Record broken - over 600 games

Post all 600 replays

I could but if I did they’d accuse me of “promoting my stream”. I don’t even have a stream other than to record this stuff for proof. But that’s what people want to say, so I can’t post them for you.

However, I challenge ANYONE – even t500 players – to queue with me. You CANNOT WIN EVEN A SINGLE GAME while queued with me. I guarantee it.


You should try the OW2 beta. I bet you’d have a blast and a new record to break!

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I’m sure it’s the same crappy matchmaker there as here. Blizzard has absolutely no idea how to create a fair matchmaker. I once again offer to do it for them for FREE, but of course they don’t read these forums so they won’t accept the offer.

BTW just hit 630. This is going way faster than usual.

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fail troll attempt…
but if it’s somehow true (impossible) then YOU’RE the common denominator

instead of blaming others for a loss take a look at yourself…it’s arrogant to think you’ve never made a mistake


Bestie aren’t you tired of keeping this troll-thing up for idk how long? Idk when it was but you posted your twitch here and it showed you were literally straight up throwing or even leaving multiple games lmao :sob:


Blizz show mercy, this poor man has lost like 10,000 games in a row since 2018 :tired_face: :weary: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :skull_and_crossbones:
1 upvote = 1 win :pray:


well pve is right around the corner… maybe you’ll have more success there. if you lose 1000s of easy games against a.i then i dont know what too tell you :upside_down_face:

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Please show where I ever said that. I’ve always maintained I’m literally the worst player in OW. Nobody even comes close. What I’m asking for is ONE game where my team has an ACTUAL CHANCE to win. My beef is with the matchmaker, not my teams.

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its possible if they are throwing every match

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I’ve seen him play. He idles half the time calling the game unwinnable. I saw him 3 games in a row get “you’re about to get removed for inactivity”.


I’ve seen him play. He idles half the time calling the game unwinnable. I saw him 3 games in a row get “you’re about to get removed for inactivity”.

That’s because you only watch the games where I’ve given up hope. I play WAY more games than you’ve watched and in most of them I never say a word. The results are the same though, which is my friggin’ point. Whether I try hard or not, there is ZERO chance I will EVER win a match.

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Sorry dude. You said how they were unwinnable like you’re doing in this very thread. But I’ve seen it first hand. Those games were very winnable. You just kept going idle, even when you were up players. The reason they’re ‘unwinnable’ is because you keep putting your team into 5v6s.


So are you just gonna ignore my response above?

Where I compiled some of your topics from the past 4 years claiming you lost in-total about 10,000 matches in a row so far lol.

I’m just gonna keep adding your monthly “I lost 600 games in a row” topics to my growing Ethernyet loss Wiki >:)


Maybe you should try using Bastion. Surely that will help you win games



Either you’re trolling, or you might be the bottom .0001% percentile lol. I play arcade drunk and/or high af and still win 60-70% not even trying lmao.


Fine, let’s prove it. Queue with me in any game mode and you will experience nothing but losses while you’re high/drunk.

Those games were very winnable. You just kept going idle, even when you were up players.

Sorry but you don’t get to judge these things unless you’re there at the time they’re happening. Anyone can back-seat drive after the fact, but unless you’re there live, you know nothing.

And like I said, you’re free to watch me try hard and not type anything in chat. The results are exactly the same – and that’s my point. It doesn’t matter whether I try or not, the games are unwinnable.

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yeah, matches have been EXTREMELY unpleasant lately. they are imbalanced because of a massive influx of people buying alt accounts.

At this point the system isn’t even balancing anymore.

I contend it never was. Based on 5+ years of never getting a fair match, in ANY game mode.


I don’t believe you. This kind of comment comes from at least 1 person, sometimes more every time you post this topic, which feels like daily at this point.

I sincerely doubt it’s only once in a while at this rate.