Pharah is weird

If that’s the case, pretty petty. You’d think people can discuss ideas objectively in each separate thread but I guess not, sometimes (reaper_shrug)

Their ideas are just obnoxiously dumb

Yeah nah, I have like 2 hours on brig lmao your ideas are just terrible all around

Well if we’re going by what minimal info is in your profile, a bronze tier 1 trick Mercy main who can’t comprehend the overall game design. :slight_smile:

You can just…you know, not respond to someone’s post, if you disagree with their idea

If you feel compelled to respond though (which seems to be the case), at least discuss why you disagree, and put your own ideas on the subject

Don’t just go “LMAO all your ideas are terrible and you’re dumb”

Also I’d like to apologize to OP for participating inadvertently in this derailing

Mercy is more busted than phara change my mind

Lol, I have more experience on class based shooter design than most people on this forum combined.

Tanks and what do we do? - #16 by GreyFalcon-11737

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That would make how terrible your ideas are even sadder LMAO, though it it mirror you having a gold border and still being hardstuck gold I guess

Tell you what, what are some of your “good ideas”.

You’re already obsessing over my profile apparently LMAO I just posted one

Just some secret beef from differing opinions making my post blow up. I wanna talk about pharah but I get this lol. Sadge.


Hey I tried to mention that we were getting off-topic and derailing but some people can’t help themselves lol

I guess this is what we get when the forums don’t have any sort of direct messaging/emailing or off-topic section

Yeah, but you said good ideas.

A bit of a Damage reduction on hog isn’t gonna fundamentally change things

Realistically the PTR Pharah buffs are probably going to go through, and unless they change Mercy a lot, Pharah probably isn’t gonna get changed any time in the next 6 months.

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It makes him tankier and less of an ult battery and gives him a way to protect teammates. An objectively better idea than anything you and your barely plat brain have come up with LMAO

Well, if you think Hog dying too much to damage, is what wrong with Hog, you probably don’t have 250 hours on Roadhog like I do.

Where did I say anything about dying? That barely plat brain at work again failing to grasp simple concepts LMAO no wonder you can’t pick up game design

I have a feeling they’ll not include ult change. It seems like another one of these random “why not” changes they throw in for no reason, but don’t make it to live

Like when Brig got a 2nd stun duration nerf on bash out of nowhere and it didn’t go live

Probably longer. Just going by history, here’s every single time she got some adjustment:

Dec 2016 (fuel increase to let her fly forever)

Sept 2018 (rework that made her spammier and lower AoE)

April 2020 (AoE max splash nerf reverted)

As you can see, she gets changed once every 2 years lol. Can’t wait to see what they have planned for 2022

Gonna take a lot more than a few percent less Ult charge for 2 more seconds to fix things with Hog, and particularly them pushing the game to be less dependant on barriers.

Something more on this scale, would push the game towards being less required to be behind a barrier 90% of the game.

Terrible ideas all around, as usual lol






You are very unhealthy for the forums and I’ve run out of flags, something that hasn’t happened in a while

You’re gonna get poor OP’s topic locked