#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

I mean, I just wanna have swappable covenants.


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oh they are but they are a huge sluge fest to reset which is worse

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For clarification’s sake, I wanna have swappable covenants boils down to I wanna be able to swap to whatever covenant I want without needing to grind for weeks to do so. Or even days, or hours. I just want to swap and go.

I agree, unlike the people opposed.

You’re insanely rude, what the actual heck? Why are you so toxic, like honestly? Where does all this anger come from?



It’s honestly to the point where I’m convinced this ‘unhealthy mentality’ is just a projection. I’ve talked to a ton of people recently, and most of them can keep from being inflammatory, then Ralph pops in and immediately murders all the fun, all the progress. He’s a ball of concentrated rage, and he sincerely needs to see someone about it, it’s actually scary.

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Anyone else join a thread where the original post has 303 Likes then brag about how you have everyone on block? Yikers !

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I think you mean 4 or 5.

Ah yes damn, sorry I must have everyone on block too :frowning:

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Easiest way to win an argument is to quell all dissenting opinions, but the illusion will work, I suppose.


or heres an even simpler analogy, griniding a reputation to exalted twice. #pullthecord

Ugh good lord don’t talk about this, makes me sick.



No it didn’t. By BC the gold amount was trivial.


How are restrictions that prevent experimentation fun? It’s the same as the corruption vendor rotation it makes me just flat out not play other characters. Then the month passes and I don’t have the echoes so the character stays on the shelf. It’s stupid as heck.


The gold amounts were trivial in vanilla.

i gave up on alts simply because vendor is on rotation. grinding the cloak and essances is one thing and a bad thing at that but cant even grind put the good corruptions because over half of them are useless

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Agreed but people will try to claim 50 gold was hard to make and in BC it was literally 3 dailies so that excuse doesn’t work anymore.

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Everyone put on your riot gear, defend yourselves, save the women and children first. Ralph is loading up another Ralph-ism. Protect yourselves!

Hot take. Report forum users for using forums.

Edit: That got flagged fast, I think people are starting to be over your garbage, dude.

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