Role Queue Update

I have gotten two occasions of triple kill final blows with Sigma’s ultimate in Role Queue Beta but havent recieved the achievment on ps4. Is this a problem with PSN or a bug with the game?

Then surely she should be in Damage rather than Tank. :wink:

Can you fix the mistake where we do have a role queue in the training? People want to play training without 222 because its just a logic. Because its just a training, right? I want to train any role without this strange updates. Actualy would be great to delete any limits on characters. 6 D.Va characters in a training match is ok. Two damn weeks I want to play damage, but someone always is faster in choosing. So everything i can say -"if i cant play damage, I will play healer as a damage, but I will not heal you guys, dont blame me for that. It isn`t my mistake". Have a good one.

Is it just me or did Scott just ignore all the comments against Role Lock and not even address any major problems in the slightest?

Aside from queue times which the stats that were issued are clearly false.


There were two groups of people. Those who saw how long the post was and thanked them for communicating… And those who actually read it. You are the latter, naturally.


There have been multiple threads in the bug report forum about Achievements not unlocking in Competitive. I think this has to do with how Role Queue Beta is setup similar to that of an arcade competitive mode (same reason why win rates are not showing in the career profile). This is a speculation on my part of course. No confirmation made in any forum thread from what I have seen.

This is a bug that Blizzard is aware of the issues of role lock without any role selection affecting the Practice Vs. AI modes. Unfortunately, they stated it will take an actual game client patch to fix.

EDIT/UPDATE, Just as I posted that response we got the Game Client update fixing this issue.


I’ve been wondering if I dare go through and quote the post and make replies individually.

Like the:

“You can no longer get matched with players that don’t want to play Tank”.

I don’t want to wait 10 min to play so I’m going to pick everything and hit ready.

gets tank

Fine but your not going to like it…

Honestly this is one the the problems I have with the devs when they post.
I like the communication and it is nice to know that they are still alive even though some decisions may indicate otherwise.

The thing is that they seem to never address problems people have and only seem to notice responses that praise them.


I have too, but I’m pretty sure they would just ignore me completely and brush whatever I have to say aside since I disagree with them

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The official post about role queue used the words SR, Skill Rating and MMR several times before bringing up “Competitive Season Stats” once. Now if you talk to me about Competitive Season Stats, I’m thinking about the stats of my comp seasons, all those % and damage/min etc… Especially if you brought up SR/MMR before as a different thing but somehow some players not only misread it but argued and spread that misinformation on blizzard/reddit/twitch and even now some are blaming blizzard for being the one that’s misleading lol.


This place is not renowned for reading comprehension and now they making me have to defend Blizzard. Smh. Never thought it would come down to that.

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I broke down the two statements in question. The only portion that could be “left to the imagination” is whether or not you believe MMR (a stat) should be lumped into the stats Blizzard said they were getting rid of.

I have no beef with how Blizzard wanted to run their Beta season, but they definitely could have been more up front with what data would remain as part of your account.

One doesn’t make a post to explain that the players MMR/SR will be carried over from the Beta season unless the need arises. I guess Blizzard was on a forums, reddit, in game chat vacation for two damn weeks and simply didn’t see what the majority of the community was saying in regard to their Beta* season.

*Never seen a Beta test move forward with results derived from Beta and applied to the Beta testers (Overwatch Community).


Fair enough. The use of the word beta is utterly nonsensical. I will give you that. Testing it on the PTR and then also “testing” it on live is equally stupid.

But fam, they never refer to MMR data as stats. Stats, especially with context to the career profile, are not hidden. Maybe I caught on easier than most because as a stats fiend, they have bothered me left and right. Some modes like Total Mayhem or No Limits, arguably two of the most popular, do not count. Mystery Heroes… It counts. Did you know during the second Lunar New Year event we had no stats recorded for about 2 weeks and then they arbitrarily started recording them. It actually messed up a one trick account I was leveling for comp (queue tiniest violin).

