all got some of that meaningful choice…I need it. Just help me out man.

Stopping by so people don’t forget he was posting this a few months ago.

When the Blizzdrone hater becomes the Blizzdrone, what a fall from grace.

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Oh Ralph, you say the darnedest things sometimes.

Psshhh that was Rålph, this is Ràlph.

You are wrong.

Posting in a Ralph thread

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Ralph opinions changes based on what the popular opinion is at the time - right now a lot of fuss about people not liking this system, so of course, he is in favor of it.

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False. They changed because blizz started supporting LGBT openly.

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So now he is in love with blizzard because they are supporting LGBT openly ? I thought they have been doing that for years already.

Ralph started defending blizz when the night warrior homosexual thing first came up.

You know now that you mention it he’s been a lot more vocal since that happened.


Uhh once they figure out the meta raiding will be the same as always.

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Also note how he never addresses actual concerns like this:

Also, dont let his behaviour sway your opinions please. I am gay but I have a functioning, mature brain so I don’t stan for whatever corporation wishes to get woke and engage ina faux-philanthropy.

Well that makes things even more sad. I gave him the benefit of doubt of being a troll, the other option was worse.

Expect ralph to be harder in shadowlands. This isn’t even his final form.


That’s actually hilarious. Imagine thinking a giant corporation actually cares about your cause and isn’t using the political climate to make easy bucks off of gullible schmucks.