🧞‍♀ Sigh..... Timepass (part 2)

People must be tired talking about this Sym rework stuff, because I thought I would see more “I love this Idea” “Smart Idea” etc etc

Maybe even see a dev comment on it. (a hope of a hope, but hey I will dream if I want to.)

I mean I had entire topic for brain storming this idea here. 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

But people seem to be so tired that they just glace over this topic like its not ev

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Huh? sorry i wasnt paying attention to this thread. im just admiring your profile picture and name. which both perfectly fit.

Same to you. Imagine you as a Evil Jedi Reaper.

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an Evil jedi would be a sith my dood. actually come to think of it…MY NAME IS SITH

anyway back to topic. I Feel like symm’s rework didnt change her alot. it just made her more viable and more DPS-Dispensing. i like her at her spot rn but i’d wish for her sentries to have less health.

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Everyone seems to have their own reality on what they want from Sym.

But it’s impossible to tell what the Devs want.

And beyond that even the Pros.

Cause even if they still use Sym as a joke in OWL.

If they actually go serious with her…

Devs don’t know how to compensate “balance”, when they do.

Which with current Sym, we will never see her in OWL.

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They barely have any health as they are…Is this a joke??