🤔 Inconsistencies in Symmetra's HP compared to other DPS of similar range

Care to explain why?

You need to take into account that those heroes have bigger hit boxes compared to Sym who has a slimmer model. Plus those heroes outside of Bastion and Torb don’t have the best options for ranged combat compared to Sym who has her orbs and turrets.

I’m not against giving her more health or just a buff in general but I don’t think this is a fair comparison.


Plus those heroes outside of Bastion and Torb don’t have the best options for ranged combat compared to Sym who has her orbs and turrets.

You think Sym’s orbs or turrets are better for range combat than a mei icicle?


Dude symm has NO survability. Tbh i dont care about her hitbox, she’s still very easy to hit.


Um, what? Mei is a pseudo-sniper, Bastion loses to virtually everyone up close that is not a tank, Torbjorn’s turret is his consistent long range damage and the armor is for… well, when he is not long-range and Doomfist has a tank hit-box. Speaking of which, so do the rest of them outside of Torbjorn who compensates for that with his head being his entire body.

Like, I am not saying that Symmetra’s HP should not be increased. But I am saying that your argument makes literally no sense.

I thought of this a few hours ago: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

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Torb and Doomfist only have that amount of health situationally. Torb’s is on a long cooldown, and Doomfist needs to hit several people with his abilities to stack up that health. Symmetra is much smaller and thinner that those other heroes as well. Her health might be lower, but she’s harder to hit.

You also neglected to mention the not-so-tanky close-range DPS.

  • Tracer: 150
  • Genji: 200
  • Sombra: 200

Close range does not mean somebody has to be tanky.

Symmetra has her teleporter, which can function as her engage and escape. She has her turrets, which allow her to deal consistent damage to enemies she isn’t even close to. She also has her secondary fire that gives her a long-range damage option, which is something most close-range heroes do not have.

Symmetra is a close-range hero that doesn’t have the mobility of an assassin or the tankiness of a brawler, but has immense utility and ranged options.


Mei’s only options for range in her icicle that does 75 damage and Sym has 3 turrets and an orb that can do up to (I think) 120 if my numbers are correct. It’s better in terms of more options.

250 health is standard for mele heroes. Symmetra has a 12 meter range so I’m not sure she counts.

I’m not disagreeing

What I’m saying is the comparison isn’t fair. It’s easier to hit a Reaper/Mei/Torb/Doomfist than it is to hit a Sym JUST because of hitboxes alone. Hence why they have more HP than her. I’m not arguing her shouldn’t get more or that she doesn’t need a buff. It’s just not a fair comparison.

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huh? Sym’s range is literally infinite with orbs, why are you even comparing all of those with her?

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Um, what? Mei is a pseudo-sniper

Unless she wants to use her primary, like Sym

Bastion loses to virtually everyone up close that is not a tank

Yes, but he is expected to be attacked close range due to his immobility (pulse bomb anyone?), hence his extra health, and why I included him.

Torbjorn’s turret is his consistent long range damage

He also has a shotgun tho

Doomfist has a tank hit-box. Speaking of which, so do the rest of them outside of Torbjorn who compensates for that with his head being his entire body.

Yeah and they can also self heal, go invulnerable, have damage blocking abilities on cooldown and have more mobility than Sym. So unless ur suggesting Sym should be able to do some of those things, I dont think the discussion of hitboxes is relevant.


You also need to consider Sym needs to charge her weapon to deal consistent damage in which case, it’s ridiculous that you now need to also track with 60% accuracy and actually wait for the weapon to charge. The slim size is the only thing going for her otherwise might as well delete her.

Turrets are one-shot-kill and easily detected. Orbs are super easily dodged and don’t pierce.


Reaper’s damage fall off starts at 15 meters. Why does he get 250 health to fight people in a 15 meter range, and Sym only gets 200 for her 12 meter range?


So Sym is a sniper in your eyes?

The point is that the extra 50 health is to more or less compensate for the hit-box. That is why Zarya has 400 HP as the smallest tank. It is more about that balance than their need to get close or whatever. So it is relevant and ignoring it just to make a point is poor argumentation.

She would be if her orbs were any faster that’s for sure, for comparison’s sake, her orbs move at 20 m/s while Hanzo’s arrows move at 26 m/s, there’s no falloff and the projectiles explode upon hitting

She’s definitely not a sniper but something more akin to pharrah or junkrat both of whom have just 200 hp

She has a much smaller hitbox than all of them tho.

You’re the one ignoring the fact that Sym is massively disadvantaged than every other dps who is expected to deal with close quarter combat. I gave multiple reasons as to why they get bigger hitboxes, which include the fact that they can do multiple things to protect themselves in a fight that Sym cant, even tho she is expected to fight in the same range. Its a double standard.


Mei’s icicle moves at 120 m/s, and can headshot for 150 damage.

Sym’s orbs go at 20 m/s (only 8 m/s faster than her turrets, btw) and do 120 direct hit, or 60 splash.

There’s a reason people call Mei a pseudo-sniper and not Sym.


Then why doesnt Sym get to self heal in combat, go invincible, mitigate damage, or have the mobility they do too ?


I thought the reasoning why I left out Genji, Tracer and Sombra was clear, but i’ll elaborate.

What’s the one thing they all have in common that Sym doesn’t? Insane mobility, more than any of the other heroes I mentioned. Thats why they dont get more health.

I am not ignoring that, I literally said I agreed with you that she needed additional health. I love it when you trigger someone so hard that they either stop reading your entire posts or blatantly ignore key details. I just do not agree with your overall reasoning, fam.

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The orbs travels incredibly slow whereas Mei’s icicles are hanzo-arrow speed which makes her good at range. Mei and Doomfist also have reliable disengage mechanisms whereas Symmetra does not. TP is often too easily destroyed if she decides to take the risk. Reaper has health regen.

Bastion is a ranged hitscan hero, but incredibly huge hitbox and close to 0 mobility.
Torb turret has range but he himself has no mobility.
Doomfist is a melee hero with a bigger hitbox than Sym.

But since Mei and Reaper can have 250, Sym should also have 250, maybe only when she ults. She gets 50 extra shield health.