So when we make the perfect version of Sym on the new Workshop

Then what…

A. Keeping posting about it, as devs keep ignoring it.

B. Post what the specs are, and just keep the topic going to the point it becomes a meme.

C. (what’s most likely going to happen.) Both of the above,

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  • Mode gets so popular devs implement it in arcade.
  • Arcade mode so popular they add it to the base game.

That’s the dream anyway.


Honestly wondering if it’s easier, that I just go there and just put up 442 signs saying Rework Sym.

Rework: her turrets now levitate and seek enemies

combine this: :genie:‍:female_sign: Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

and this: The DPS Sym Ult, Sym Should have gotten, when she became a DPS

Ngl that ult looks kinda broken but the turret part is nice

Well for one, that form is not the ult version, is just a workshop, so of course it’s broken.

And second, yes the turret thing is nice, I am been I thinking saying in for 385 days now… but who is counting.

Make her turrets have mini Winston bubbles around them while they are traveling through the air.

D. Clap and wonder when the player is going to make there own game.

Maybe if Blizzard is bought out by Disney.

Cross my fingers that will never happen.

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