Can we please, Add Sym's Photon Barrier back in while keeping everything else? (solved)

(Thanks to this, I have thought of this: :genie:‍:female_sign: Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret a Photon Barrier)

I think Sym is still missing that essential part of that kit, the Photon Barrier. She needs that Barrier to combo with the rest of her kit.

Protecting Turrets

Shielding herself. (like she does in lore)

Aiding Allies from a small bit of damage if needed.

Blocking line of sight from Snipers.

And finally combining it with her Alt Fire and and Primary.

I would like to add it back to Sym’s Kit but also while keeping everything she got.

(It would even combo more with her new kit, Teleporter, flying turrets, and of course the other wall.)

The Barrier can give her precious seconds, so her shields (hp) can recharge. (Which is pretty vital.)

(Mostly because people are really touchy on not losing anything already.)

So please is there are way?

Edit Answer by Kyleesie: "Personally, I totally agree with this.

I think the ideal implementation would be to make it function similar to Moira’s orb deployment. Press the skill button to choose between firing a Damage Sentry Turret or a Barrier Sentry Turret. They’d have to have different cooldowns or different supply, but since the original barrier was originally projected by a flying turret, this mechanic just makes the most sense.

If they do bring the personal barrier back though, I think they should change the shape of it so it’s more similar to Orisa’s barrier (a half dome that can also block damage from the sides, and not just from the front).

Also, I think they should keep the Sym 3.0 ult, but change the name to Infinity Barrier (which honestly makes more sense), and name the personal barrier Photon Barrier.

Easy. Done :slight_smile: "

(Thanks to this, I have thought of this: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier)


But if she got her forward moving shield back what would her ultimate be? i doubt that theyd still keep that infinite shield if she really got her mini shield back.

I just said keeps everything else.

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Imo with all the changes she got, if we just switched her ult and E again i think she would actually be balanced.

Sigh no one is trying to think of a way, arg

That means giving up her incredible ult line and I will fight to the death over it.

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You know I never said… Never said. “Lose her Ult”… not once. Reread it please.

(Jeez it’s like I am a Special Ed Teacher for Adults again.)

What’s worst no one thought of a way to keep everything, they just went off by the title.

as an extra ability? what would happen to her ult?

i would actually like to see it as an ability, but it is doubtful.

Nothing… I just want us to think of a way to add Photon Barrier in to Sym’s Current kit.

I miss my shield buddy too :disappointed:

Jesus christ, I hope people arent really this slow. He is saying to give her the photon barrier and KEEP THE SAME KIT, her tp, throwable turrets, and her wall ult. Just adding on another ability not changing anything else


Can we please have health buffing back along with photon barrier? I miss my favorite support style and hate hearing people whine when I play Brig for her ult.

yes, so an extra ability.

you got my vote.

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So, a dps would have more shields than a tank?

No learn to play the hero.

What I deal with everyday.

Personally, I totally agree with this.

I think the ideal implementation would be to make it function similar to Moira’s orb deployment. Press the skill button to choose between firing a Damage Sentry Turret or a Barrier Sentry Turret. They’d have to have different cooldowns or different supply, but since the original barrier was originally projected by a flying turret, this mechanic just makes the most sense.

If they do bring the personal barrier back though, I think they should change the shape of it so it’s more similar to Orisa’s barrier (a half dome that can also block damage from the sides, and not just from the front).

Also, I think they should keep the Sym 3.0 ult, but change the name to Infinity Barrier (which honestly makes more sense), and name the personal barrier Photon Barrier.

Easy. Done :slight_smile:

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Thanks I gonna steal that. I love it.

how does one quickly switch between teleporter and the photon barrier though? Sounds clunky… and her kit is already one utilizing the most amount of buttons

This idea has transcended. Thanks to this topic, I have thought of this: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier