Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

Lol. Yeah. 5hought I misunderstood

but how then would he winz teh interwebz?/!/1!?!/1


Hey Siri, how do I delete some else’s post?

Unfortunately for you the type of game play you want is far more harmful the the average player base than you seem to understand. Luckily blizzard armed with the actual data of all their users has seen the trends and decided that this way is the correct one. Again if we do it your way everyone else IS forced to play that way we would simply not have a choice to ignore it as you suggest because of the nature of pugs. But our way already has left your side with options to play the way you want with some minor tweaks like alts etc…I’d call that a win for everyone.

What would stop everyone who chose the “wrong” setup from grouping together? Nothing, which would be good, they can do their content their way, I’ll do it mine. Win-win, no need for them to re-spec

Ok Ralph. I suppose you enjoy the idea of being dead weight?


A week-long cooldown is a bit much. A day long cooldown that resets with the morning reset wouldn’t be terrible.

again with the ever-shifting arguments …

also, blizzard has data on what happens to the current player base when they are locked into specialization? (you brought it up, not me)

and stop assuming everyone you reply to is a top 100 guild (of which probably only 40-50 will be filled with 4 alts for each spec) … no one has time for that. its absurd.

everyone else is not forced to play that way. you can play however you want … you will get declined either way … apparently. ive stated why i think you will get declined more … you continue to talk in circles … grasping at whatever anyone ever has said to validate your opinion.

i think he relishes in it


That’s because your logic is clearly flawed on this subject and we clearly cannot have a civil discussion about this since unlike me where I stated I’d be willing to admit I was wrong and compromise, your side is just adamant that everyone not in your opinion is just wrong. It’s sad that it’s come to this but again thankfully we have blizzard to lead the way.

There should be no cooldown, but we should only be able to change our conduits at the soulbind NPC.

Whats harmful about wanting to be less restricted?

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Forces the meta to be shoved down everyone’s throats which evidence of this has been seen in both legion and BFA. Again it’s not that having choices is bad thats not why I’m arguing against it, its because the meta players will exploit it to the max and ruin it for the rest of us as it becomes another required thing for pugging. Rather than that becoming an issue again for the third expansion blizzard is already dealing with it now and I’m sure your side will simply adapt and think of a less painful meta the rest of us will be forced into.

The only way people can force metas is if they make their own groups.

As long as they are the ones making the groups, whoever apps is at the mercy of their standards.

Solutions are:

App to a different group
Create your own group with your own standards
Make friends with similar expectations and play with them

It isn’t up to anyone but yourself to assure your own participation, ya know?

Though I must say I see pretty loose screening in LFG outside of experience. As long as you arent dead weight during the pulls, its pretty easy to get in as long as you’re apping to groups within reach of your experience

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and soon it will be at will, because there is no good reason to actually limit it.

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Again I see what you are saying and I do understand where you are coming from but we have TWO expansions already proving it’s going to be an issue. It was an issue in Legion with Legiondaries(will also probably effect SL but no one has been talking about this obstacle yet) and it happened with corruptions in BFA. It will happen yet again with this change you want where if you are not willing to change on the fly you will be excluded.

Now obviously the solution to this is simply apply to other groups and you’re right in saying that it would probably work. The main issue is what I said early being the player problem as most players in lower tier game play pugs aka normal and heroic raids as one example in which they will require the same meta that people at the top end do even though it’s not necessary at all in that level of content, this is one of the reasons blizzard is trying to deal with it now ahead of time.




It’s so incredibly old. I’m so tired of it. I have played at EVERY level of play and have NEVER had someone tell me to change specs or talents on the basis of output or performance. Never. Been playing this game since BC and have never had someone tell me what to do.

If you WANT to be the best in this game, then you can take the meta route. The route that has proven success. You don’t have to. MOST don’t and they are fine with that.

No one is ruining the game for anyone else on the basis of how they approach the game. No one.

Stop lying to yourself. Stop lying to us.

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“This didn’t happen to me so its a lie ahhhhh” Yikes my guy you should probably take a break since you clearly are not in the right mindset to have a civil discussion on the subject.

clearly … you and ralph love hyperbole …

stating you are willing to admit you were wrong doesn’t have anything to do with having a discussion.

you still haven’t said HOW limiting things is going to solve this issue you claim has been such a problem for 2 expansions.

how is it going to make it easier or better?

It’s also to make your own groups and play with people who think similarly to you. Surely there is enough of you to fill a group, no?