Min/Max essences/corruptions aren't a requirement

We all play for different reasons. if this is your belief, then we are basically playing different games.

For players who want to be good at the game, on a competitive level, they are a requirement as they are the most accessible, guaranteed increase in power.

This is true for Arena, RBGs, Mythic raiding, or Mythic+.

My guess is you aren’t doing anything on a competitive level and simply don’t understand.


People talk about how they need top essences and corruption…yet ive seen people without BiS do far more better than the people who attempt to min/max pushing normal raids.

You dont need them, they are a goal to have if you want to progress into higher levels.

Try pushing rating against people who completely out gear you. Once you do lmk how you feel


They have Challenger but no 1550 arena rating, and no heroic/mythic raid clears anytime recent. So yes, they have not. They should probably learn to use the checkmark in Display in game to only show character achieves.

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this is relative to what your goal is. to say you do or do not need them is pointless. Do you want to do X… well then you need/don’t need.

If you want to run normal and heroic raids and be a 2k player with a 2k or under io score, then sure, you don’t need them.

If you want to be a mythic raider with a 2k+ rating in arena and have a 2k+ io score, then you need them.


But if you arent pushing content, then why do you need BiS

heh. yea, always surprises me when people post on alts with the attempt to hide their progress. =/

Again, relative. Everyone has differing levels of ability. Some players need every opportunity afforded to them to see success.

If a player wants to insure they are best prepared for any level of content, obtaining the easiest items to increase their strength is… a bit of a no brainer. Saying you need it or don’t need it is arbitrary. Some players may need BIS everything to complete a normal raid.

If you do group content, you have some responsibility to putting effort into your character so that you aren’t dead weight.

Corruptions are an issue due to a combination of RNG and poor balance. When a person with similar gear and corruption #s has 20% more throughput than you simply because of stronger corruptions, you have a problem.


Mythic is balanced around you having it…

Not required doesn’t really hold much water when it comes to that.

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Good thought, but that’s not really how people’s brains work. Same reason why people feel like they “lost” something if they didn’t get in on a big stock, or why people flipped out over BfA’s artifact knowledge system even though it’s identical to Legion with the numbers in reverse.

It’s that feeling of “losing out” on power going from your main to something else. Used to be much easier to assuage that feeling by just getting gear. Now it takes much more than that.

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I will gladly concede that competitive PVP is excluded from my statement… which is horribly unfortunate.

Not attempting to hide anything. I knew people would look at what I’ve done. I post on this character because this is the character I use on the forums for a variety of reasons. Has nothing to do with trying to hide any progress.

Not having ‘done’ the content doesn’t mean I haven’t followed the content and watched what people are able to do and with what gear. I know plenty of people pushing high keys with non “meta” groups and without the top corruptions or min/maxed essences. They aren’t doing it as fast and it is definitely harder, and when they get some of those better bits of gear, they’re happy because of the impact it makes, but they’re still completing the content.

The point of the thread is that you don’t need it to do it so it’s not a designed in requirement. The one caveat being high ranked PVP because in that situation, it’s player power vs player power and if people are rolling in with the top of the line stuff it’s very difficult at a certain point to overcome that with raw skill and coordination.

I can do you one better, I have gotten one piece of corrupt gear; from my mythic eleven box last week. The one that adds to my percentage of avoidance gear…on my mage. So my zero percent advoidance jumped to a whooping zero percent.


The tools should all be on the same scale. The power should come from HOW the player uses those tools.

But If Blizzard is forever going to make one ability or effect stronger then the others then they are feeding the very monster they want to fight.

If they truly want to get rid of the cookie cutter spec made by players then they have to resist the urge to make overpowered drops/spec’s.


As much as I like the random “omg this makes me melt faces” types of items, I would much rather exist in a game world where gear was more predictable and I had clear cut goals that didn’t require third party sites to figure out what was best for me.


Sounds about right. One of my arena partners was asking me basically if he should go 1 t3 infinite stars or 1 t2 echoing void and 1 t2 infinite stars and I don’t even really know how to respond. Like, shoot for the moon I guess? I haven’t even had the opportunity to test any of this stuff other than on the receiving end lmao

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I may not have needed to min/max, I wasn’t a hardcore mythic gladiator or anything, just a normal mode sometimes raider… but even then, if I left anything on the table I felt like I wasn’t giving my best effort.

If I’m going to play; I’m going to play to win. That means chasing that 1%.

Every 1% wipe I’d think to myself “one enchant, a couple better gems, one upgrade… and our raid could have done it”. If everyone chases that 1% it can turn a night of frustration into a boss kill.

I’m not advocating ‘not trying’ I’m saying people need to stop blaming blizzard for player created issues. Too many people call something ‘required’ and yell at blizzard for it when it’s their choice or a player created issue that’s actually occurring.

One of the more recent issues is when they upped the amount of CVs you get from dailies… people said “Great, now dailies are required!” and that just struck me as insanely stupid and blaming blizzard for it was even more stupid.


BiS Essences and corruption can be 30-50% of your output for DPS.

So what are we talking about here? At least 20% drop in DPS. That wont matter for LFR I guess.

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Went looking at logs and the #3 mythic Wrathion parse doesn’t have any corrupted dps corruption traits.


I’ll look for more. Found this right off the bat.

99% mythic prophet parse with no corruption.


Not saying it doesn’t help, but I think a lot of people are obsessing way too much.


Alright so the first one you linked has corruptions and max essence

The second one has max essence, but no corruptions

You really didn’t prove anything, I said essence/corruptions

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