Ending the Hanzo Hypocrisy

I’ve probably put more thought into that specific concept than 90% of the forum combined, over the past 1.5 years looking at it.

The thing is I can do a better job than them.

  1. I got more FPS game design experience than 90% of the people in this forum.
  2. I got a pretty long track record of suggesting unique ideas that miraculously find their way into Overwatch.
  1. Buff barriers on Sigma and Orisa to around 1500 and 900
  2. Nerf a few key “Unmattixable AntiDive Peel” capabilities that aren’t on OffTank heroes.
  3. Generally clear the way towards Dive being a direct counter to DoubleBarrier, to the extent DoubleBarrier is a cheese comp.