Role queue in 'vs ai' results in many leavers

In pretty much every game today, there would be at least 3 leavers. You can’t even blame this on Sigma because many times he wasn’t even picked. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to force role lock on vs ai? People go on there to practice or to have fun with the characters they want to play without doing it on qp/comp, but if someone joins and sees a certain role is all taken, there is no need to stay. For goodness sakes, I even made a joke a while ago about them forcing it on vs ai, but to think they actually did it? Blizzard, please remove it.


I can see how role lock is a bad idea because it could force people on a class hero they didn’t want to play BEFORE entering the game. This is where role queue, which is the feature Blizzard said they would implement in the game modes, solves the issue. You simply queue for the hero class BEFOREHAND and then select your hero when in-game. But, for some reason, role limit was dropped in both QP and the AI modes yesterday which is completely different than what was promised. I understand Blizzard tech came out with a pinned post yesterday saying it was a bug, but didn’t actually change it to role queue. They simply reverted QP back to what it always was.
If QP is going to have a “QP classic” option in arcade September 1st, please, Blizzard, give the AI players the same option so they also can have a game mode where they can pick all 1 class of heroes if they choose to.

Role Queue, not role limit, is the best thing to happen to OW in a very long time. Refreshing change. I greatly enjoy 2-2-2 and it feels the way OW should always have been played. Please have role queue in every mode, including AI.

They’ve been neglecting the community that enjoys that mode for years, and then drop role lock on it like that. Just why Blizz.


“Cuz f you in particular” - Blizzard probably

Hi there! I think forced role lock is still present in Practice vs AI. I heard that Blizzard said that they will look foward to fix Practice vs AI and revert it back like it was before. Sadly, Practice vs AI has a very high amount of leavers because of this bug.

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Actually not yet I played Practice vs AI minutes ago and its still there

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So are they going to remove this from AI? I just got on to screw around with a friend and ended up forced into tank role twice. I quit playing, that’s not what I wanted to do. There is literally no reason to force role lock in bots.

The Role Lock without Role Queue in Vs. AI was not intended, much like how it was not intended in Quick Play when the new patch launched. It was easy for them to fix the Quick Play, but for some reason the bug with Vs. AI will take a patch to correct.


I was going to say: “Yeah. Away with 2-2-2 in vs AI !”
Because who cares… you can win with any comp, really.

But. On second thought.
You indeed will have a proper team comp then in vs. AI.
And at least get a glimpse of what an actual OW match is intended to be.
So there could as well be “vs AI” players who want a reasonable comp.
Just because why not?

So, I can see pros and cons here.
Not sure what’s right.
In QP, people probably also gravitate towards 2-2-2 being a good thing.
So it’s not just a troll mode.

Maybe Hard I get but Easy/Medium? I don’t see the reason to practice role q in a mode where A bastion can 1v6. Or better yet a afk torb/Symmetra can still be on fire w/ their turrets c:

I’d say VS AI is more about practicing aim and different heroes, not about practicing what team comps ‘work’ in a real match. I end up playing a lot of VS AI games where we all pick a DPS and it works fine. It’s a chill way to wrap up an evening of gaming. VS AI doesn’t need role lock. I hope once this is patched out, it doesn’t come back like how they are going to do for QP. (I’m fine with it in QP!)

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