So the second they said “stats” and “temporary” it probably triggered me to hyper fixate on that possibility that my precious stats would not be available. It probably helped that I do not care about MMR.

I suppose my point is that you could tell what they are talking about, but they definitely could have made it more clear. Have you ever read law? Some of them… It is like, you could have wrote that in one direct sentence but it is a paragraph with irrelevant information. Blizzard did that. You needed to really pay attention because they do not write concisely. Look at how long their post is and look at what was actually said. Those fruitcake are bound to confuse people just skimming through.

I cannot, in good conscience, blame them, however. You should not HAVE to read a blog post carefully. But Blizzard is Blizzard. None of it is logical.

I find it hard to believe, I mean real hard, that people by and large didn’t misinterpret it, and somehow Blizzard didn’t know.

I feel slighted that I took part in their Beta, with Sigma, and recorded stats.

Record the stats without the new hero and you have deal. Add the new hero and get rid of the stats, you have a deal. It is only reasonable to believe that because of Sigma being added the season was going to be erased. Even in this though we, who thought this to be the single factor for erasure, wasn’t the case.

I didn’t read it at all. Sigma being added was the focal point for me.

This is a sad reminder to me, I guess I forgot for a moment.


That’s insanity.

You know, I kept telling people it would be the case, but I got told it can’t be because it wasn’t explicitly stated, Sigma was available immediately, it’s called a “beta season,” stats won’t be in our profiles… All those logical arguments. People reasonably assumed this is simply a test for the system that would not count for the future seasons.

People didn’t play as seriously as they would’ve because of it. I’ve had multiple people say I should relax since the beta doesn’t matter. I’ve had throwers and leavers. People messing around, testing stuff they don’t know how to play, trying out Sigma for the first time. I lost 6 placements in a row to throwers who kept insisting nothing matters and they just want to practice a hero for a little bit. I still got ranked generally around the same as usual (I guess because I personally performed well, but loss is a loss), but I do know for a fact that I would’ve gotten higher had it not been for these throwers operating under the assumption that the beta season doesn’t matter.

So now my "personal skill" is going to be determined by these two weeks of absolute insanity, forcing me to grind my way up yet again once season 18 is out because this supposedly serious game mode is devoid of any rules, proper communication and fixes. One step forward, two steps back.

Now I’m wondering why I even bothered with the beta. It would’ve been better to just start clean in season 18 instead of completely ruining all my hard work of the past few seasons by two weeks of people not caring because they were unaware of how important the beta is going to be.

Thanks! I hate it.


Oh, they absolutely did. Some Overwatch YouTubers even made videos misinterpreting the post and telling tens of thousands of people that none of it counted.

So do I and I knew what I was getting myself into. A complete and utter waste of time.

I just want my career profile to catalogue my time played. But yeah, I guess I could live without Sigma. It would have saved me hours going for the achievement.

Well… There you go. Rofl.

True, true.

They did it around an hour ago. Was patched,was fixed. Now it is ok. Thanks.

That has been my problem I just play some QP here and there. I do not have the urge to play the game knowing the stats will disappear. It is going to be a long 3 or 4 days. However many more we need until we stop “beta” testing.

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I wanted to grind up the last few days of beta just to test it further and get some practice with the system itself, get used to what works and what doesn’t, but now I’m reluctant to touch it ever again, lest I drop due to people being unaware this will count for season 18.

My duo and I personally gave our best, but unfortunately we were in the minority. I haven’t seen this many throwers ever before and I’ve been playing comp since day 1. It’s seriously sad and disappointing. I assumed beta would count, but it’s very clear that the majority hasn’t and I can’t blame them because the clarification was too ambiguous and misinformation has been spread around from multiple sources until literally today.

My main issue was their release of Sigma into the beta despite new heroes being locked from comp for 2 weeks. That absolutely shouldn’t have happened.


People complain about throwers with sigma, and because of beta season, but, statistically, it is more likely for a thrower to be on the enemy team, as they have 6 random players and you have you + 5 random players. No one who belongs at a rank will drop out (over a large sample size) because of throwers.