What could go wrong by giving Symmetra 250 hp?

Nothing, Nothing. Symmetra used to have 275 hp + AUTOLOCK and she wasnt op, i know it was from an ultimate but still. i think 50 more shields would increase her survivability ALOT and lowered tp deployment time. Next buff for symm needs to be for her survivability!

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I thought of this; 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier ,But I think people I just too tired, dull and worn to juggle anymore ideas anymore in this silence.

I mean Seagull posted a vid a few hours ago, and I don’t think we wont see anything at all this week

I honestly think they should forget the extra 50 hp and just make a faster, WAYY more fluid tp.

People say sym could use it as an escape? Then make it one by buffing the deploy and cast time. Once it stops feeling like a clunky mess then she’ll be better off and not need the 250 hp since she could tp out of danger.

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