⚠️What would you change about symmetra?

I’d give her 250 HP, quicker cast time on Photon Barrier, fixed tick rate, faster projectile launch and faster teleporter placement.

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Would give her a temporary shield gen as an alternative for teleporter.

I at least understand the core of the game. Something that majority of players do. I understand casual players, but just because you’re a casual doesn’t mean she needs a buff to please all the casual players.

yes! exactly what my kween needs. she is the only close range dps that doesn’t have 250hp, even brig has it. unfair!

If anything symmetra is fine in casual play like qp

But in comp oh honey

We brainstorm this earlier this week, and came up with this: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

Basically when Sym now Summons Turrets, she actually Summons the old Photon Barrier slightly different.

Because unlike before, when the Barrier lands, in folds into a Turret.

This opens Sym up to greater possibilities.

edit: I am thinking like maybe a 200 hp “smaller” barrier, that lands and turns into a Turret.

If the 200 hp Barrier is destoryed, then so is the turret.

(Turret cooldown is also reduced.)

And you thinks she needs a buff??? Play her with your team, don’t play solo. That’s how you can enable a symm to be useful.

what aria rose’s video, don’t lie to yourself we all know you’re wrong.

Your telling a gm/ high masters sym main how to play sym



Honey, I was top 35 Sym on PSN last season with a Mid Diamond Career High. I play most days and I’ve earned 8 gold weapons since I started playing in July 2017. But yeah, I don’t play on PC so I must be ez casual

There’s even multiple sym videos by aria now

The interview was the best imo

It was fun to do


she is a niche pick hence why she doesnt need a buff or nerf, she is good when used properly and in good matchups. Just not meta like many other heros right now.

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When I play symm I dominate. I’m just note sure why we should make symmetra a solo playable hero.

Exactly. Every other close range character has at least two of sustain, escapes or 250 HP. Poor Symm has none of these three. Symm doesn’t even have reliable damage to add insult to injury, she needs a sledgehammer buff. Let Symm be viable.

Reaper has 250 HP and Wraith Form, Mei has 250 HP, pure CC and self-sustain to the max, Tracer teleports all over and has Recall…

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it was fun to watch too!

More health. I can’t say I’m a huge player of her, but I definitely think she needs more health so that she doesn’t get shredded. If we compare heroes similar to her range/playstyle (close range), everyone like Reaper, Zarya, Doomfist, etc. all have extra health so that they can do well. Sym doesn’t get any of that. I don’t think that she needs the 275 most people are saying, because she does have a much slimmer hitbox compared to those heroes. But if she has say 250, she would be able to ramp up her beam more, and potentially get more kills.

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More outfits that accentuate her booty and thighs?

Remember, you asked.

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Instead of orbs ,a long range laser burst.

Exactly, just because she’s not a meta hero doesn’t mean she needs a buff. Soldier is not a meta hero, doesn’t mean he needs a buff.

even if she was meta she would still need a buff.