I want Torb's turret to be able to stick to walls and ceilings

Tons of more potential in doing so.

I mean this isnt a bad idea.

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Thought similar kind improvements involving Sym’s Turrets 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

If they ever consider Upgradeing Torb’s turret, I suggest they consider this too.

i think the only buff he needs is to have his MASSIVE HEAD reduced

Only if Torb gets to as well.


This is not a buff he needs. Just a change he deserves. :innocent:

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Only if Reaper’s teleport can also stick to walls and ceilings :wink:

This would be really fun actually. Wouldn’t even look out of place tbh.

Really can’t see a whole lot of tactical advantage from it, but anyway. Would at least give more sneaky placements.

Oh yeah, because I already love having to waggle like a wii remote around a corner or low ceiling to deal with Sym’s turrets.

Which is why you should make your own game.
Turret Wars. Coming soon. 2020.

what about that image.ibb. co/mbdkEf/Screen-Shot-18-11-10-16-58-46-000.jpg (delete the space between the “.” and “co”)