Role Limits in Quick Play


You have sweaty comp mode for that.

Hey Eggkookoo, we are aware Vs AI is still affected. We’re targeting a fix for that mode in an upcoming bug fix patch, but I don’t have an ETA for that update yet.


The current comp mini season has no bearing on your rank.

does the comp beta affect MMR or SR of the upcoming season or is affected by the previous competitive season? I’m wondering if i can just play comp beta as a substitute quick play without worrying about SR.

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According to another people that is probably buried at this point, no. This season is more the PTR on a slightly bigger scale.

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I enjoyed it more when it was bugged.

Well, no reason to play QP for two more weeks.


The whole point of this 2-2-2 role queue was (quoting) ‘‘YOU COULD PLAY THE ROLE YOU WANT’’… I have a question, HOW CAN YOU PLAY THE ROLE YOU WANT WHEN THE WHOLE QP ROLE QUEUE IS MESSED UP AND ALL ABOUT BEING FAST??? This is crazy! It’s like who gets to pick first plays what they want, the rest are just FORCED to play what they HATE to play or another option - leave the game and get the endorsements back to 1 where it all started due to leaving a lot of games BECAUSE OF THIS REASON. Really Blizzard? Is this how you get people to play WHAT THEY WANT? I was super hyped about this role queue and was counting seconds till it’d be released but this is chaos, this is totally different thing, a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. I’d suggest you make it the same type of role queue as for competitive play for quick play as well, so that people actually get to choose what they wanna play, as the QP so called role queue is totally SCAM of the role queue you guys promised us. You’re going to lose a lot of players due to this issue, also it causes even more conflict inside the team as the fastest ones always pick DPS and other 4 people might as well want to play DPS, they won’t compromise anything. Trust me, I want the best for this game but this ain’t gonna bring you anywhere. FIX THIS!!!

So…quitting OW until Sept 1…gotcha.


Really disappointed that role queue wasn’t put on quickplay now and have to wait until September. Besides is totally ridiculous to put Sigma already available to play on role queue comp beta when no one has a clue of how to play him and just messing everybodys placements, even if they are just a trial… Suggestion: please launch role queue in quick play as well as the beta comp and leave sigma available to play only in quick play not in comp…


I’ll give it 15 games and call it done. It’s udder garbage in bronze.

to teach people how to play comp before they get to comp…

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Why do it half way? It had it’s PTR time


I just had the best 3 hours of QP I have ever had only to get it ripped away. :neutral_face:

I can not wait 2 weeks, bring back the bug please even your game wanted 2-2-2.


Why you guys put that down, was a real quick game mode to practice and be better than the play whatever the hell you want, please make it live again.

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When a bug makes the game better, you know the game mode needs TLC deluxe :wink:


It also seems to have removed the “Stay as team?” option. It’s hard enough getting people to understand they get 20% more experience as it is.

They have been very clear about this patch only having Role Queue Beta for competitive and the other modes only getting it on Sep 1st.

I was surprised when I saw the role limit in QP, as it wasn’t supposed to be in the game for another couple of weeks. Heard some people complain about people instalocking and everyone else having a terrible experience because they didn’t add the actual RQ to it.

Ugh. I was so happy to not have 5 DPS on my team, shame I have to wait more weeks.


Why exactly isn’t quick play role locked currently anyway? It was running fine on the PTR.