Blizzard, changes need to happen in Shadowlands

Ion I agree with your visions, and I agree with you about the covenant system on what you are trying to do. In a normal mmo, what you want can easily be done, and it would be fine. The problem is that this is not a normal mmo with a normal community.

You let a mix of armory info with some addons/website and Group Finder tool take power away from guilds. Ion thinking that people will not follow the meta with covenants is so out of touch it is not funny. Instead of guilds being a social network and building itself up. Players don’t need to go through that trouble when they can build up a score, and find a group with ease.

Group finder is worse than LFG. With LFG always some risk to it, like you can get a subpar group, but that is ok because that is the risk with doing pugs. That risk is part of the charm, after all if I wanted a perfect group. I would do it with guild. So I am more understanding with pugs. In other mmos that is the case also.

But wow? you got the tools to cut the fat so to speak on making groups. How can you not say that players won’t decline players? You got Asmongold clearly saying that people need to weaponize the tools, we have the info, and power to pick what covenants can do what. That the meta will always control the community and will always control group finder and nothing Blizzard can do about it.

Well prove them wrong. It is that simple. If you want more rpg elements, the players to make hard choices, and you don’t want people to be grief about the choices they make. Nerfing the Group Finder is going to be a must to push forward. Forcing players to be more social and join guilds instead of the countless of 1 person guilds running around because players can do content design for social elements with group finder.


It becomes especially hard when people like Ralph gatekeep their groups based on DPS

Getting rid of the group finder and forcing people into guilds seems like an outdated system though.

This RPG elements bit has become quite the meme

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Yes because forcing players to be social and build up a guild is such a out dated thing in mmos. You are right.

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Forcing them kind of is, yeah. Encouraging them and giving them more reason to is a better idea.


People can still join guilds, but now, they don’t have to.

I would also like to point out that it’s very obvious when someone is liking their own post on their alts.


You can’t encourage players to do it when people will always take the easier route.

So make the content harder. LFG groups always hit a wall. Make the wall happen sooner.

The thing is WoW is far too big rn to not need the group finder, there’s far too many people who prefer the solo playstyle that is casual and doesnt involve guilds and they mainly are forced to pug raids or m+ for gear since WoW is a gear based game.

Going back to an era where skill of individual mattered more than numbers based on their visible in group performance sounds pretty hard, unless they make guilds mandatory but I can just imagine the huge amount of drama that will happen when you force solo people who just wnat gear in a guild.


Wow has never been more social than it currently is.

I’m not saying to take away Group Finder.

What I do think needs to happen is to make more risk with using it. Limiting info in making groups, and forcing players to take chances with players. Like someone said. Item level does not tell you enough about a person wanting to do that content. That is the risk of doing pugs.

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Thought something was weird when I was watching the likes go up to 15 before anyone woulda had time to read it.

Well I also only got 4 chars? I’m sure someone could easily find that out.

But I did not even pay attention to the likes.

Usually happens when the OP isn’t sure of their own argument.

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I agree with this post though so I don’t have a problem with it having more likes, lol.

The reason that it is obvious is that many of the likers are in the same guild.

I can see what you mean, that would make people more active in communities or adding people that do well in pugs, the issue is stopping all that information from getting out of wow.

They would need to remove all sorts of data export from armory as well as long since I am pretty sure an addon can easily be created to link to someone’s warcraft logs performance so unless they disable logging/dps meters I am not sure if there’s a realistic way to achieve that.

lol, it is all good. Like I said I just have 4 chars. Heck I did not even know you could like your own posts. That is weird, like why not have likes be account wide?

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Cmon, I just picked a random one of your likes and looked at the stats.

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It could be my husband. He knows more about that stuff than me.

oooo look Ion agrees with Ion lmao.

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Aww, that’s sweet!

I think you might need to let him know, though, that sock-puppeting is against the rules and he might get a “forum vacation” on his account if he keeps doing that.