🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

Credit to those who helped me brainstorm and give me a headache over this:Can we please, Add Sym's Photon Barrier back in while keeping everything else? (solved)

But I think this is the real Sym buff that she needs. (Like real bad.)

Basically when Sym now Summons Turrets, she actually Summons the old Photon Barrier slightly different.

Because unlike before, when the Barrier lands, in folds into a Turret.

This opens Sym up to greater possibilities.

edit: I am thinking like maybe a 200 hp “smaller” barrier, that lands and turns into a Turret.

If the 200 hp Barrier is destoryed, then so is the turret.


i wouldn’t say a full size one, but still decent sized, good idea.

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Yeah, this will likely have to be a thing, cause you could also save you turrets this way, to block a D. Va if it was.

But this really would work.

just throwing all your turrets at an ulting pharah, amazing counters.

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Pharah can dodge around it and not be so trigger happy but yeah.

Would you still be able to shoot the 30hp sentry as it flies through the air, or would you have to kill a 1000hp barrier to accomplish this?

Or would it be a mix of both. Where you can destroy the sentry in the middle, but the shield still stays.

And yeah spamming 3x giant barriers might be a bit much. So would the hp be lowered to about 300?


i think a mix would be better, since that’s the primary counter to getting 3 turrets spammed at your team and having to turn around to destroy them.

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I am thinking like maybe a 200 hp “smaller” barrier, that lands and turns into a Turret.

If the 200 hp Barrier is destoryed, then so is the turret.

small hp barriers that carry the turrets would be cool

but it will REALLY demolish any kind of stealthiness for her turret placing

Uh… they are shiny if golden and make sound. (Not really stealthy, if pretty easy to find out where they are.)

Plus ever heard of skeet shooting?

(Cause Ashe got the ideal weapon for Sym’s current state… Plus B.O.B.)

I still wanna see that barrier she made in the comic when she crouches down and protects that little girl from falling debris would be cool if when Sym crouches she creates a turtle shell sorta barrier above her :stuck_out_tongue:


This was the beta ability. Just some additional animation for giving shields to others. (I think it was 100 additional shield health at the time, caused a dreaded Genji/ healing orb combo.)

why not have it be a mode change ability like moiras orbs, you select the ability, then m1 to throw a barrier or m2 to throw a turret, both use up a turret cooldown spot, so you can throw 3 barriers quickly but then you have to wait for more

Because honestly Sym’s mechanics already pretty complex. It has to be a little Simpler but require more skill and resource management. We can’t just add a button that doesn’t exist.

Cough Cause Console Cough

if moiras abilities work on console, my idea could work too

This just works better… Okay. Plus we need heroes to be less like other heroes, kit wise.

This isn’t a problem on console.

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Sigh… You know just forget the whole different turret thing. I think it would be better if they were both.

(Plus we don’t need more stuff from other heroes on Sym’s kit)

That’s what teleporter is for tbh.

Anyways, I’m not crazy about this idea unfortunately. I’d much prefer them just reimplementing the old photon barrier as a stationary barrier we can build as an alternative to Teleporter.

Both could share the same cooldown and duration.

With this she’d be able to contribute better protection for herself and her team when trying to charge up her beam

The thing is that this harms Symmetra’s turret up time. What if the enemy don’t destroy a barrier? Now you have one of your turrets in a bad place.

Like I said earlier, I would rather just move her TP to alt weapon and put PB onto E.

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